Maison >développement back-end >Tutoriel Python >A quoi sert la bibliothèque gitlab en python
Vous devez d'abord installer la bibliothèque python-gitlab
sudo pip install --upgrade python-gitlab
git clone cd python-gitlab sudo python install
首先需要对环境进行配置才能使用 cli ,需要提供一个配置文件,指明 gitlab server 信息以及连接参数,配置文件格式为 INI
[global] default = somewhere ssl_verify = true timeout = 5 [somewhere] url = private_token = vTbFeqJYCY3sibBP7BZM api_version = 4 [elsewhere] url = private_token = CkqsjqcQSFH5FQKDccu4 timeout = 1
其中 global
部分是必须提供的,主要是连接 gitlab 的参数
其他部分是可选,当没有配置时默认用的是 default
使用过程中可以通过 -g
指定具体使用的是那一节,如 gitlab -g somewhere project list
本文使用的配置文件如下 :
[global] ssl_verify = true timeout = 5 [gitlab] url = private_token = xxxxxx api_version = 4
配置文件可以通过以下几种方法生效 :
放在系统配置下 /etc/python-gitlab.cfg
放在当前用户 home 目录下 ~/.python-gitlab.cfg
通过命令行指定 -c
或者 --config-file
本文的配置文件放在了 home 下。
列出所有的 project (分页返回)
# 上面定义了一个 gitlab 的组,所以执行时可以通过 -g 指定 gitlab -g gitlab project list
列出所有的 project
gitlab -g gitlab project list --all
试到这里有个疑问,怎么知道 gitlab
gitlab -g gitlab # 以下是输出 usage: gitlab [-h] [--version] [-v] [-d] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [-g GITLAB] [-o {json,legacy,yaml}] [-f FIELDS] {application-settings,audit-event,broadcast-message,current-user,current-user-email,current-user-gp-gkey,current-user-key,current-user-status,deploy-key,dockerfile,event,feature,geo-node,gitignore,gitlabciyml,group,group-access-request,group-badge,group-board,group-board-list,group-cluster,group-custom-attribute,group-epic,group-epic-issue,group-epic-resource-label-event,group-issue,group-label,group-member,group-merge-request,group-milestone,group-notification-settings,group-project,group-subgroup,group-variable,hook,issue,l-da-pgroup,license,merge-request,namespace,notification-settings,pages-domain,project,project-access-request,project-additional-statistics,project-approval,project-approval-rule,project-badge,project-board,project-board-list,project-branch,project-cluster,project-commit,project-commit-comment,project-commit-discussion,project-commit-discussion-note,project-commit-status,project-custom-attribute,project-deployment,project-environment,project-event,project-export,project-file,project-fork,project-hook,project-import,project-issue,project-issue-award-emoji,project-issue-discussion,project-issue-discussion-note,project-issue-link,project-issue-note,project-issue-note-award-emoji,project-issue-resource-label-event,project-issues-statistics,project-job,project-key,project-label,project-member,project-merge-request,project-merge-request-approval,project-merge-request-award-emoji,project-merge-request-diff,project-merge-request-discussion,project-merge-request-discussion-note,project-merge-request-note,project-merge-request-note-award-emoji,project-merge-request-resource-label-event,project-milestone,project-note,project-notification-settings,project-pages-domain,project-pipeline,project-pipeline-job,project-pipeline-schedule,project-pipeline-schedule-variable,project-pipeline-variable,project-protected-branch,project-protected-tag,project-push-rules,project-registry-repository,project-registry-tag,project-release,project-runner,project-service,project-snippet,project-snippet-award-emoji,project-snippet-discussion,project-snippet-discussion-note,project-snippet-note,project-snippet-note-award-emoji,project-tag,project-trigger,project-user,project-variable,project-wiki,runner,runner-job,snippet,todo,user,user-activities,user-custom-attribute,user-email,user-event,user-gp-gkey,user-impersonation-token,user-key,user-project,user-status}
这样可以列出当前 gitlab 支持的资源,知道了支持的资源,那有怎么知道某种资源支持哪些操作的,以 project 为例,
