Maison >interface Web >js tutoriel >Un article pour parler du cluster dans Node.js
Dans le travail quotidien, l'utilisation de Node.js est relativement superficielle. Apprenons quelque chose d'un peu plus avancé alors que je suis encore jeune. Commençons par le cluster.
Nicholas Zhang San a dit : « C'est une meilleure façon d'étudier avec des questions », alors essayons.
Lorsque j'ai utilisé le cluster pour la première fois, j'étais toujours curieux de savoir comment il pouvait permettre à plusieurs processus enfants d'écouter le même port sans conflit, comme le code suivant :
const cluster = require('cluster') const net = require('net') const cpus = require('os').cpus() if (cluster.isPrimary) { for (let i = 0; i < cpus.length; i++) { cluster.fork() } } else { net .createServer(function (socket) { socket.on('data', function (data) { socket.write(`Reply from ${}: ` + data.toString()) }) socket.on('end', function () { console.log('Close') }) socket.write('Hello!\n') }) .listen(9999) }
Ce code est exporté via le processus parent fork
Plusieurs processus enfants sont créés, et ces processus enfants écoutent tous le port 9999 et peuvent fournir des services normalement. Comment cela se fait-il ? Étudions-le. [Tutoriels associés recommandés : tutoriel vidéo nodejs, Enseignement de la programmation]fork
出了多个子进程,且这些子进程都监听了 9999 这个端口并能正常提供服务,这是如何做到的呢?我们来研究一下。【相关教程推荐:nodejs视频教程、编程教学】
学习 Node.js 官方提供库最好的方式当然是调试一下,所以,我们先来准备一下环境。注:本文的操作系统为 macOS Big Sur 11.6.6,其他系统请自行准备相应环境。
编译 Node.js
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// lib/internal/cluster/primary.js function queryServer(worker, message) { debugger; // Stop processing if worker already disconnecting if (worker.exitedAfterDisconnect) return; ... }
// lib/internal/cluster/child.js send(message, (reply, handle) => { debugger if (typeof obj._setServerData === 'function') obj._setServerData( if (handle) { // Shared listen socket shared(reply, {handle, indexesKey, index}, cb) } else { // Round-robin. rr(reply, {indexesKey, index}, cb) } })
./configure --debug make -j4
之后会生成 out/Debug/node
准备 IDE 环境
使用 vscode 调试,配置好 launch.json
就可以了(其他 IDE 类似,请自行解决):
{ "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "name": "Debug C++", "type": "cppdbg", "program": "/Users/youxingzhi/ayou/node/out/Debug/node", "request": "launch", "args": ["/Users/youxingzhi/ayou/node/index.js"], "stopAtEntry": false, "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}", "environment": [], "externalConsole": false, "MIMode": "lldb" }, { "name": "Debug Node", "type": "node", "runtimeExecutable": "/Users/youxingzhi/ayou/node/out/Debug/node", "request": "launch", "args": ["--expose-internals", "--nolazy"], "skipFiles": [], "program": "${workspaceFolder}/index.js" } ] }
其中第一个是用于调式 C++ 代码(需要安装 C/C++ 插件),第二个用于调式 JS 代码。接下来就可以开始调试了,我们暂时用调式 JS 代码的那个配置就好了。
debugger const cluster = require('cluster') const net = require('net') if (cluster.isPrimary) { debugger cluster.fork() } else { const server = net.createServer(function (socket) { socket.on('data', function (data) { socket.write(`Reply from ${}: ` + data.toString()) }) socket.on('end', function () { console.log('Close') }) socket.write('Hello!\n') }) debugger server.listen(9999) }
执行 require('cluster')
时,会进入 lib/cluster.js
const childOrPrimary = 'NODE_UNIQUE_ID' in process.env ? 'child' : 'primary' module.exports = require(`internal/cluster/${childOrPrimary}`)
会根据当前 process.env
来引入不同的模块,此时是没有的,所以会引入 internal/cluster/primary.js
... const cluster = new EventEmitter(); ... module.exports = cluster const handles = new SafeMap() cluster.isWorker = false cluster.isMaster = true // Deprecated alias. Must be same as isPrimary. cluster.isPrimary = true cluster.Worker = Worker cluster.workers = {} cluster.settings = {} cluster.SCHED_NONE = SCHED_NONE // Leave it to the operating system. cluster.SCHED_RR = SCHED_RR // Primary distributes connections. ... cluster.schedulingPolicy = schedulingPolicy cluster.setupPrimary = function (options) { ... } // Deprecated alias must be same as setupPrimary cluster.setupMaster = cluster.setupPrimary function setupSettingsNT(settings) { ... } function createWorkerProcess(id, env) { ... } function removeWorker(worker) { ... } function removeHandlesForWorker(worker) { ... } cluster.fork = function (env) { ... }
