Ruby用户指南3、开始4、简单的例子5、字符串6、正则表达式7、数组8、回到那些简单的例子9、流程控制10、迭代器11、面向对象思维12、方法13、类14、继承15、重载方法16、访问控制17、单态方法18、模块19、过程对象20、变量21、全局变量22、实变量23、局部变量24、类常量25、异常处理:rescue26、异常处理:ensure27、存取器28、对象的初始化29、杂项RGSS入门教程1、什么是RGSS2、开始:最简单的脚本3、数据类型:数字4、数据类型:常量与变量5、数据类型:字符串6、控制语句:条件分歧语句7、控制语句:循环8、函数9、对象与类10、显示图片11、数组12、哈希表(关联数组)13、类14、数据库15、游戏对象16、精灵的管理17、窗口的管理18、活动指令19、场景类Programming Ruby的翻译Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide前言RoadmapRuby.new类,对象和变量容器Containers,块Blocks和迭代Iterators标准类型深入方法表达式Expressions异常,捕捉和抛出(已经开始,by jellen)模块基本输入输出线程和进程当遭遇挫折Ruby和它的世界Ruby和Web开发Ruby TkRuby 和微软的 Windows扩展RubyRuby语言 (by jellen)类和对象 (by jellen)Ruby安全反射Reflection内建类和方法标准库OO设计网络和Web库Windows支持内嵌文档交互式Ruby Shell支持Ruby参考手册Ruby首页卷首语Ruby的启动环境变量对象执行结束时的相关处理线程安全模型正则表达式字句构造程序变量和常数字面值操作符表达式控制结构方法调用类/方法的定义内部函数内部变量内部常数内部类/模块/异常类附加库Ruby变更记录ruby 1.6 特性ruby 1.7 特性Ruby术语集Ruby的运行平台pack模板字符串sprintf格式Marshal格式Ruby FAQRuby的陷阱

Network and Web Libraries

Ruby provides two levels of access to network services. At a low level, you can access the basic socket support in the underlying operating system, which allows you to implement clients and servers for both connection-oriented and connectionless protocols. These are documented in the next section.

Ruby also has libraries that provide higher-level access to specific application-level network protocols, such as FTP, HTTP, and so on. These are documented starting on page 482.

Finally, the CGI libraries, documented beginning on page 497, provide server-side developers with a convenient interface for developing Web applications.

Socket-Level Access

Sockets are the endpoints of a bidirectional communications channel. Sockets may communicate within a process, between processes on the same machine, or between processes on different continents. Sockets may be implemented over a number of different channel types: Unix domain sockets, TCP, UDP, and so on. The socket library provides specific classes for handling the common transports as well as a generic interface for handling the rest. All functionality in the socket library is accessible through a single extension library. Access it using

require 'socket'

Sockets have their own vocabulary:

The family of protocols that will be used as the transport mechanism. These values are constants such as PF_INET, PF_UNIX, PF_X25, and so on.
The type of communications between the two endpoints, typically SOCK_STREAM for connection-oriented protocols and SOCK_DGRAM for connectionless protocols.
Typically zero, this may be used to identify a variant of a protocol within a domain and type.
The identifier of a network interface:
  • a string, which can be a host name, a dotted-quad address, or an IPV6 address in colon (and possibly dot) notation,
  • the string ``<broadcast>'', which specifies an INADDR_BROADCAST address,
  • a zero-length string, which specifies INADDR_ANY, or
  • an Integer, interpreted as a binary address in host byte order.
(sometimes called service) Each server listens for clients calling on one or more ports. A port may be a Fixnum port number, a string containing a port number, or the name of a service.

Sockets are children of class IO. Once a socket has been successfully opened, the conventional I/O methods may be used. However, greater efficiency is sometimes obtained by using socket-specific methods. As with other I/O classes, socket I/O blocks by default. The hierarchy of the socket classes is shown in Figure 26.1 on page 471.

For more information on the use of sockets, see your operating system documentation. You'll also find a comprehensive treatment in W. Richard Stevens, Unix Network Programming, Volumes 1 and 2 .

class BasicSocket
Parent: IO
Version: 1.6


do_not_reverse_lookup do_not_reverse_lookup= lookup_order lookup_order= close_read close_write getpeername getsockname getsockopt recv send setsockopt shutdown

BasicSocket is an abstract base class for all other socket classes.

This class and its subclasses often manipulate addresses using something called a struct sockaddr, which is effectively an opaque binary string.[In reality, it maps onto the underlying C-language struct sockaddr set of structures, documented in the man pages and in the books by Stevens.]

class methods
do_not_reverse_lookup BasicSocket.do_not_reverse_lookup -> true or false

Returns the value of the global reverse lookup flag. If set to true, queries on remote addresses will return the numeric address but not the host name.

do_not_reverse_lookup= BasicSocket.do_not_reverse_lookup = true or false

Sets the global reverse lookup flag.

lookup_order BasicSocket.lookup_order -> aFixnum

Returns the global address lookup order, one of:

Order Families Searched

lookup_order= BasicSocket.lookup_order = aFixnum

Sets the global address lookup order.

instance methods
close_read aSession.close_read -> nil

Closes the readable connection on this socket.

close_write aSession.close_write -> nil

Closes the writable connection on this socket.

getpeername aSession.getpeername -> aString

Returns the struct sockaddr structure associated with the other end of this socket connection.

getsockname aSession.getsockname -> aString

Returns the struct sockaddr structure associated with aSession.

getsockopt aSession.getsockopt( level, optname ) -> aString

Returns the value of the specified option.

recv aSession.recv( len, [, flags ] ) -> aString

Receives up to len bytes from aSession.

send aSession.send( aString, flags, [, to ] ) -> aFixnum

Sends aString over aSession. If specified, to is a struct sockaddr specifying the recipient address. flags are the sum or one or more of the MSG_ options (listed on page 478). Returns the number of characters sent.

setsockopt aSession.setsockopt( level, optname, optval ) -> 0

Sets a socket option. level is one of the socket-level options (listed on page 478). optname and optval are protocol specific---see your system documentation for details.

shutdown aSession.shutdown( how=2 ) -> 0

Shuts down the receive (how == 0), or send (how == 1), or both (how == 2), parts of this socket.

class IPSocket
Parent: BasicSocket
Version: 1.6


getaddress addr peeraddr

Class IPSocket is a base class for sockets using IP as their transport. TCPSocket and UDPSocket are based on this class.

class methods
getaddress IPSocket.getaddress( hostName ) -> aString

Returns the dotted-quad IP address of hostName.

a = IPSocket.getaddress('www.ruby-lang.org')