gitlab -g gitlab project # 以下是输出 usage: gitlab project [-h] {list,get,create,update,delete,repository-blob,repository-contributors,delete-merged-branches,share,archive,repository-compare,create-fork-relation,languages,mirror-pull,unarchive,star,search,artifact,trigger-pipeline,repository-archive,delete-fork-relation,repository-raw-blob,repository-tree,unstar,housekeeping,unshare,upload,snapshot,update-submodule,transfer-project} ... gitlab project: error: too few arguments
这样就可以知道 gitlab
支持对何种资源做哪些操作,再通过 --help
gitlab -g gitlab project list --help # 以下是输出 usage: gitlab project list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--search SEARCH] [--owned OWNED] [--starred STARRED] [--archived ARCHIVED] [--visibility VISIBILITY] [--order-by ORDER_BY] [--sort SORT] [--simple SIMPLE] [--membership MEMBERSHIP] [--statistics STATISTICS] [--with-issues-enabled WITH_ISSUES_ENABLED] [--with-merge-requests-enabled WITH_MERGE_REQUESTS_ENABLED] [--with-custom-attributes WITH_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES] [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--all] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --sudo SUDO --search SEARCH --owned OWNED --starred STARRED --archived ARCHIVED --visibility VISIBILITY --order-by ORDER_BY --sort SORT --simple SIMPLE --membership MEMBERSHIP --statistics STATISTICS --with-issues-enabled WITH_ISSUES_ENABLED --with-merge-requests-enabled WITH_MERGE_REQUESTS_ENABLED --with-custom-attributes WITH_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES --page PAGE --per-page PER_PAGE --all
这样就可以很方便的对 gitlab
除了通过命令行操作 gitlab 之外,还可以用编程的方式进行集成,一个常见的场景,要从 gitlab 中下载某个文件
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 from __future__ import print_function import gitlab # 实例化一个 gitlab 对象 url = "" private_token = "xxxxxxxx" gl = gitlab.Gitlab('', private_token=private_token) # 列出所有的项目 projects = gl.projects.list() for project in projects: print(project) # 获取 group id 是 2 的 list group = gl.groups.get(2) for project in group.projects.list(): print(project) # 创建一个用户 user_data = {'email': '', 'username': 'jen', 'name': 'Jen'} user = gl.users.create(user_data) print(user) # 列出 create 和 update 时需要的参数 # get_create_attrs() 创建时需要的参数 # get_update_attrs() 更新时需要的参数 print(gl.projects.get_create_attrs()) (('name',), ('path', 'namespace_id', ...)) # 返回的是两个元组, 第一个 必选的参数,第二个是可选的参数 # 获取 对象的属性 ,如 project project = gl.projects.get(1) print(project.attributes) # 有些对象提供了 gitlab 相关的资源属性 project = gl.projects.get(1) issues = project.issues.list() # python-gitlab 允许向 gitlab 发送任何数据,当发送非法数据或者缺少相关参数时会抛出异常 gl.projects.list(sort='invalid value') # ... # GitlabListError: 400: sort does not have a valid value # 通过 query_parameters 进行传参 当参数和python 关键字冲突时 gl.user_activities.list(from='2019-01-01') ## invalid gl.user_activities.list(query_parameters={'from': '2019-01-01'}) # OK
通过 gitlab raw url 进行下载文件
def download_gitlab_file(url, filename, private_token) : """ 从 gitlab 上下载文件 :param url: gitlab raw url :param filename: 保存到本地的文件名称 :param private_token: :return: """ import gitlab import codecs def writeLinesToFile(filename, lines, append=False, encoding=None): if (append == True): file_mode = "a" else: file_mode = "w" encoding = encoding or 'utf-8' with, file_mode, encoding=encoding) as fp: for line in lines: print(unicode(line), file=fp) url_patterns = url.split("/") if len(url_patterns) < 8 : raise ValueError("url: `{}` 参数不合法,以 / 分隔之后长度必须大于8".format(url)) baseurl = "{}//{}".format(url_patterns[0], url_patterns[2]) namespace = url_patterns[3] project_name = url_patterns[4] branch = url_patterns[6] url_filename = "/".join(url_patterns[7:]) if url_patterns[5] == "-" : branch = url_patterns[7] url_filename = "/".join(url_patterns[8:]) gl = gitlab.Gitlab(str(baseurl), private_token) projects = gl.projects.list(search=project_name) projects = filter(lambda x : x.namespace.get("full_path") == namespace, projects ) if len(projects) == 0 : raise ValueError("根据url 没有找到相应的 project ,请检查当前用户是否有权限或者 url 是否正确 ") project = projects[0] raw_content = project.files.raw(file_path=url_filename, ref=branch) writeLinesToFile(filename, [raw_content]) return raw_content
