Maison > Article > développement back-end > Partager comment utiliser mb_check_encoding en PHP
(PHP 4 >= 4.4.3, PHP 5 >= 5.1.3, PHP 7)
mb_check_encoding — Vérifiez si la chaîne est valide pour l'encodage spécifié
mb_check_encoding — Vérifiez si la chaîne est valide pour l'encodage spécifié
bool mb_check_encoding ([ string $var = NULL [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding() ]] ) // Checks if the specified byte stream is valid for the specified encoding. // It is useful to prevent so-called "Invalid Encoding Attack". // 检查指定的字节流在指定的编码里是否有效。它能有效避免所谓的“无效编码攻击(Invalid Encoding Attack)”。
Le flux d'octets à vérifier s'il est omis. , cette fonction vérifie toutes les entrées depuis le début de la requête.
Le flux d'octets à vérifier. Si ce paramètre est omis, cette fonction vérifie toutes les entrées de la demande d'origine.
L'encodage attendu.
L'encodage attendu.
Renvoie VRAI en cas de succès ou FAUX en cas d'échec.
Retours en cas de succès VRAI ou FAUX en cas d'échec.
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: zhangrongxiang * Date: 2018/1/27 * Time: 下午2:59 */ /**纯数字和英文字母组合*/ $utf8Str = "I have 4 books and 2 magazines to check out. "; echo ( mb_check_encoding( $utf8Str, 'utf-8' ) ) . PHP_EOL; //输出1 echo ( mb_check_encoding( $utf8Str, 'gbk' ) ) . PHP_EOL; //输出1 echo bin2hex( $utf8Str ) . PHP_EOL; //492068617665203420626f6f6b7320616e642032206d6167617a696e657320746f20636865636b206f75742e20 $gbkStr = mb_convert_encoding( $utf8Str, 'gbk', 'utf-8' ); echo bin2hex( $gbkStr ) . PHP_EOL; //492068617665203420626f6f6b7320616e642032206d6167617a696e657320746f20636865636b206f75742e20 /**gbk编码的字符串 --> 设置文件编码为gbk*/ $str = '博客园和github。'; echo mb_check_encoding( $str, 'utf-8' ) . PHP_EOL; //输出空 echo mb_check_encoding( $str, 'gbk' ) . PHP_EOL; //输出1 /**utf-8编码的字符串 --> 设置文件编码为utf-8*/ $str = '博客园和github。'; echo mb_check_encoding( $str, 'utf-8' ) . PHP_EOL; //1 echo mb_check_encoding( $str, 'gbk' ) . PHP_EOL; //输出空 $utf8Str = '我abc是谁.'; echo mb_check_encoding( $utf8Str, 'utf-8' ) . PHP_EOL; //输出1 //如果有中文标点符号则为空!!! echo mb_check_encoding( $utf8Str, 'gbk' ) . PHP_EOL; //输出1 /**自定义检测字符串编码是否为utf-8*/ function is_utf8( $str ) { return (bool) preg_match( '//u', serialize($str) ); } echo 'hello 中国!' .is_utf8( 'hello 中国!' ) . PHP_EOL; //1 function check_utf8( $str ) { $len = strlen( $str ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $len; $i ++ ) { $c = ord( $str[ $i ] ); if ( $c > 128 ) { if ( ( $c > 247 ) ) { return false; } elseif ( $c > 239 ) { $bytes = 4; } elseif ( $c > 223 ) { $bytes = 3; } elseif ( $c > 191 ) { $bytes = 2; } else { return false; } if ( ( $i + $bytes ) > $len ) { return false; } while ( $bytes > 1 ) { $i ++; $b = ord( $str[ $i ] ); if ( $b < 128 || $b > 191 ) { return false; } $bytes --; } } } return true; } // end of check_utf8 echo check_utf8("hello 中国").PHP_EOL; // 1 echo check_utf8( "\x00\xE3").PHP_EOL; //空 /** check a strings encoded value */ function checkEncoding( $string, $string_encoding ) { $fs = $string_encoding == 'UTF-8' ? 'UTF-32' : $string_encoding; $ts = $string_encoding == 'UTF-32' ? 'UTF-8' : $string_encoding; return $string === mb_convert_encoding( mb_convert_encoding( $string, $fs, $ts ), $ts, $fs ); } /* test 1 variables */ $string = "\x00\x81"; $encoding = "Shift_JIS"; /* test 1 mb_check_encoding (test for bad byte stream) */ if ( true === mb_check_encoding( $string, $encoding ) ) { echo 'valid (' . $encoding . ') encoded byte stream!' . PHP_EOL; } else { echo 'invalid (' . $encoding . ') encoded byte stream!' . PHP_EOL; } /* test 1 checkEncoding (test for bad byte sequence(s)) */ if ( true === checkEncoding( $string, $encoding ) ) { echo 'valid (' . $encoding . ') encoded byte sequence!' . PHP_EOL; } else { echo 'invalid (' . $encoding . ') encoded byte sequence!' . PHP_EOL; } /* test 2 */ /* test 2 variables */ $string = "\x00\xE3"; $encoding = "UTF-8"; /* test 2 mb_check_encoding (test for bad byte stream) */ if ( true === mb_check_encoding( $string, $encoding ) ) { echo 'valid (' . $encoding . ') encoded byte stream!' . PHP_EOL; } else { echo 'invalid (' . $encoding . ') encoded byte stream!' . PHP_EOL; } /* test 2 checkEncoding (test for bad byte sequence(s)) */ if ( true === checkEncoding( $string, $encoding ) ) { echo 'valid (' . $encoding . ') encoded byte sequence!' . PHP_EOL; } else { echo 'invalid (' . $encoding . ') encoded byte sequence!' . PHP_EOL; }
Recommandations associées :
Problème de conversion d'encodage de caractères php mb_convert_encoding et fonction iconv
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