Maison > Article > développement back-end > Partage de script Python pratique d'exploitation et de maintenance automatisées
Cet article présente principalement le partage de scripts Python pratiques d'exploitation et de maintenance automatisés. Il a une certaine valeur de référence. Maintenant, je le partage avec tout le monde. Les amis dans le besoin peuvent s'y référer
Envoyer des commandes sh. en parallèle
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import paramiko import sys import threading #Copy local file to remote server. def sshclient_scp(hostname, port, username, password, local_path, remote_path): t = paramiko.Transport((hostname, port)) t.connect(username=username, password=password) # 登录远程服务器 sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(t) # sftp传输协议 sftp.put(local_path, remote_path) t.close() def sshclient_scp_get(hostname, port, username, password, remote_path, local_path): t = paramiko.Transport((hostname, port)) t.connect(username=username, password=password) # 登录远程服务器 sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(t) # sftp传输协议 sftp.get(remote_path, local_path) t.close() def sshclient_execmd(hostname, port, username, password, execmd): paramiko.util.log_to_file("paramiko.log") s = paramiko.SSHClient() s.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) s.connect(hostname=hostname, port=port, username=username, password=password) stdin, stdout, stderr = s.exec_command(execmd) stdin.write("Y") # Generally speaking, the first connection, need a simple interaction. s.close() print (hostname+":") print line try: file_name = sys.argv[1] cmd= sys.argv[2] except IndexError: print 'Wrong params!' print 'Usage :' print ' "$OS_LIST_FILE" "$BATCH_EXECUTE_CMD"' print 'cat oslist.txt:' print ',22,oracle,passwd1' print ',22,oracle,passwd1' print ',24,oracle,passwd1' print 'Format is :' print 'IPADDR,SSHPORT,USERNAME,PASSWORD' print 'Examples of usage:' print './ "/root/workspace/oslist.txt" "df -h"' sys.exit() #file_name = sys.argv[1] #cmd= sys.argv[2] #maintenance_osinfo with open(file_name) as file_object: for line in file_object: splits_str = line.rstrip().split(',') a=threading.Thread(target=sshclient_execmd,args=(splits_str[0],int(splits_str[1]),splits_str[2],splits_str[3],cmd)) a.start() #print sshclient_execmd(splits_str[0],int(splits_str[1]),splits_str[2],splits_str[3],cmd) # print sshclient_scp(splits_str[0], int(splits_str[1]), splits_str[2], splits_str[3], file_name, splits_str[4]+file_name)
Python envoie des e-mails #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import smtplib import email.MIMEMultipart import email.MIMEText import email.MIMEBase import sys #from email.mime.application import MIMEApplication #import os.path def sendmail(f_from, f_to, f_cclist, alert_info, f_subject): From = f_from To = f_to #file_name = f_file_name server = smtplib.SMTP("") server.login("xxxx","xxxx") #构造MIMEMultipart对象做为根容器 main_msg = email.MIMEMultipart.MIMEMultipart() text_msg = email.MIMEText.MIMEText("您好。<br><br><br><br>" + alert_info.title() + "<br>任凤军 <br>" "xx技术股份有限公司 <br>" "手机: xx<br>" "座机:xxx<br>" "邮箱<br>" "地址:xxxx<br>" "邮编:130011<br>" "===================================<br>" "",'HTML','utf-8') main_msg.attach(text_msg) #xlsxpart = MIMEApplication(open(file_name, 'rb').read()) #xlsxpart.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=f_subject+".docx") #main_msg.attach(xlsxpart) # 设置根容器属性 main_msg['From'] = From main_msg['To'] = To main_msg['Cc'] = ",".join(f_cclist) main_msg['Subject'] = f_subject main_msg['Date'] = email.Utils.formatdate() #f_cclist为完整的需要接收邮件的列表,原本只存放抄送列表,这里需要添加上收件人 f_cclist.append(To) # 得到格式化后的完整文本 fullText = main_msg.as_string() # 用smtp发送邮件 try: server.sendmail(From, f_cclist, fullText) finally: server.quit() if __name__ == "__main__": #sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') message= [ 'Usage:', ' "topic" "mail body text" "mail to"', 'Examples of usage:', ' "topic" "hello world" ""', ] try: topic = str(sys.argv[1]).encode("utf-8") alert = str(sys.argv[2]).encode("utf-8") mailto = str(sys.argv[3]).encode("utf-8") except IndexError: for line in message: print line+'\n' sys.exit() cclist=[] #clist =[] sendmail("xxxx@xxx",mailto,cclist,alert, topic) 备注: sendmail("",mailto,cclist,alert, topic) 发件人,收件人,抄送列表,正文内容,邮件标题 Usage: "topic" "mail body text" "mail to" Examples of usage: "topic" "hello world" "" ./ "topic" "hello world" ""
smtp et signatures e-mail, ainsi que les valeurs fixes de l'expéditeur, qui doivent être modifié par vous-même.
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