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Comment utiliser Python+Pygame pour implémenter le jeu à quatre échecs

2023-05-15 12:43:061409parcourir

1. Explication du jeu

"Zou Si Er" est principalement actif à Jinan, Liaocheng, Heze et dans d'autres endroits de la province du Shandong. C'est un jeu d'échecs, particulièrement adapté aux enfants.

Sur un échiquier 4×4, chaque côté comporte 4 pièces, qui sont placées dans les quatre positions des deux lignes d'extrémité supérieures de l'échiquier. L'image ci-dessous

montre à quoi ressemble le jeu "Go Four" au début.

Comment utiliser Python+Pygame pour implémenter le jeu à quatre échecs

2. Règles du jeu

Les règles du jeu "Go Four" sont :

1. Les deux côtés se déplacent à tour de rôle, et chaque pas ne peut se déplacer que d'une case dans l'une des directions haut, bas, gauche et droite, et ne peut pas se déplacer en diagonale. Si une partie ne peut pas bouger, l’autre partie s’en va.

2. Lorsqu'une des pièces du groupe A se déplace vers une ligne, il n'y a que deux pièces du groupe A et une pièce du groupe B sur cette ligne, et les deux pièces du groupe A sont connectées, et la pièce du groupe B est connectée à l'une des deux pièces du groupe A. . Si les pièces sont connectées, alors la pièce de la partie B sera mangée.

L'image ci-dessous est un exemple des styles qui peuvent être consommés :

Comment utiliser Python+Pygame pour implémenter le jeu à quatre échecs

3. Le camp avec moins de 2 pièces est le perdant. Si aucune des deux équipes ne parvient à battre l’autre, cela peut être considéré comme un match nul.

3. Installation de l'environnement

1) Matériel (images)

Comment utiliser Python+Pygame pour implémenter le jeu à quatre échecs

2) Environnement d'exécution L'environnement utilisé par l'éditeur : Python3, Pycharm Community Edition, Pygame et les parties du module numpy sont inclus et ne seront pas affichés. par un.

Installation du module : pip install -i name

4 Affichage du code

import pygame as pg
from pygame.locals import *
import sys
import time
import numpy as np

size = width, height = 600, 400
screen = pg.display.set_mode(size)
f_clock = pg.time.Clock()
fps = 30
background = pg.image.load("background.png").convert_alpha()
glb_pos = [[(90, 40), (190, 40), (290, 40), (390, 40)],
           [(90, 140), (190, 140), (290, 140), (390, 140)],
           [(90, 240), (190, 240), (290, 240), (390, 240)],
           [(90, 340), (190, 340), (290, 340), (390, 340)]]

class ChessPieces():
    def __init__(self, img_name): = img_name = None
        if == 'heart':
   = 2
        elif == 'spade':
   = 3
        self.img = pg.image.load(img_name + ".png").convert_alpha()
        self.rect = self.img.get_rect()
        self.pos_x, self.pos_y = 0, 0
        self.alive_state = True

    def get_rect(self):
        return (self.rect[0], self.rect[1])

    def get_pos(self):
        return (self.pos_x, self.pos_y)

    def update(self):
        if self.alive_state == True:
            self.rect[0] = glb_pos[self.pos_y][self.pos_x][0]
            self.rect[1] = glb_pos[self.pos_y][self.pos_x][1]
            screen.blit(self.img, self.rect)

class Pointer():
    def __init__(self):
        self.img = pg.image.load("pointer.png").convert_alpha()
        self.rect = self.img.get_rect() = False
        self.selecting_item = False

    def point_to(self, Heart_Blade_class):
        if Heart_Blade_class.alive_state:
            self.pointing_to_item = Heart_Blade_class
            self.item_pos = Heart_Blade_class.get_rect()
            self.rect[0], self.rect[1] = self.item_pos[0], self.item_pos[1] - 24

    def update(self):
        screen.blit(self.img, self.rect)

class GlobalSituation():
    def __init__(self):
        self.glb_situation = np.array([[2, 2, 2, 2],
                                       [0, 0, 0, 0],
                                       [0, 0, 0, 0],
                                       [3, 3, 3, 3]], dtype=np.uint8)
        self.spade_turn = None

    def refresh_situation(self):
        self.glb_situation = np.zeros([4, 4], np.uint8)
        for i in range(4):
            if heart[i].alive_state:
                self.glb_situation[heart[i].pos_y, heart[i].pos_x] = heart[i].id
        for i in range(4):
            if spade[i].alive_state:
                self.glb_situation[spade[i].pos_y, spade[i].pos_x] = spade[i].id
        for i in range(4):
        print('=' * 12)
        if self.spade_turn != None:
            self.spade_turn = not self.spade_turn

