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Comment transmettre tout type de valeur de données dans la structure GRPC Protobuf dans Golang ?

2024-02-09 12:12:18716parcourir

如何将任何类型的数据值传递到 Golang 中的 GRPC Protobuf 结构中?

php小编新一为您介绍如何将任何类型的数据值传递到Golang中的GRPC Protobuf结构中。GRPC Protobuf是一种高效的数据传输协议,但是默认情况下只支持有限的数据类型。然而,通过使用自定义的字段类型和值转换方法,我们可以轻松地将任何类型的数据值传递到Protobuf结构中。在本文中,我们将提供一些实用的技巧和示例代码,帮助您在Golang中处理各种数据类型的传递。无论是字符串、数字、布尔值还是自定义的复杂对象,都可以通过这些方法成功传递到GRPC Protobuf结构中。让我们一起来看看吧!


我正在尝试通过 tonutils-go 解析 adnl 库中的数据并通过 grpc 传递数据。


// struct from tonutils-go
type transaction struct {
    _           magic         `tlb:"$0111"`
    accountaddr []byte        `tlb:"bits 256"`
    lt          uint64        `tlb:"## 64"`
    prevtxhash  []byte        `tlb:"bits 256"`
    prevtxlt    uint64        `tlb:"## 64"`
    now         uint32        `tlb:"## 32"`
    outmsgcount uint16        `tlb:"## 15"`
    origstatus  accountstatus `tlb:"."`
    endstatus   accountstatus `tlb:"."`
    io          struct {
        in  *message      `tlb:"maybe ^"`
        out *messageslist `tlb:"maybe ^"`
    } `tlb:"^"`
    totalfees   currencycollection     `tlb:"."`
    stateupdate hashupdate             `tlb:"^"` // of account
    description transactiondescription `tlb:"^"`

    // not in scheme, but will be filled based on request data for flexibility
    hash []byte `tlb:"-"`

type transactiondescription struct {
    description any `tlb:"."`

type transactiondescriptionordinary struct {
    _            magic         `tlb:"$0000"`
    creditfirst  bool          `tlb:"bool"`
    storagephase *storagephase `tlb:"maybe ."`
    creditphase  *creditphase  `tlb:"maybe ."`
    computephase computephase  `tlb:"."`
    actionphase  *actionphase  `tlb:"maybe ^"`
    aborted      bool          `tlb:"bool"`
    bouncephase  *bouncephase  `tlb:"maybe ."`
    destroyed    bool          `tlb:"bool"`

type computephase struct {
    phase any `tlb:"."`

type computephasevm struct {
    _                magic `tlb:"$1"`
    success          bool  `tlb:"bool"`
    msgstateused     bool  `tlb:"bool"`
    accountactivated bool  `tlb:"bool"`
    gasfees          coins `tlb:"."`
    details          struct {
        gasused          * `tlb:"var uint 7"`
        gaslimit         * `tlb:"var uint 7"`
        gascredit        * `tlb:"maybe var uint 3"`
        mode             int8     `tlb:"## 8"`
        exitcode         int32    `tlb:"## 32"`
        exitarg          *int32   `tlb:"maybe ## 32"`
        vmsteps          uint32   `tlb:"## 32"`
        vminitstatehash  []byte   `tlb:"bits 256"`
        vmfinalstatehash []byte   `tlb:"bits 256"`
    } `tlb:"^"`


message txtest {
   int32 exitcode = 1;


    list, err := api.listtransactions(context.background(), addr, 1, uint64(txinfo.txlt), data)
    if err != nil {
        log.printf("send err: %s", err.error())
        return nil, err
    for _, t := range list {
        a := t.description.description

        var result tlb.transactiondescriptionordinary

        b, err := json.marshalindent(a, "", "  ")
        if err != nil {
            fmt.println("error:", err)
        json.unmarshal([]byte(string(b)), &result)

        var computephase tlb.computephasevm

        c, err := json.marshalindent(result.computephase.phase, "", "  ")
        if err != nil {
            fmt.println("error:", err)

        json.unmarshal([]byte(string(c)), &computephase)

        detail := &pb.txtest{
            exitcode: computephase.details.exitcode,
        detail2 := struct {
            exitcode int32 `json:"exit_code"`
            exitcode: computephase.details.exitcode,

        fmt.printf("detail: %+v\n", detail)
        fmt.printf("detail2: %+v\n", detail2)



  "accountaddr": "hymm1/kk6gb2dlv3zvkiryepkohrtf/jg8k7ttg91sq=",
  "lt": 11898016000001,
  "prevtxhash": "ikgjsxdt0gzijxgnilvxy0+a1ggeqded4f7zaj9dlmc=",
  "prevtxlt": 11897712000001,
  "now": 1685602760,
  "outmsgcount": 1,
  "origstatus": "active",
  "endstatus": "active",
  "io": {
    "in": {
      "msgtype": "external_in",
      "msg": {
        "srcaddr": "none",
        "dstaddr": "eqadiyzx-qroyhymtxfnwqhhiskqgdfmx-mbwru1mb3wxn5d",
        "importfee": "0",
        "stateinit": null,
        "body": {}
    "out": {
      "list": {}
  "totalfees": {
    "coins": "22324812",
    "extracurrencies": {}
  "stateupdate": {
    "oldhash": "wukexyos8hswyqyrlhpmjhpfmusid8odtaq6fy20pyq=",
    "newhash": "e8tn4cp4lakfwvdcgc/vqbz7lzeb4mhjmbrfe8rpsqa="
  "description": {
    "description": {
      "creditfirst": true,
      "storagephase": {
        "storagefeescollected": "484",
        "storagefeesdue": null,
        "statuschange": {
          "type": "unchanged"
      "creditphase": null,
      "computephase": {
        "phase": {
          "success": true,
          "msgstateused": false,
          "accountactivated": false,
          "gasfees": "19862000",
          "details": {
            "gasused": 19862,
            "gaslimit": 0,
            "gascredit": 10000,
            "mode": 0,
            "exitcode": 0,
            "exitarg": null,
            "vmsteps": 404,
            "vminitstatehash": "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa=",
            "vmfinalstatehash": "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa="
      "actionphase": {
        "success": true,
        "valid": true,
        "nofunds": false,
        "statuschange": {
          "type": "unchanged"
        "totalfwdfees": "1000000",
        "totalactionfees": "333328",
        "resultcode": 0,
        "resultarg": null,
        "totalactions": 1,
        "specactions": 0,
        "skippedactions": 0,
        "messagescreated": 1,
        "actionlisthash": "fkoo2xx9ju4yxtgjlrujvayrrwtryhebkuywuyg9av4=",
        "totalmsgsize": {
          "cells": 1,
          "bits": 697
      "aborted": false,
      "bouncephase": null,
      "destroyed": false
  "hash": "vmxfrkfietmaihm3brtvhskaide1ckgrw8rqbvarjtq="

detaildetail2 的输出为:

detail2: {ExitCode:0}

我的问题是为什么 protoc 生成的结构无法从 transaction 解析 exitcode 但我定义的结构可以正常工作?

如何将数据注入到protoc生成的struct txtest中,让我通过grpc传输数据?


使用 0 以外的退出代码值尝试此操作,我猜您会得到不同的结果。

看看您生成的代码。我相信发生的事情是 fmt.Printf 正在为您的原型结构调用生成的 String() 方法,它使用 prototext 包来打印消息的内容,而不是默认的 Go 结构打印机。

这是 proto3预期行为int320 和空字段之间没有区别。

Ce qui précède est le contenu détaillé de. pour plus d'informations, suivez d'autres articles connexes sur le site Web de PHP en chinois!

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