Maison >base de données >tutoriel mysql >Afficher toutes les tables de la base de données MySQL en utilisant Java ?
Ici, nous verrons comment afficher toutes les tables de la base de données MySQL en utilisant Java. Vous pouvez utiliser la commande show dans MySQL pour obtenir toutes les tables d'une base de données MySQL.
Supposons que notre base de données soit "test". Le code Java est le suivant, qui affiche tous les noms de tables dans la base de données "test".
Le code Java est le suivant. Ici, la connexion est établie entre MySQL et Java -
import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import com.mysql.jdbc.Connection; import com.mysql.jdbc.DatabaseMetaData; public class GetAllTables { public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException { Connection conn = null; try { try { Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } conn = (Connection) DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/test", "Manish", "123456"); System.out.println("Connection is created succcessfully:"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } ResultSet rs = null; DatabaseMetaData meta = (DatabaseMetaData) conn.getMetaData(); rs = meta.getTables(null, null, null, new String[] { "TABLE" }); int count = 0; System.out.println("All table names are in test database:"); while ( { String tblName = rs.getString("TABLE_NAME"); System.out.println(tblName); count++; } System.out.println(count + " Rows in set "); } }
Ce qui suit est le résultat montrant toutes les tables du test de la base de données -
Wed Dec 12 14:55:28 IST 2018 WARN: Establishing SSL connection without server's identity verification is not recommended. According to MySQL 5.5.45+, 5.6.26+ and 5.7.6+ requirements SSL connection must be established by default if explicit option isn't set. For compliance with existing applications not using SSL the verifyServerCertificate property is set to 'false'. You need either to explicitly disable SSL by setting useSSL = false, or set useSSL = true and provide truststore for server certificate verification. Connection is created succcessfully: All table names are in test database: add30minutesdemo addcolumn addoneday agecalculatesdemo aliasdemo allcharacterbeforespace allownulldemo appendingdatademo autoincrementdemo betweendatedemo bigintandintdemo bigintdemo bookdatedemo changecolumnpositiondemo changeenginetabledemo charsetdemo concatenatetwocolumnsdemo constraintdemo cumulativesumdemo currentdatetimedemo customers dateasstringdemo dateformatdemo dateinsertdemo datesofoneweek datetimedemo dayofweekdemo decimaltointdemo decrementdemo defaultdemo deleteallfromtable deletemanyrows destination differencetimestamp distinctdemo employee employeedesignation findlowercasevalue generatingnumbersdemo gmailsignin groupbytwofieldsdemo groupmonthandyeardemo highestidorderby highestnumberdemo ifnulldemo increasevarchardemo insert insertignoredemo insertwithmultipleandsigle int11demo intvsintanythingdemo lasttwocharacters likebinarydemo likedemo maxlengthfunctiondemo moviecollectiondemo myisamtoinnodbdemo newtableduplicate notequalsdemo nowandcurdatedemo nthrecorddemo nullandemptydemo orderbycharacterlength orderbynullfirstdemo orderindemo originaltable parsedatedemo passinganarraydemo persons prependstringoncolumnname pricedemo queryresultdemo replacedemo rowexistdemo rowpositiondemo rowwithsamevalue safedeletedemo searchtextdemo selectdataonyearandmonthdemo selectdistincttwocolumns selectdomainnameonly sha256demo skiplasttenrecords sortcolumnzeroatlastdemo storedproctable stringreplacedemo stringtodate student studentdemo studentmodifytabledemo studenttable subtract3hours temporarycolumnwithvaluedemo timetosecond timetoseconddemo toggledemo toogledemo truncatetabledemo updatealldemo updatevalueincrementally wheredemo wholewordmatchdemo zipcodepadwithzerodemo 103 Rows in set
Pour effectuer une vérification croisée, utilisez la commande MySQL show pour afficher toutes les tables de la base de données " test". La requête est la suivante -
mysql> use test; Database changed mysql> show tables;
Ce qui suit est le résultat -
+------------------------------+ | Tables_in_test | +------------------------------+ | add30minutesdemo | | addcolumn | | addoneday | | agecalculatesdemo | | aliasdemo | | allcharacterbeforespace | | allownulldemo | | appendingdatademo | | autoincrementdemo | | betweendatedemo | | bigintandintdemo | | bigintdemo | | bookdatedemo | | changecolumnpositiondemo | | changeenginetabledemo | | charsetdemo | | concatenatetwocolumnsdemo | | constraintdemo | | cumulativesumdemo | | currentdatetimedemo | | customers | | dateasstringdemo | | dateformatdemo | | dateinsertdemo | | datesofoneweek | | datetimedemo | | dayofweekdemo | | decimaltointdemo | | decrementdemo | | defaultdemo | | deleteallfromtable | | deletemanyrows | | destination | | differencetimestamp | | distinctdemo | | employee | | employeedesignation | | findlowercasevalue | | generatingnumbersdemo | | gmailsignin | | groupbytwofieldsdemo | | groupmonthandyeardemo | | highestidorderby | | highestnumberdemo | | ifnulldemo | | increasevarchardemo | | insert | | insertignoredemo | | insertwithmultipleandsigle | | int11demo | | intvsintanythingdemo | | lasttwocharacters | | likebinarydemo | | likedemo | | maxlengthfunctiondemo | | moviecollectiondemo | | myisamtoinnodbdemo | | newtableduplicate | | notequalsdemo | | nowandcurdatedemo | | nthrecorddemo | | nullandemptydemo | | orderbycharacterlength | | orderbynullfirstdemo | | orderindemo | | originaltable | | parsedatedemo | | passinganarraydemo | | persons | | prependstringoncolumnname | | pricedemo | | queryresultdemo | | replacedemo | | rowexistdemo | | rowpositiondemo | | rowwithsamevalue | | safedeletedemo | | searchtextdemo | | selectdataonyearandmonthdemo | | selectdistincttwocolumns | | selectdomainnameonly | | sha256demo | | skiplasttenrecords | | sortcolumnzeroatlastdemo | | storedproctable | | stringreplacedemo | | stringtodate | | student | | studentdemo | | studentmodifytabledemo | | studenttable | | subtract3hours | | temporarycolumnwithvaluedemo | | timetosecond | | timetoseconddemo | | toggledemo | | toogledemo | | truncatetabledemo | | updatealldemo | | updatevalueincrementally | | wheredemo | | wholewordmatchdemo | | zipcodepadwithzerodemo | +------------------------------+ 103 rows in set (0.01 sec)
Comme vous pouvez le voir ci-dessus, ils donnent tous le même résultat.
Ce qui précède est le contenu détaillé de. pour plus d'informations, suivez d'autres articles connexes sur le site Web de PHP en chinois!