Man oh man, how I love Codecademy! If you have no experience with code, or just want to review your skills, the interactive lessons take you step-by-step!
If you get stuck, click the "Q&A Forum" button. People will ask about the common mistakes (such as forgetting to close the quotations marks).
Some of the lessons are translated into Chinese, but still, can somebody please make a Chinese Codecademy already!
1. watch和fork的次数多
2. 代码量较少
3. 自己比较感兴趣(比如我很少看web和gui的项目)
手头有这么几本: 1、《简明 Python 教程》(Swaroop, C. H. 著,沈洁元 译) 2、《Python入门》(原著 Guido van Rossum,翻译 李东风) 3、《Python 语言参考手册》(Guido van Rossum) 4、《深入Python (Dive Into Python)》(Mark Pilgrim著,limodou译) 5、《Python v3.0c1 documentation》(官方手册,有中译)
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