extjs2.0 本人自己研究所得,包里有sql文件,自己创建吧!应该适合新手入门吧!
//操作编辑 var onedit = function(id){ Ext.onReady(function(){ var fs = new Ext.form.FormPanel({ baseCls: 'x-plain', layout:'absolute', //url:'grid-filter.php', defaultType: 'textfield', // configure how to read the json Data reader : new Ext.data.JsonReader({ root : 'data', successProperty: 'true', },[ 'product_name', {name:'product_sell',mapping:'product_sell_price'}, {name:'product_purchas',mapping:'product_purchasing_price'} ]), // reusable eror reader class defined at the end of this file //errorReader: new Ext.form.JsonErrorReader(), items: [ new Ext.form.FieldSet({ title: '产品信息', autoHeight: true, defaultType: 'textfield', items: [ { fieldLabel: '产品名', name: 'product_name', width:190 }, { fieldLabel: '市场价', name: 'product_sell', width:190 }, { fieldLabel: '采购价', name: 'product_purchas', width:190 } ] }) ] }); // explicit add var submit = fs.addButton({ text: '保存', handler: function(){ fs.getForm().submit({ url:'grid-filter.php?action=update', params:{id: id}, waitMsg:'保存数据中...', success:function(){ Ext.Msg.alert('成功', '修改成功'); create.hide(); ds.reload(); } }); } }); var create = new Ext.Window({ title: '编辑数据', width: 500, height:200, minWidth: 300, minHeight: 200, layout: 'fit', plain:true, bodyStyle:'padding:5px;', buttonAlign:'center', items: fs, }); fs.getForm().load({url:'grid-filter.php?action=edit',params:{id: id},waitMsg:'Loading'}); create.show(); });