该模块主要是在 cluster
对象上挂载了一些属性和方法,并导出,这些后面回过头再看,我们继续往下调试。往下调试会进入 if (cluster.isPrimary)
分支,代码很简单,仅仅是 fork
// lib/internal/cluster/primary.js cluster.fork = function (env) { cluster.setupPrimary() const id = ++ids const workerProcess = createWorkerProcess(id, env) const worker = new Worker({ id: id, process: workerProcess, }) ... worker.process.on('internalMessage', internal(worker, onmessage)) process.nextTick(emitForkNT, worker) cluster.workers[] = worker return worker }
createWorkerProcess(id, env)
// lib/internal/cluster/primary.js function createWorkerProcess(id, env) { const workerEnv = {...process.env, ...env, NODE_UNIQUE_ID: `${id}`} const execArgv = [...cluster.settings.execArgv] ... return fork(cluster.settings.exec, cluster.settings.args, { cwd: cluster.settings.cwd, env: workerEnv, serialization: cluster.settings.serialization, silent: cluster.settings.silent, windowsHide: cluster.settings.windowsHide, execArgv: execArgv, stdio: cluster.settings.stdio, gid: cluster.settings.gid, uid: cluster.settings.uid, }) }
可以看到,该方法主要是通过 fork
启动了一个子进程来执行我们的 index.js
,且启动子进程的时候设置了环境变量 NODE_UNIQUE_ID
,这样 index.js
中 require('cluster')
的时候,引入的就是 internal/cluster/child.js
worker.process.on('internalMessage', internal(worker, onmessage))
前面说了,此时引入的是 internal/cluster/child.js
模块,我们先跳过,继续往下,执行 server.listen(9999)
时实际上是调用了 Server
// lib/net.js Server.prototype.listen = function (...args) { ... listenInCluster( this, null, options.port | 0, 4, backlog, undefined, options.exclusive ); }
可以看到,最终是调用了 listenInCluster
// lib/net.js function listenInCluster( server, address, port, addressType, backlog, fd, exclusive, flags, options ) { exclusive = !!exclusive if (cluster === undefined) cluster = require('cluster') if (cluster.isPrimary || exclusive) { // Will create a new handle // _listen2 sets up the listened handle, it is still named like this // to avoid breaking code that wraps this method server._listen2(address, port, addressType, backlog, fd, flags) return } const serverQuery = { address: address, port: port, addressType: addressType, fd: fd, flags, backlog, ...options, } // Get the primary's server handle, and listen on it cluster._getServer(server, serverQuery, listenOnPrimaryHandle) function listenOnPrimaryHandle(err, handle) { err = checkBindError(err, port, handle) if (err) { const ex = exceptionWithHostPort(err, 'bind', address, port) return server.emit('error', ex) } // Reuse primary's server handle server._handle = handle // _listen2 sets up the listened handle, it is still named like this // to avoid breaking code that wraps this method server._listen2(address, port, addressType, backlog, fd, flags) } }
由于是在子进程中执行,所以最后会调用 cluster._getServer(server, serverQuery, listenOnPrimaryHandle)
// lib/internal/cluster/child.js // 这里的 cb 就是上面的 listenOnPrimaryHandle cluster._getServer = function (obj, options, cb) { ... send(message, (reply, handle) => { debugger if (typeof obj._setServerData === 'function') obj._setServerData( if (handle) { // Shared listen socket shared(reply, {handle, indexesKey, index}, cb) } else { // Round-robin. rr(reply, {indexesKey, index}, cb) } }) ... }
该函数最终会向父进程发送 queryServer
的消息,父进程处理完后会调用回调函数,回调函数中会调用 cb
即 listenOnPrimaryHandle
父进程收到 queryServer
的消息后,最终会调用 queryServer
