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Comment utiliser protobuf-php et socket

2018-03-28 13:28:412197parcourir

Cet article vous explique principalement comment utiliser protobuf-php et socket. Il vous l'explique principalement sous forme de code.

vi login.proto

package login;
message ReqCheckVerifyVerLoginClient
 required int32 game = 1; ///< 游戏类型编号 required bytes version = 2; ///< 游戏版本号}
message AnsCheckVerifyVerLoginClient
     required uint32 ret_code = 1;  //返回码     optional uint32 forbid_flag = 2; //冻结时间     optional uint32 time_diff = 3;  //剩余解封时间}

protoc --plugin=/usr/local/php/bin/protoc-gen-php --php_out=. 🎜>

obtenir login.php

namespace login {  class ReqCheckVerifyVerLoginClient extends \DrSlump\Protobuf\Message {    /**  @var int */    public $game = null;    
    /**  @var string */    public $version = null;    
    /** @var \Closure[] */    protected static $__extensions = array();.........
utiliser login.php


<?php/** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: Administrator * Date: 2018/3/23 * Time: 19:26 */require &#39;socket.php&#39;;require &#39;structNum.php&#39;;function socket($ip,$port,$packed){    try{
        $socket = Socket::singleton();
        $socket->connect($ip,$port);        if(count($packed) >1){            foreach ($packed as $key){
                $sockResult = $socket->sendRequest($key);// 将包发送给服务器                sleep(3);
        $getrepost = $socket->getResponse();
        $socket->disconnect (); //关闭链接    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $this->log_error(" error send to server".$e->getMessage());
    }    return $getrepost;
}function unPackData($data){
    $rev_len = unpack("L*",substr($data,0,4));
    $rev_num = unpack("S*",substr($data,4,2));
    $rev_data = substr($data,6,2);
    $data_array = array(        &#39;num&#39; =>$rev_num,        &#39;data&#39;=>$rev_data
    );    return $data_array;
$structNum;function StructNum($num){
    $class = $GLOBALS[&#39;structNum&#39;][$num];    return $class;

<?phpdefine("CONNECTED", true);
define("DISCONNECTED", false); Class Socket {     private static $instance;     private $connection = null;     private $connectionState = DISCONNECTED;     private $defaultHost = "";     private $defaultPort = 9301;     private $defaultTimeOut = 60;     public $debug = false;     public function __construct()
     }     /**      * Singleton pattern. Returns the same instance to all callers      *      * @return Socket      */     public static function singleton()
     {         if (self::$instance == null || ! self::$instance instanceof Socket)
         {             self::$instance = new Socket();
         }         return self::$instance;
     }     public function connect($serverHost=false,$serverPort=false,$timeOut=false)
     {         if($serverHost == false)
         {             $serverHost = $this->defaultHost;
         }         if($serverPort == false)
         {             $serverPort = $this->defaultPort;
         $this->defaultHost = $serverHost;
         $this->defaultPort = $serverPort;         if($timeOut == false)
         {             $timeOut = $this->defaultTimeOut;
         $this->connection = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);         if(socket_connect($this->connection,$serverHost,$serverPort) == false)
             $errorString = socket_strerror(socket_last_error($this->connection));
             $this->_throwError("Connecting to {$serverHost}:{$serverPort} failed.<br>Reason: {$errorString}");
             $this->_throwMsg("Socket connected!");
         $this->connectionState = CONNECTED;
     }     /**      * Disconnects from the server      *      * @return True on succes, false if the connection was already closed      */     public function disconnect()
     {         if($this->validateConnection())
             $this->connectionState = DISCONNECTED;
             $this->_throwMsg("Socket disconnected!");             return true;
         }         return false;
     }     public function sendRequest($data)
     {         if($this->validateConnection())
              $result = socket_write($this->connection,$data,strlen($data));              return $result;
             $this->_throwError("Sending command \"{$data}\" failed.<br>Reason: Not connected");
     }     public function getResponse()
     {         if($this->validateConnection())
         {             if( ($ret = socket_read($this->connection,8192)) == false){
                 $this->_throwError("Receiving response from server failed.<br>Reason: Not bytes to read");                 return false;
             } else{                 return $ret;
     }     public function isConn()
     {         return $this->connectionState;
     }     public function getUnreadBytes()
         $info = socket_get_status($this->connection);         return $info[&#39;unread_bytes&#39;];
     }     public function getConnName(&$addr, &$port)
     {         if ($this->validateConnection())
     }     public function waitForResponse()
     {         if($this->validateConnection())
         {             return socket_read($this->connection, 2048);
         $this->_throwError("Receiving response from server failed.<br>Reason: Not connected");         return false;
     }     /**      * Validates the connection state      *      * @return bool      */     private function validateConnection()
     {         return (is_resource($this->connection) && ($this->connectionState != DISCONNECTED));
     }     /**      * Throws an error      *      * @return void      */     private function _throwError($errorMessage)
     {         echo "Socket error: " . $errorMessage;
     }     /**      * Throws an message      *      * @return void      */     private function _throwMsg($msg)
     {         if ($this->debug)
         {             echo "Socket message: " . $msg . "\n\n";
     }     /**      * If there still was a connection alive, disconnect it      */     public function __destruct()
structNum.php // Dictionnaire des classes

<?php/** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: Administrator * Date: 2018/3/26 * Time: 17:54 */$structNum = array(    46=>new \login\ReqCheckVerifyVerLoginClient(),    47=>new \login\AnsCheckVerifyVerLoginClient(),
vi use_login.php

<?php/** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: Administrator * Date: 2018/3/26 * Time: 15:20 */require_once &#39;DrSlump/Protobuf.php&#39;;
\DrSlump\Protobuf::autoload();require &#39;login.php&#39;;require &#39;function.php&#39;;//实例化 class 46$login = StructNum(46);
$first_data = pack("I*",24063);//一个可识别的ID
$first_len = pack("I*",4);
$second_data = $login->serialize();//序列化
$second_len = pack("I*",strlen($second_data) + 2);
$second_num = substr(pack("I*",46),0,2);
$first_pack = $first_len.$first_data; //字节 包体
$second_pack = $second_len.$second_num.$second_data;//长度 协议 内容(protobuf)
$port = 9301;
$ip = "";
$pack = array($first_pack,$second_pack);
$result = socket($ip,$port,$pack);//连接 发送 接受数据  数据为长度 协议 内容(protobuf)
$unPackDatas = unPackData($result);//拆分数据(按需拆分) 按 4 2 2 拆分//实例化 class 46$reLogin = StructNum($unPackDatas[&#39;num&#39;][1]);
$reLogin->parse($unPackDatas[&#39;data&#39;]);//拆分后的内容 再反序列化
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Explication détaillée de la communication socket dans php

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