Maison >développement back-end >tutoriel php >Exemple de partage de code pour l'encapsulation de boîtes aux lettres dans le framework Yii
Partage d'un exemple de code pour l'encapsulation des e-mails dans le framework yii
<?php class Mailer { private static $obj; private static $config; public static function getMailer() { if (!is_object(self::$obj)) { self::$config = [ 'class' => 'Swift_SmtpTransport', 'host' => '', 'username' => '', 'password' => 'xxx', 'port' => '994', 'encryption' => 'ssl', //ssl tls ]; self::$obj = \Yii::createObject([ 'class' => 'yii\swiftmailer\Mailer', 'viewPath' => '@common/mail', 'useFileTransport' => false, 'transport' => self::$config, ]); } return self::$obj; } public static function send($toEmail, $subject, array $compose) { $user = \Wskm::getUser(); if ($compose) { //同时设置2种内容,让用户的偏好自己选择 self::getMailer()->compose( //['html' => 'passwordResetToken-html', 'text' => 'passwordResetToken-text'], ['user' => $user] //['html' => 'passwordResetToken-html'], ['user' => $user] $compose ); }else{ self::getMailer()->setBody('My <em>amazing</em> body', 'text/html'); self::getMailer()->addPart('My amazing body in plain text', 'text/plain'); } // //addTo addCc addBcc //$message->setTo(['some@address.tld', 'other@address.tld']); //$message->setCc([ // '', '' => 'Person 2 Name', //]); //->attach(Swift_Attachment::fromPath('my-document.pdf')->setFilename('cool.jpg')) /* // Create the message $message = new Swift_Message('My subject'); // Set the body $message->setBody( '<html>' . ' <body>' . ' Here is an image <img src="' . // Embed the file $message->embed(Swift_Image::fromPath('image.png')) . '" alt="Image" />' . ' Rest of message' . ' </body>' . '</html>', 'text/html' // Mark the content-type as HTML ); */ /* * 验证 use Egulias\EmailValidator\EmailValidator; use Egulias\EmailValidator\Validation\RFCValidation; $validator = new EmailValidator(); $validator->isValid("", new RFCValidation()); */ /* * 加密 $smimeSigner = new Swift_Signers_SMimeSigner(); $smimeSigner->setSignCertificate('/path/to/certificate.pem', ['/path/to/private-key.pem', 'passphrase']); $message->attachSigner($smimeSigner); */ /* * 回执 $MESSAGE->setReadReceiptTo('你@地址。 TLD '); */ /** * ->setCharset('iso-8859-2'); 编码 * ->setPriority(2); 设置优先级,1-5 */ return self::getMailer()->compose( //['html' => 'passwordResetToken-html', 'text' => 'passwordResetToken-text'], ['user' => $user] ['html' => 'passwordResetToken-html'], ['user' => $user] ) ->setFrom([ self::$config['username'] => 'test robot']) ->setTo($toEmail) ->setSubject($subject) ->send(); } }
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