Maison >développement back-end >C++ >En langage C, la fonction pthread_cancel() a pour but d'annuler un thread

En langage C, la fonction pthread_cancel() a pour but d'annuler un thread

2023-09-15 10:13:061386parcourir

En langage C, la fonction pthread_cancel() a pour but dannuler un thread

Le thread_cancel() est utilisé pour annuler un thread particulier par l'identifiant du thread. Cette fonction envoie une demande d'annulation au thread pour terminaison. La syntaxe de pthread_cancel() est comme ci-dessous -

int pthread_cancel(pthread_t th);

Maintenant, voyons voir. comment utiliser cette fonction pour annuler un fil de discussion.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <pthread.h>
int count = 0;
pthread_t sample_thread;
void* thread_one_func(void* p) {
   while (1) {
      printf("This is thread 1</p><p>");
      sleep(1); // wait for 1 seconds
      if (count == 5) {
         //if the counter is 5, then request to cancel thread two and exit from current thread
void* thread_two_func(void* p) {
   sample_thread = pthread_self(); //store the id of thread 2
   while (1) {
      printf("This is thread 2</p><p>");
      sleep(2); // wit for 2 seconds
main() {
   pthread_t t1, t2;
   //create two threads
   pthread_create(&t1, NULL, thread_one_func, NULL);
   pthread_create(&t2, NULL, thread_two_func, NULL);
   //wait for completing threads
   pthread_join(t1, NULL);
   pthread_join(t2, NULL);


This is thread 2
This is thread 1
This is thread 1
This is thread 2
This is thread 1
This is thread 1
This is thread 1
This is thread 2
This is thread 2
This is thread 2
This is thread 2
This is thread 2
This is thread 2
This is thread 2
This is thread 2
This is thread 2
This is thread 2
This is thread 2
This is thread 2

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