// lib/internal/cluster/primary.js function queryServer(worker, message) { // Stop processing if worker already disconnecting if (worker.exitedAfterDisconnect) return const key = `${message.address}:${message.port}:${message.addressType}:` + `${message.fd}:${message.index}` let handle = handles.get(key) if (handle === undefined) { let address = message.address // Find shortest path for unix sockets because of the ~100 byte limit if ( message.port < 0 && typeof address === 'string' && process.platform !== 'win32' ) { address = path.relative(process.cwd(), address) if (message.address.length < address.length) address = message.address } // UDP is exempt from round-robin connection balancing for what should // be obvious reasons: it's connectionless. There is nothing to send to // the workers except raw datagrams and that's pointless. if ( schedulingPolicy !== SCHED_RR || message.addressType === 'udp4' || message.addressType === 'udp6' ) { handle = new SharedHandle(key, address, message) } else { handle = new RoundRobinHandle(key, address, message) } handles.set(key, handle) } ... }
可以看到,这里主要是对 handle
的处理,这里的 handle
指的是调度策略,分为 SharedHandle
和 RoundRobinHandle
// lib/internal/cluster/shared_handle.js function SharedHandle(key, address, {port, addressType, fd, flags}) { this.key = key this.workers = new SafeMap() this.handle = null this.errno = 0 let rval if (addressType === 'udp4' || addressType === 'udp6') rval = dgram._createSocketHandle(address, port, addressType, fd, flags) else rval = net._createServerHandle(address, port, addressType, fd, flags) if (typeof rval === 'number') this.errno = rval else this.handle = rval }🎜 Ajoutez ensuite des points d'arrêt aux deux endroits suivants pour faciliter le débogage ultérieur : 🎜
// lib/net.js function createServerHandle(address, port, addressType, fd, flags) { ... } else { handle = new TCP(TCPConstants.SERVER); isTCP = true; } if (address || port || isTCP) { ... err = handle.bind6(address, port, flags); } else { err = handle.bind(address, port); } } ... return handle; }
// lib/internal/cluster/primary.js function queryServer(worker, message) { ... if (! = // Set custom server data handle.add(worker, (errno, reply, handle) => { const {data} = handles.get(key) if (errno) handles.delete(key) // Gives other workers a chance to retry. send( worker, { errno, key, ack: message.seq, data, ...reply, }, handle // TCP 对象 ) }) ... }
// lib/internal/cluster/child.js // `obj` is a net#Server or a dgram#Socket object. cluster._getServer = function (obj, options, cb) { ... send(message, (reply, handle) => { if (typeof obj._setServerData === 'function') obj._setServerData( if (handle) { // Shared listen socket shared(reply, {handle, indexesKey, index}, cb) } else { // Round-robin. rr(reply, {indexesKey, index}, cb) // cb 是 listenOnPrimaryHandle } }) ... }🎜 générera
🎜🎜🎜🎜Utilisez vscode pour déboguer et configurer launch.json
(d'autres IDE sont similaires, veuillez le résoudre vous-même) : 🎜// lib/net.js function listenOnPrimaryHandle(err, handle) { err = checkBindError(err, port, handle) if (err) { const ex = exceptionWithHostPort(err, 'bind', address, port) return server.emit('error', ex) } // Reuse primary's server handle 这里的 server 是 index.js 中 net.createServer 返回的那个对象 server._handle = handle // _listen2 sets up the listened handle, it is still named like this // to avoid breaking code that wraps this method server._listen2(address, port, addressType, backlog, fd, flags) }🎜Le premier est utilisé pour déboguer le code C++ (nécessite l'installation du plug-in C/C++), et le second est utilisé pour déboguer le code JS. Ensuite, vous pouvez commencer le débogage. Pour le moment, nous pouvons utiliser la configuration pour déboguer le code JS. 🎜
// lib/net.js function setupListenHandle(address, port, addressType, backlog, fd, flags) { debug('setupListenHandle', address, port, addressType, backlog, fd) // If there is not yet a handle, we need to create one and bind. // In the case of a server sent via IPC, we don't need to do this. if (this._handle) { debug('setupListenHandle: have a handle already') } else { ... } this[async_id_symbol] = getNewAsyncId(this._handle) this._handle.onconnection = onconnection this._handle[owner_symbol] = this // Use a backlog of 512 entries. We pass 511 to the listen() call because // the kernel does: backlogsize = roundup_pow_of_two(backlogsize + 1); // which will thus give us a backlog of 512 entries. const err = this._handle.listen(backlog || 511) if (err) { const ex = uvExceptionWithHostPort(err, 'listen', address, port) this._handle.close() this._handle = null defaultTriggerAsyncIdScope( this[async_id_symbol], process.nextTick, emitErrorNT, this, ex ) return } }🎜Évidemment, notre programme peut être divisé en parents. Le processus et le sous-processus sont analysés en deux parties. 🎜🎜Le processus parent est entré en premier :🎜🎜Lors de l'exécution de
