Maison >base de données >tutoriel mysql >C3P0连接池配置解决MySQL连接的空闲时间超过8小时后自动断开连接_MySQL
相信使用MySQL作为数据库的程序猿们大多数都会遇到这个问题,我也不例外,网上有很多解决方案,出现这个问题的原因我就不说明了,网上都解释得很清楚,大概就是MySQL 的默认设置下,当一个连接的空闲时间超过8小时后,MySQL 就会断开该连接,而 c3p0 连接池则以为该被断开的连接依然有效。在这种情况下,如果客户端代码向 c3p0 连接池请求连接的话,连接池就会把已经失效的连接返回给客户端,客户端在使用该失效连接的时候即抛出异常。
<bean id="dataSource" class="com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource"> <!--定义所有连接测试都执行的测试语句。在使用连接测试的情况下这个显著提高测试速度。默认null--> <property name="preferredTestQuery" value="select 1"></property> <!--每6个小时检查所有连接池中的空闲连接,这个值一定要小于MySQL的wait_timeout时间,默认为8小时。默认0 --> <property name="idleConnectionTestPeriod" value="21600"></property></bean>以上代码只是C3P0配置的一部分,其他配置连接、驱动等就不贴出来了,你们懂的。
打开MySQL命了窗口,输入show variables like '%timeout%';回车,即可查看是否设置生效,如果未生效,还是28800,则检查是否同时也设置了interactive_timeout。
The last packet successfully received from the server was 661,156 milliseconds ago. The last packet sent successfully to the server was 661,157 milliseconds ago. is longer than the server configured value of 'wait_timeout'. You should consider either expiring and/or testing connection validity before use in your application, increasing the server configured values for client timeouts, or using the Connector/J connection property 'autoReconnect=true' to avoid this problem.;
SQL []; The last packet successfully received from the server was 661,156 milliseconds ago. The last packet sent successfully to the server was 661,157 milliseconds ago. is longer than the server configured value of 'wait_timeout'. You should consider either expiring and/or testing connection validity before use in your application, increasing the server configured values for client timeouts, or using the Connector/J connection property 'autoReconnect=true' to avoid this problem.;
nested exception is com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: The last packet successfully received from the server was 661,156 milliseconds ago. The last packet sent successfully to the server was 661,157 milliseconds ago. is longer than the server configured value of 'wait_timeout'. You should consider either expiring and/or testing connection validity before use in your application, increasing the server configured values for client timeouts, or using the Connector/J connection property 'autoReconnect=true' to avoid this problem.