从 中可以看出
from setuptools import setup from setuptools import find_packages ... setup( name="python-gitlab", ... entry_points={"console_scripts": ["gitlab = gitlab.cli:main"]}, .... )
python-gitlab 采用 setuptools 进行打包,打成的包有两个作用:
当作 python 库使用 (默认)
entry_points={"console_scripts": ["gitlab = gitlab.cli:main"]}
说明可以当作 cli 使用,指令是 gitlab
,真正调用的是 gitlab.cli:main
def main(): import gitlab.v4.cli ... # 可以跳转到这个函数中查看 parser = _get_base_parser(add_help=False) ... def _get_base_parser(add_help: bool = True) -> argparse.ArgumentParser: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( add_help=add_help, description="GitLab API Command Line Interface" ) parser.add_argument("--version", help="Display the version.", action="store_true") parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", "--fancy", help="Verbose mode (legacy format only)", action="store_true", ) ...
这里可以 cli 解析库用的是 argparse
做命令行参数的解析 。
通过 GitlabCLI
class 可以看出
class GitlabCLI(object): def __init__(self, gl, what, action, args): self.cls_name = cli.what_to_cls(what) self.cls = gitlab.v4.objects.__dict__[self.cls_name] self.what = what.replace("-", "_") self.action = action.lower() = gl self.args = args self.mgr_cls = getattr(gitlab.v4.objects, self.cls.__name__ + "Manager") # We could do something smart, like splitting the manager name to find # parents, build the chain of managers to get to the final object. # Instead we do something ugly and efficient: interpolate variables in # the class _path attribute, and replace the value with the result. self.mgr_cls._path = self.mgr_cls._path % self.args self.mgr = self.mgr_cls(gl) if self.mgr_cls._types: for attr_name, type_cls in self.mgr_cls._types.items(): if attr_name in self.args.keys(): obj = type_cls() obj.set_from_cli(self.args[attr_name]) self.args[attr_name] = obj.get()
cli 基本格式为 gitlab what action args
,即上面 cli
章节提到的 gitlab 支持的资源 做什么操作 这个操作对应的参数
def http_request( self, verb: str, path: str, query_data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, post_data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, streamed: bool = False, files: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> requests.Response: """Make an HTTP request to the Gitlab server. Args: verb (str): The HTTP method to call ('get', 'post', 'put', 'delete') path (str): Path or full URL to query ('/projects' or 'http://whatever/v4/api/projecs') query_data (dict): Data to send as query parameters post_data (dict): Data to send in the body (will be converted to json) streamed (bool): Whether the data should be streamed files (dict): The files to send to the server **kwargs: Extra options to send to the server (e.g. sudo) Returns: A requests result object. Raises: GitlabHttpError: When the return code is not 2xx """ query_data = query_data or {} url = self._build_url(path) params: Dict[str, Any] = {} utils.copy_dict(params, query_data) # Deal with kwargs: by default a user uses kwargs to send data to the # gitlab server, but this generates problems (python keyword conflicts # and python-gitlab/gitlab conflicts). # So we provide a `query_parameters` key: if it's there we use its dict # value as arguments for the gitlab server, and ignore the other # arguments, except pagination ones (per_page and page) if "query_parameters" in kwargs: utils.copy_dict(params, kwargs["query_parameters"]) for arg in ("per_page", "page"): if arg in