, le fichier lib/cluster.js
sera entré:🎜function queryServer(worker, message) { debugger; // Stop processing if worker already disconnecting if (worker.exitedAfterDisconnect) return; const key = `${message.address}:${message.port}:${message.addressType}:` + `${message.fd}:${message.index}`; let handle = handles.get(key); ... }🎜 introduira différents modules selon qu'il y a ou non
sur le process.env
actuel. Il n'y en a pas pour le moment, donc internal/cluster. / sera introduit.primary.js
Ce module : 🎜// lib/internal/cluster/round_robin_handle.js function RoundRobinHandle( key, address, {port, fd, flags, backlog, readableAll, writableAll} ) { ... this.server = net.createServer( ... else if (port >= 0) { this.server.listen({ port, host: address, // Currently, net module only supports `ipv6Only` option in `flags`. ipv6Only: Boolean(flags & constants.UV_TCP_IPV6ONLY), backlog, }) } ... this.server.once('listening', () => { this.handle = this.server._handle this.handle.onconnection = (err, handle) => { this.distribute(err, handle) } this.server._handle = null this.server = null }) }🎜Ce module monte principalement certaines propriétés et méthodes sur l'objet
et les exporte. Nous y reviendrons plus tard, et nous allons continuer le débogage. Lors du débogage, vous entrerez dans la branche if (cluster.isPrimary)
. Le code est très simple. Il suffit de fork
créer un nouveau processus enfant : 🎜// lib/net.js function setupListenHandle(address, port, addressType, backlog, fd, flags) { debug('setupListenHandle', address, port, addressType, backlog, fd) // If there is not yet a handle, we need to create one and bind. // In the case of a server sent via IPC, we don't need to do this. if (this._handle) { debug('setupListenHandle: have a handle already') } else { debug('setupListenHandle: create a handle') let rval = null // Try to bind to the unspecified IPv6 address, see if IPv6 is available if (!address && typeof fd !== 'number') { rval = createServerHandle(DEFAULT_IPV6_ADDR, port, 6, fd, flags) if (typeof rval === 'number') { rval = null address = DEFAULT_IPV4_ADDR addressType = 4 } else { address = DEFAULT_IPV6_ADDR addressType = 6 } } if (rval === null) rval = createServerHandle(address, port, addressType, fd, flags) if (typeof rval === 'number') { const error = uvExceptionWithHostPort(rval, 'listen', address, port) process.nextTick(emitErrorNT, this, error) return } this._handle = rval } this[async_id_symbol] = getNewAsyncId(this._handle) this._handle.onconnection = onconnection this._handle[owner_symbol] = this ... }🎜
. cluster .setupPrimary()
: relativement simple, initialisation de certains paramètres et ainsi de suite. 🎜🎜createWorkerProcess(id, env)
: 🎜// lib/internal/cluster/child.js // `obj` is a net#Server or a dgram#Socket object. cluster._getServer = function (obj, options, cb) { ... send(message, (reply, handle) => { if (typeof obj._setServerData === 'function') obj._setServerData( if (handle) { // Shared listen socket shared(reply, {handle, indexesKey, index}, cb) } else { // Round-robin. rr(reply, {indexesKey, index}, cb) // cb 是 listenOnPrimaryHandle } }) ... }🎜Vous pouvez voir que cette méthode démarre principalement un processus enfant via
pour exécuter notre index jscode>, et la variable d'environnement <code>NODE_UNIQUE_ID
est définie lors du démarrage du processus enfant, de sorte que require('cluster')
dans index.js
lorsque , le module internal/cluster/child.js