    def check_situation(self, moved_item):
        curr_pos_x, curr_pos_y = moved_item.get_pos()
        curr_pos_col = self.glb_situation[:, curr_pos_x]
        curr_pos_raw = self.glb_situation[curr_pos_y, :]
        enemy_die = False
        if == 2:
            if np.sum(curr_pos_col) == 7:
                if (curr_pos_col == np.array([0, 2, 2, 3])).all():
                    enemy_die = True
                    self.glb_situation[3, curr_pos_x] = 0
                    for spade_i in spade:
                        if spade_i.alive_state and spade_i.pos_x == curr_pos_x and spade_i.pos_y == 3:
                            spade_i.alive_state = False
                elif (curr_pos_col == np.array([2, 2, 3, 0])).all():
                    enemy_die = True
                    self.glb_situation[2, curr_pos_x] = 0
                    for spade_i in spade:
                        if spade_i.alive_state and spade_i.pos_x == curr_pos_x and spade_i.pos_y == 2:
                            spade_i.alive_state = False
                elif (curr_pos_col == np.array([0, 3, 2, 2])).all():
                    enemy_die = True
                    self.glb_situation[1, curr_pos_x] = 0
                    for spade_i in spade:
                        if spade_i.alive_state and spade_i.pos_x == curr_pos_x and spade_i.pos_y == 1:
                            spade_i.alive_state = False
                elif (curr_pos_col == np.array([3, 2, 2, 0])).all():
                    enemy_die = True
                    self.glb_situation[0, curr_pos_x] = 0
                    for spade_i in spade:
                        if spade_i.alive_state and spade_i.pos_x == curr_pos_x and spade_i.pos_y == 0:
                            spade_i.alive_state = False
            if np.sum(curr_pos_raw) == 7:
                if (curr_pos_raw == np.array([0, 2, 2, 3])).all():
                    enemy_die = True
                    self.glb_situation[curr_pos_y, 3] = 0
                    for spade_i in spade:
                        if spade_i.alive_state and spade_i.pos_x == 3 and spade_i.pos_y == curr_pos_y:
                            spade_i.alive_state = False
                elif (curr_pos_raw == np.array([2, 2, 3, 0])).all():
                    enemy_die = True
                    self.glb_situation[curr_pos_y, 2] = 0
                    for spade_i in spade:
                        if spade_i.alive_state and spade_i.pos_x == 2 and spade_i.pos_y == curr_pos_y:
                            spade_i.alive_state = False
                elif (curr_pos_raw == np.array([0, 3, 2, 2])).all():
                    enemy_die = True
                    self.glb_situation[curr_pos_y, 1] = 0
                    for spade_i in spade:
                        if spade_i.alive_state and spade_i.pos_x == 1 and spade_i.pos_y == curr_pos_y:
                            spade_i.alive_state = False
                elif (curr_pos_raw == np.array([3, 2, 2, 0])).all():
                    enemy_die = True
                    self.glb_situation[curr_pos_y, 0] = 0
                    for spade_i in spade:
                        if spade_i.alive_state and spade_i.pos_x == 0 and spade_i.pos_y == curr_pos_y:
                            spade_i.alive_state = False
        elif == 3:
            if np.sum(curr_pos_col) == 8:
                if (curr_pos_col == np.array([0, 3, 3, 2])).all():
                    enemy_die = True
                    self.glb_situation[3, curr_pos_x] = 0
                    for heart_i in heart:
                        if heart_i.alive_state and heart_i.pos_x == curr_pos_x and heart_i.pos_y == 3:
                            heart_i.alive_state = False
                elif (curr_pos_col == np.array([3, 3, 2, 0])).all():
                    enemy_die = True
                    self.glb_situation[2, curr_pos_x] = 0
                    for heart_i in heart:
                        if heart_i.alive_state and heart_i.pos_x == curr_pos_x and heart_i.pos_y == 2:
                            heart_i.alive_state = False
                elif (curr_pos_col == np.array([0, 2, 3, 3])).all():
                    enemy_die = True
                    self.glb_situation[1, curr_pos_x] = 0
                    for heart_i in heart:
                        if heart_i.alive_state and heart_i.pos_x == curr_pos_x and heart_i.pos_y == 1:
                            heart_i.alive_state = False
                elif (curr_pos_col == np.array([2, 3, 3, 0])).all():
                    enemy_die = True
                    self.glb_situation[0, curr_pos_x] = 0
                    for heart_i in heart:
                        if heart_i.alive_state and heart_i.pos_x == curr_pos_x and heart_i.pos_y == 0:
                            heart_i.alive_state = False
            if np.sum(curr_pos_raw) == 8:
                if (curr_pos_raw == np.array([0, 3, 3, 2])).all():
                    enemy_die = True
                    self.glb_situation[curr_pos_y, 3] = 0
                    for heart_i in heart:
                        if heart_i.alive_state and heart_i.pos_x == 3 and heart_i.pos_y == curr_pos_y:
                            heart_i.alive_state = False
                elif (curr_pos_raw == np.array([3, 3, 2, 0])).all():
                    enemy_die = True
                    self.glb_situation[curr_pos_y, 2] = 0
                    for heart_i in heart:
                        if heart_i.alive_state and heart_i.pos_x == 2 and heart_i.pos_y == curr_pos_y:
                            heart_i.alive_state = False
                elif (curr_pos_raw == np.array([0, 2, 3, 3])).all():
                    enemy_die = True
                    self.glb_situation[curr_pos_y, 1] = 0
                    for heart_i in heart:
                        if heart_i.alive_state and heart_i.pos_x == 1 and heart_i.pos_y == curr_pos_y:
                            heart_i.alive_state = False
                elif (curr_pos_raw == np.array([2, 3, 3, 0])).all():
                    enemy_die = True
                    self.glb_situation[curr_pos_y, 0] = 0
                    for heart_i in heart:
                        if heart_i.alive_state and heart_i.pos_x == 0 and heart_i.pos_y == curr_pos_y:
                            heart_i.alive_state = False
        if enemy_die == True:
            self.glb_situation = np.zeros([4, 4], np.uint8)
            for i in range(4):
                if heart[i].alive_state:
                    self.glb_situation[heart[i].pos_y, heart[i].pos_x] = heart[i].id
            for i in range(4):
                if spade[i].alive_state:
                    self.glb_situation[spade[i].pos_y, spade[i].pos_x] = spade[i].id
            for i in range(4):
            print('=' * 12)

