Maison >développement back-end >C++ >Imprimez les étapes pour générer un numéro de la forme 2 ^ X - 1 dans un programme C
Étant donné un nombre n, nous devons utiliser l'opération XOR pour imprimer les étapes permettant de transformer le nombre sous la forme 2^X-1.
Continuez l'étape jusqu'à ce que n devienne 2^X-1 et imprimez toutes les étapes
Input: 22 Output: Step 1 : Xor with 15 Step 2: Increase by 1 Step 3 : Xor with 7 Step 4: Increase by 1 Step 5 : Xor with 1 Input:7 Output: No Steps to be performed
int find_leftmost_unsetbit(int n) START STEP 1 : DECLARE AND ASSIGN ind = -1, i = 1 STEP 2 : LOOP WHILE n IF !(n & 1) THEN, ASSIGN ind WITH i END IF INCREMENT i BY 1 LEFT SHIFT n BY 1 END WHILe STEP 3 : RETURN ind STOP void perform_steps(int n) START STEP 1 : DECLARE AND ASSIGN left = find_leftmost_unsetbit(n) STEP 2 : IF left == -1 THEN, PRINT "No Steps to be performed" RETURN END IF STEP 3 : DECLARE AND ASSIGN step = 1 STEP 4 : LOOP WHILE find_leftmost_unsetbit(n) != -1 IF step % 2 == 0 THEN, INCREMENT n BY 1 PRINT "Step n : Increase by 1</p><p>" ELSE DECLARE AND ASSIGN m = find_leftmost_unsetbit(n) AND SET num = (pow(2, m) - 1) SET n = n ^ num PRINT "Step N : Xor with Num END IF INCREMENT step BY 1 END LOOP STOP
#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> //To find the leftmost bit int find_leftmost_unsetbit(int n){ int ind = -1; int i = 1; while (n) { if (!(n & 1)) ind = i; i++; n >>= 1; } return ind; } void perform_steps(int n){ // Find the leftmost unset bit int left = find_leftmost_unsetbit(n); //If there is no bit if (left == -1) { printf("No Steps to be performed</p><p>"); return; } // To count the number of steps int step = 1; // Iterate till number is in form of 2^x - 1 while (find_leftmost_unsetbit(n) != -1) { // if the step is even then increase by 1 if (step % 2 == 0) { n += 1; printf("Step %d: Increase by 1</p><p>", step); } // if the step is odd then xor with 2^m-1 else { // Finding the leftmost unset bit int m = find_leftmost_unsetbit(n); int num = (int)(pow(2, m) - 1); n = n ^ num; printf("Step %d : Xor with %d</p><p>", step, num); } // To increase the steps step += 1; } } int main(){ int n = 22; perform_steps(n); return 0; }
Si nous exécutons le programme ci-dessus, il générera le résultat suivant -
Step 1 : Xor with 15 Step 2 : Increase by 1 Step 3 : Xor with 7 Step 4 : Increase by 1 Step 5 : Xor with 1
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