a été introduit. 🎜🎜worker.process.on('internalMessage', internal(worker, onmessage))
: écoutez le message transmis par le processus enfant et traitez-le. 🎜🎜Ensuite, nous entrons dans la logique du processus enfant :🎜🎜Comme mentionné précédemment, le module internal/cluster/child.js
est introduit à ce moment, sautons-le d'abord, en continuant, lors de l'exécution de server.listen(9999)
, la méthode sur Server
est en fait appelée : 🎜function rr(message, {indexesKey, index}, cb) { ... // Faux handle. Mimics a TCPWrap with just enough fidelity to get away // with it. Fools net.Server into thinking that it's backed by a real // handle. Use a noop function for ref() and unref() because the control // channel is going to keep the worker alive anyway. const handle = {close, listen, ref: noop, unref: noop} if (message.sockname) { handle.getsockname = getsockname // TCP handles only. } assert(handles.has(key) === false) handles.set(key, handle) debugger cb(0, handle) }🎜Vous pouvez voir qu'à la fin,
: 🎜// lib/internal/cluster/round_robin_handle.js this.server.once('listening', () => { this.handle = this.server._handle this.handle.onconnection = (err, handle) => { this.distribute(err, handle) } this.server._handle = null this.server = null })🎜Puisqu'elle est exécutée dans le processus enfant, elle finira par appeler
cluster._getServer(server, serverQuery, ListenOnPrimaryHandle)
: 🎜// lib/internal/cluster/round_robin_handle.js RoundRobinHandle.prototype.handoff = function (worker) { ... const message = { act: 'newconn', key: this.key }; // 这里的 handle 是 clientHandle sendHelper(worker.process, message, handle, (reply) => { if (reply.accepted) handle.close(); else this.distribute(0, handle); // Worker is shutting down. Send to another. this.handoff(worker); }); };🎜Cette fonction sera éventuellement appelée pour le processus parent Envoyez le message de
, et le processus parent appellera la fonction de rappel après le traitement. La fonction de rappel appellera cb
, c'est-à-dire listenOnPrimaryHandle<.>. Il semble que la logique de <code>listen
soit exécutée dans le processus parent. 🎜🎜Entrez ensuite le processus parent :🎜🎜Une fois que le processus parent a reçu le message de queryServer
, il finira par appeler la méthode queryServer
: 🎜 // lib/internal/cluster/child.js process.on('internalMessage', internal(worker, onmessage)) send({act: 'online'}) function onmessage(message, handle) { if (message.act === 'newconn') onconnection(message, handle) else if (message.act === 'disconnect') ReflectApply(_disconnect, worker, [true]) }🎜 Comme vous pouvez le voir, il s'agit principalement du traitement du
. Le handle
fait ici référence à la stratégie de planification, qui est divisée en SharedHandle et <code>RoundRobinHandle
, correspondant respectivement aux deux stratégies de préemption et de polling (il y a des exemples de comparaison entre les deux dans la section supplémentaire en fin d'article). 🎜Node.js 中默认是 RoundRobinHandle
来修改,取值可以为 none
) 或 rr
<span style="font-size: 18px;">SharedHandle</span>
首先,我们来看一下 SharedHandle
,由于我们这里是 TCP
协议,所以最后会通过 net._createServerHandle
创建一个 TCP
对象挂载在 handle
属性上(注意这里又有一个 handle
// lib/internal/cluster/shared_handle.js function SharedHandle(key, address, {port, addressType, fd, flags}) { this.key = key this.workers = new SafeMap() this.handle = null this.errno = 0 let rval if (addressType === 'udp4' || addressType === 'udp6') rval = dgram._createSocketHandle(address, port, addressType, fd, flags) else rval = net._createServerHandle(address, port, addressType, fd, flags) if (typeof rval === 'number') this.errno = rval else this.handle = rval }
在 createServerHandle
中除了创建 TCP
// lib/net.js function createServerHandle(address, port, addressType, fd, flags) { ... } else { handle = new TCP(TCPConstants.SERVER); isTCP = true; } if (address || port || isTCP) { ... err = handle.bind6(address, port, flags); } else { err = handle.bind(address, port); } } ... return handle; }