    def check_game_over(self):
        heart_alive_num, spade_alive_num = 0, 0
        for heart_i in heart:
            if heart_i.alive_state:
                heart_alive_num += 1
        for spade_i in spade:
            if spade_i.alive_state:
                spade_alive_num += 1
        if heart_alive_num <= 1:
            print(&#39;Spades win!&#39;)
        if spade_alive_num <= 1:
            print(&#39;Hearts win!&#39;)

heart, spade = [None] * 4, [None] * 4
for i in range(4):
    heart[i] = ChessPieces(&#39;heart&#39;)
    spade[i] = ChessPieces(&#39;spade&#39;)

def chess_pieces_init():
    for i in range(4):
        heart[i].pos_y, heart[i].pos_x = 0, i
        spade[i].pos_y, spade[i].pos_x = 3, i
        heart[i].alive_state = True
        spade[i].alive_state = True

pointer = Pointer()
situation = GlobalSituation()

def check_click_item(c_x, c_y):
    selected_item = None
    if situation.spade_turn==None:
        for heart_i in heart:
            if heart_i.alive_state and heart_i.rect.collidepoint(c_x, c_y):
                situation.spade_turn = False
                selected_item = heart_i

        for spade_i in spade:
            if spade_i.alive_state and spade_i.rect.collidepoint(c_x, c_y):
                situation.spade_turn = True
                selected_item = spade_i

        if situation.spade_turn:
            for spade_i in spade:
                if spade_i.alive_state and spade_i.rect.collidepoint(c_x, c_y):
                    selected_item = spade_i
            for heart_i in heart:
                if heart_i.alive_state and heart_i.rect.collidepoint(c_x, c_y):
                    selected_item = heart_i
    return selected_item

def move_to_dst_pos(selected_item, c_x, c_y):
    update_situation = False
    enemy_exist = False
    if == &#39;heart&#39;:
        for spade_i in spade:
            if spade_i.rect.collidepoint(c_x, c_y) and spade_i.alive_state:
                enemy_exist = True
    elif == &#39;spade&#39;:
        for heart_i in heart:
            if heart_i.rect.collidepoint(c_x, c_y) and heart_i.alive_state:
                enemy_exist = True
    if enemy_exist == False:
        delta_y, delta_x = c_y - selected_item.rect[1], c_x - selected_item.rect[0]
        if 80 <= abs(delta_x) <= 120 and abs(delta_y) <= 20:
            if delta_x < 0:
                if selected_item.pos_x > 0:
                    selected_item.pos_x -= 1
                if selected_item.pos_x < 3:
                    selected_item.pos_x += 1
            update_situation = True
        if 80 <= abs(delta_y) <= 120 and abs(delta_x) <= 20:
            if delta_y < 0:
                if selected_item.pos_y > 0:
                    selected_item.pos_y -= 1
                if selected_item.pos_y < 3:
                    selected_item.pos_y += 1
            update_situation = True
    return update_situation

while True:
    for event in pg.event.get():
        if event.type == pg.QUIT:
        elif event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
            cursor_x, cursor_y = pg.mouse.get_pos()
            clicked_item = check_click_item(cursor_x, cursor_y)
            if clicked_item != None:
                pointer.selecting_item = True
                if pointer.selecting_item:
                    update_situation_flag = move_to_dst_pos(pointer.pointing_to_item, cursor_x, cursor_y)
                    if update_situation_flag:
                pointer.selecting_item = False
    screen.blit(background, (0, 0))
    for heart_i in heart:
    for spade_i in spade:
    if pointer.selecting_item:


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