Percona is glad to announce the release of Percona Server5.5.37-35.0 on May 6th, 2014(Downloads are available here and from the Percona Software Repositories). Based on MySQL 5.5.37, including all the bug fixes in it, Percona Server 5.5.37-35.0 is now the current stable release in the 5.5 series. All of Percona‘s software is open-source and free, all the details of the release can be found in the 5.5.37-35.0 milestone at Launchpad.
New Features:
Percona Servernow supportsMetrics for scalability measurement.
Percona Servernow supportsAudit Log Plugin.
Percona Serverpackages are now available forUbuntu14.04.
Bugs Fixed:
Percona Servercouldn’t be built withBison3.0. Bug fixed#1262439, upstream#71250.
- Backported the upstream fix for overflow which would caused replication SQL thread to fail to execute events. Bug fixed#1070255(upstream#67352).
Percona Serverdebug packages were not built for the previous releases. Bug fixed#1298352.
- Queries that no longer exceed
were written to the slow query log if they matched the previouslong_query_time
value whenslow_query_log_use_global_controlvariable was set toall
. Bug fixed#1016991.
- When writing audit plugins it was not possible to get notifications for general-log events without enabling the general-log. Bug fixed#1182535(upstream#60782).
did not correctly parseflush_cachesandnuma_interleaveoptions. Bug fixed#1231110.
- Thread Poolwould handle a new client connection without notifying Audit Plugin. Bug fixed#1282008.
- Fixed a performance issue in extending tablespaces if running under fusionIO withatomic writesenabled. Bug fixed#1286114(Jan Lindström).
- Previous implementation of thelog_slow_rate_typeset to query withlog_slow_rate_limitfeature would log every nth query deterministically instead of each query having a 1/n probability to get logged. Fixed by randomly selecting the queries to be logged instead of logging every nth query. Bug fixed#1287650.
Percona Serversource files were referencingMaatkitinstead ofPercona Toolkit. Bug fixed#1174779.
- Maximum allowed value forlog_slow_rate_limitwas
(ie. eitheror, depending on the platform). As it was unreasonable to configure the slow log for every four billionth session/query, new maximum allowed value is set to. Bug fixed#1290714.
Other bugs fixed:#1272732.
Release notes forPercona Server5.5.37-35.0 are available in ouronline documentation. Bugs can be reported on thelaunchpad bug tracker.
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