中继续执行,会调用 add
方法,最终会将 handle
也就是 TCP
// lib/internal/cluster/primary.js function queryServer(worker, message) { ... if (! = // Set custom server data handle.add(worker, (errno, reply, handle) => { const {data} = handles.get(key) if (errno) handles.delete(key) // Gives other workers a chance to retry. send( worker, { errno, key, ack: message.seq, data, ...reply, }, handle // TCP 对象 ) }) ... }
子进程收到父进程对于 queryServer
的回复后,会调用 shared
// lib/internal/cluster/child.js // `obj` is a net#Server or a dgram#Socket object. cluster._getServer = function (obj, options, cb) { ... send(message, (reply, handle) => { if (typeof obj._setServerData === 'function') obj._setServerData( if (handle) { // Shared listen socket shared(reply, {handle, indexesKey, index}, cb) } else { // Round-robin. rr(reply, {indexesKey, index}, cb) // cb 是 listenOnPrimaryHandle } }) ... }
中最后会调用 cb
也就是 listenOnPrimaryHandle
// lib/net.js function listenOnPrimaryHandle(err, handle) { err = checkBindError(err, port, handle) if (err) { const ex = exceptionWithHostPort(err, 'bind', address, port) return server.emit('error', ex) } // Reuse primary's server handle 这里的 server 是 index.js 中 net.createServer 返回的那个对象 server._handle = handle // _listen2 sets up the listened handle, it is still named like this // to avoid breaking code that wraps this method server._listen2(address, port, addressType, backlog, fd, flags) }
这里会把 handle
赋值给 server._handle
,这里的 server
是 index.js
中 net.createServer
返回的那个对象,并调用 server._listen2
,也就是 setupListenHandle
// lib/net.js function setupListenHandle(address, port, addressType, backlog, fd, flags) { debug('setupListenHandle', address, port, addressType, backlog, fd) // If there is not yet a handle, we need to create one and bind. // In the case of a server sent via IPC, we don't need to do this. if (this._handle) { debug('setupListenHandle: have a handle already') } else { ... } this[async_id_symbol] = getNewAsyncId(this._handle) this._handle.onconnection = onconnection this._handle[owner_symbol] = this // Use a backlog of 512 entries. We pass 511 to the listen() call because // the kernel does: backlogsize = roundup_pow_of_two(backlogsize + 1); // which will thus give us a backlog of 512 entries. const err = this._handle.listen(backlog || 511) if (err) { const ex = uvExceptionWithHostPort(err, 'listen', address, port) this._handle.close() this._handle = null defaultTriggerAsyncIdScope( this[async_id_symbol], process.nextTick, emitErrorNT, this, ex ) return } }
首先会执行 this._handle.onconnection = onconnection
,由于客户端请求过来时会调用 this._handle
(也就是 TCP
对象)上的 onconnection
中的 onconnection
然后调用 listen
监听,注意这里参数 backlog
跟之前不同,不是表示端口,而是表示在拒绝连接之前,操作系统可以挂起的最大连接数量,也就是连接请求的排队数量。我们平时遇到的 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use
错误就是因为这行代码返回了非 0 的错误。
如果还有其他子进程,也会同样走一遍上述的步骤,不同之处是在主进程中 queryServer
时,由于已经有 handle
function queryServer(worker, message) { debugger; // Stop processing if worker already disconnecting if (worker.exitedAfterDisconnect) return; const key = `${message.address}:${message.port}:${message.addressType}:` + `${message.fd}:${message.index}`; let handle = handles.get(key); ... }
所谓的 SharedHandle
,其实是在多个子进程中共享 TCP
对象的句柄,当客户端请求过来时,多个进程会去竞争该请求的处理权,会导致任务分配不均的问题,这也是为什么需要 RoundRobinHandle
<span style="font-size: 18px;">RoundRobinHandle</span>
// lib/internal/cluster/round_robin_handle.js function RoundRobinHandle( key, address, {port, fd, flags, backlog, readableAll, writableAll} ) { ... this.server = net.createServer( ... else if (port >= 0) { this.server.listen({ port, host: address, // Currently, net module only supports `ipv6Only` option in `flags`. ipv6Only: Boolean(flags & constants.UV_TCP_IPV6ONLY), backlog, }) } ... this.server.once('listening', () => { this.handle = this.server._handle this.handle.onconnection = (err, handle) => { this.distribute(err, handle) } this.server._handle = null this.server = null }) }
会调用 net.createServer()
创建一个 server
,然后调用 listen
方法,最终会来到 setupListenHandle