kwargs: params[arg] = kwargs[arg] else: utils.copy_dict(params, kwargs) opts = self._get_session_opts(content_type="application/json") verify = opts.pop("verify") timeout = opts.pop("timeout") # If timeout was passed into kwargs, allow it to override the default timeout = kwargs.get("timeout", timeout) # We need to deal with json vs. data when uploading files if files: json = None if post_data is None: post_data = {} post_data["file"] = files.get("file") post_data["avatar"] = files.get("avatar") data = MultipartEncoder(post_data) opts["headers"]["Content-type"] = data.content_type else: json = post_data data = None # Requests assumes that `.` should not be encoded as %2E and will make # changes to urls using this encoding. Using a prepped request we can # get the desired behavior. # The Requests behavior is right but it seems that web servers don't # always agree with this decision (this is the case with a default # gitlab installation) req = requests.Request(verb, url, json=json, data=data, params=params, **opts) prepped = self.session.prepare_request(req) prepped.url = utils.sanitized_url(prepped.url) settings = self.session.merge_environment_settings( prepped.url, {}, streamed, verify, None ) # obey the rate limit by default obey_rate_limit = kwargs.get("obey_rate_limit", True) # do not retry transient errors by default retry_transient_errors = kwargs.get("retry_transient_errors", False) # set max_retries to 10 by default, disable by setting it to -1 max_retries = kwargs.get("max_retries", 10) cur_retries = 0 ...
, comme ceci Par exemple : 🎜rrreeeLa partie globale
doit être fournie, principalement la paramètres pour se connecter à gitlab🎜
Les autres parties sont facultatives Lorsqu'il n'y a pas de configuration, la valeur par défaut est default🎜
Pendant l'utilisation, vous pouvez spécifier les paramètres spécifiques. un à utiliser via -g
Cette section, telle que gitlab -gwhere project list
Configurer via les variables d'environnement PYTHON_GITLAB_CFG
🎜 li>
Placez-le sous la configuration système /etc /python-gitlab.cfg
Placez-le dans le répertoire personnel de l'utilisateur actuel ~/.python-gitlab.cfg
Spécifiez -c
ou --config-file
via la commande line🎜
Liste de tous les projets (retour dans les pages)🎜rrreee
🎜🎜 li>
Liste de tous les projets🎜rrreee
prend actuellement en charge. ? 🎜rrreee🎜De cette façon, vous pouvez lister les ressources actuellement prises en charge par gitlab, une fois que vous connaissez les ressources prises en charge, comment savoir quelles opérations prennent en charge une certaine ressource, 🎜rrreee🎜De cette façon, vous peut savoir que gitlab code> prend en charge quelles opérations sur quelles ressources, puis grâce à <code>--help
vous pouvez connaître les paramètres spécifiques, tels que 🎜rrreee🎜De cette façon, vous pouvez facilement effectuer des opérations sur gitlab
Exploité. 🎜Utiliser comme bibliothèque python (par défaut)🎜
entry_points={"console_scripts": ["gitlab = gitlab.cli:main"]}
Description peut être utilisé comme cli, la commande est gitlab
, ce qu'on appelle en réalité est la fonction gitlab.cli:main
. À partir du fichier d'entrée, vous pouvez voir🎜rrreee🎜Ici, la bibliothèque d'analyse cli utilise argparse
pour make commandes. Analyse des paramètres de ligne. 🎜🎜On peut voir à partir de la classe GitlabCLI que le format de base de 🎜rrreee🎜cli est gitlab quels arguments d'action
, qui est le ci-dessus cliQuelles opérations sont effectuées sur les ressources supportées par gitlab et les paramètres correspondant à cette opération
🎜🎜Vous pouvez le voir en lisant le fichier client. py 🎜rrreeeCe qui précède est le contenu détaillé de. pour plus d'informations, suivez d'autres articles connexes sur le site Web de PHP en chinois!