// lib/net.js function setupListenHandle(address, port, addressType, backlog, fd, flags) { debug('setupListenHandle', address, port, addressType, backlog, fd) // If there is not yet a handle, we need to create one and bind. // In the case of a server sent via IPC, we don't need to do this. if (this._handle) { debug('setupListenHandle: have a handle already') } else { debug('setupListenHandle: create a handle') let rval = null // Try to bind to the unspecified IPv6 address, see if IPv6 is available if (!address && typeof fd !== 'number') { rval = createServerHandle(DEFAULT_IPV6_ADDR, port, 6, fd, flags) if (typeof rval === 'number') { rval = null address = DEFAULT_IPV4_ADDR addressType = 4 } else { address = DEFAULT_IPV6_ADDR addressType = 6 } } if (rval === null) rval = createServerHandle(address, port, addressType, fd, flags) if (typeof rval === 'number') { const error = uvExceptionWithHostPort(rval, 'listen', address, port) process.nextTick(emitErrorNT, this, error) return } this._handle = rval } this[async_id_symbol] = getNewAsyncId(this._handle) this._handle.onconnection = onconnection this._handle[owner_symbol] = this ... }
且由于此时 this._handle
为空,会调用 createServerHandle()
生成一个 TCP
对象作为 _handle
。之后就跟 SharedHandle
// lib/internal/cluster/child.js // `obj` is a net#Server or a dgram#Socket object. cluster._getServer = function (obj, options, cb) { ... send(message, (reply, handle) => { if (typeof obj._setServerData === 'function') obj._setServerData( if (handle) { // Shared listen socket shared(reply, {handle, indexesKey, index}, cb) } else { // Round-robin. rr(reply, {indexesKey, index}, cb) // cb 是 listenOnPrimaryHandle } }) ... }
不过由于 RoundRobinHandle
不会传递 handle
给子进程,所以此时会执行 rr
function rr(message, {indexesKey, index}, cb) { ... // Faux handle. Mimics a TCPWrap with just enough fidelity to get away // with it. Fools net.Server into thinking that it's backed by a real // handle. Use a noop function for ref() and unref() because the control // channel is going to keep the worker alive anyway. const handle = {close, listen, ref: noop, unref: noop} if (message.sockname) { handle.getsockname = getsockname // TCP handles only. } assert(handles.has(key) === false) handles.set(key, handle) debugger cb(0, handle) }
可以看到,这里构造了一个假的 handle
,然后执行 cb
也就是 listenOnPrimaryHandle
。最终跟 SharedHandle
一样会调用 setupListenHandle
执行 this._handle.onconnection = onconnection
逻辑到此就结束了,好像缺了点什么的样子。回顾下,我们给每个子进程中的 server
上都挂载了一个假的 handle
,但它跟绑定了端口的 TCP
对象没有任何关系,如果客户端请求过来了,是不会执行它上面的 onconnection
方法的。之所以要这样写,估计是为了保持跟之前 SharedHandle
此时,我们需要回到 RoundRobinHandle
// lib/internal/cluster/round_robin_handle.js this.server.once('listening', () => { this.handle = this.server._handle this.handle.onconnection = (err, handle) => { this.distribute(err, handle) } this.server._handle = null this.server = null })
在 listen
执行完后,会触发 listening
事件的回调,这里重写了 handle
上面的 onconnection
所以,当客户端请求过来时,会调用 distribute
在多个子进程中轮询分发,这里又有一个 handle
,这里的 handle
姑且理解为 clientHandle
,即客户端连接的 handle
,别搞混了。总之,最后会将这个 clientHandle
// lib/internal/cluster/round_robin_handle.js RoundRobinHandle.prototype.handoff = function (worker) { ... const message = { act: 'newconn', key: this.key }; // 这里的 handle 是 clientHandle sendHelper(worker.process, message, handle, (reply) => { if (reply.accepted) handle.close(); else this.distribute(0, handle); // Worker is shutting down. Send to another. this.handoff(worker); }); };
而子进程在 require('cluster')
// lib/internal/cluster/child.js process.on('internalMessage', internal(worker, onmessage)) send({act: 'online'}) function onmessage(message, handle) { if (message.act === 'newconn') onconnection(message, handle) else if (message.act === 'disconnect') ReflectApply(_disconnect, worker, [true]) }
最终也同样会走到 net.js
中的 function onconnection(err, clientHandle)
方法。这个方法第二个参数名就叫 clientHandle
,这也是为什么前面的 handle
跟 SharedHandle
不同的是,该调度策略中 onconnection
最开始是在主进程中触发的,然后通过轮询算法挑选一个子进程,将 clientHandle
cluster 模块的调试就到此告一段落了,接下来我们来回答一下一开始的问题,为什么多个进程监听同一个端口没有报错?
网上有些文章说是因为设置了 SO_REUSEADDR
,但其实跟这个没关系。通过上面的分析知道,不管什么调度策略,最终都只会在主进程中对 TCP
对象 bind
// deps/uv/src/unix/tcp.c 下面的 SO_REUSEADDR 改成 SO_DEBUG if (setsockopt(tcp->io_watcher.fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &on, sizeof(on)))
编译后执行发现,我们仍然可以正常使用 cluster 模块。
const net = require('net') const server1 = net.createServer() const server2 = net.createServer() server1.listen(9999) server2.listen(9999)
const net = require('net') const server1 = net.createServer() const server2 = net.createServer() server1.listen(9999, '') server2.listen(9999, '')
原因在于 listen
时,如果不指定 address
,则相当于绑定了所有地址,当两个 server 都这样做时,请求到来就不知道要给谁处理了。
是对城市的要求。现在甲乙都想要一个 port
是 1米7以上
不限城市的对象,那如果有一个 1米7以上
来自 深圳
那如果一个指定了 address
const net = require('net') const server1 = net.createServer() const server2 = net.createServer() server1.listen(9999, '') server2.listen(9999)
可以正常运行,而修改成 SO_DEBUG
还是上面的例子,甲对城市没有限制,乙需要是来自 深圳
的,那当一个对象来自 深圳
,我们可以选择优先介绍给乙,非 深圳
的就选择介绍给甲,这个就是 SO_REUSEADDR
<span style="font-size: 18px;">SharedHandle</span>
和 <span style="font-size: 18px;">RoundRobinHandle</span>
// cluster.js const cluster = require('cluster') const net = require('net') if (cluster.isMaster) { for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { cluster.fork() } } else { const server = net.createServer() server.on('connection', (socket) => { console.log(`PID: ${}!`) }) server.listen(9997) }
// client.js const net = require('net') for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) { net.connect({port: 9997}) }
RoundRobin先执行 node cluster.js
,然后执行 node client.js
,会看到如下输出,可以看到没有任何一个进程的 PID 是紧挨着的。至于为什么没有一直按照一样的顺序,后面再研究一下。
PID: 42904! PID: 42906! PID: 42905! PID: 42904! PID: 42907! PID: 42905! PID: 42906! PID: 42907! PID: 42904! PID: 42905! PID: 42906! PID: 42907! PID: 42904! PID: 42905! PID: 42906! PID: 42907! PID: 42904! PID: 42905! PID: 42906! PID: 42904!
先执行 NODE_CLUSTER_SCHED_POLICY=none node cluster.js
,则 Node.js 会使用 SharedHandle
,然后执行 node client.js
,会看到如下输出,可以看到同一个 PID 连续输出了多次,所以这种策略会导致进程任务分配不均的现象。就像公司里有些人忙到 996,有些人天天摸鱼,这显然不是老板愿意看到的现象,所以不推荐使用。
PID: 42561! PID: 42562! PID: 42561! PID: 42562! PID: 42564! PID: 42561! PID: 42562! PID: 42563! PID: 42561! PID: 42562! PID: 42563! PID: 42564! PID: 42564! PID: 42564! PID: 42564! PID: 42564! PID: 42563! PID: 42563! PID: 42564! PID: 42563!
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