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Un exemple de code de classe de pagination php universelle

2017-07-23 11:03:562102parcourir

La pagination consiste à diviser une page en deux pages ou plus.

Il existe un mécanisme de pagination automatique qui peut diviser le contenu du formulaire Web mobile

en un groupe de pages plus petites pour la présentation, adaptées à un équipement spécifique. Ce mécanisme restitue également les éléments de l'interface utilisateur qui peuvent être utilisés pour naviguer vers d'autres pages.

Cet article présente principalement une classe de pagination PHP universelle, particulièrement simple à utiliser. Les amis qui ont besoin d'utiliser la classe de pagination PHP ne devraient pas la manquer. Le code est le suivant

 * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
 * and open the template in the editor.
 * 分页类
 * 使用方式:
 * $page = new Page();
 * $page->init(1000, 20);
 * $page->setNotActiveTemplate(&#39;<span> {a} </span>&#39;);
 * $page->setActiveTemplate(&#39;{a}&#39;);
 * echo $page->show();
 * @author 风居住的地方
class Page {
   * 总条数
  private $total;
   * 每页大小
  private $pageSize;
   * 总页数
  private $pageNum;
   * 当前页
  private $page;
   * 地址
  private $uri;
   * 分页变量
  private $pageParam;
  private $limit;
   * 数字分页显示
  private $listnum = 8;
   * 分页显示模板
   * 可用变量参数
   * {total}   总数据条数
   * {pagesize}  每页显示条数
   * {start}   本页开始条数
   * {end}    本页结束条数
   * {pagenum}  共有多少页
   * {frist}   首页
   * {pre}    上一页
   * {next}    下一页
   * {last}    尾页
   * {list}    数字分页
   * {goto}    跳转按钮
  private $template = &#39;<p><span>共有{total}条数据</span><span>每页显示{pagesize}条数据</span>,<span>本页{start}-{end}条数据</span><span>共有{pagenum}页</span><ul>{frist}{pre}{list}{next}{last}{goto}</ul></p>&#39;;
   * 当前选中的分页链接模板
  private $activeTemplate = &#39;<li class="active"><a href="javascript:;">{text}</a></li>&#39;;
   * 未选中的分页链接模板
  private $notActiveTemplate = &#39;<li><a href="{url}">{text}</a></li>&#39;;
   * 显示文本设置
  private $config = array(&#39;frist&#39; => &#39;首页&#39;, &#39;pre&#39; => &#39;上一页&#39;, &#39;next&#39; => &#39;下一页&#39;, &#39;last&#39; => &#39;尾页&#39;);
   * 初始化
   * @param type $total    总条数
   * @param type $pageSize  每页大小
   * @param type $param    url附加参数
   * @param type $pageParam  分页变量
  public function init($total, $pageSize, $param = &#39;&#39;, $pageParam = &#39;page&#39;) {
    $this->total = intval($total);
    $this->pageSize = intval($pageSize);
    $this->pageParam = $pageParam;
    $this->uri = $this->geturi($param);
    $this->pageNum = ceil($this->total / $this->pageSize);
    $this->page = $this->setPage();
    $this->limit = $this->setlimit();
   * 设置分页模板
   * @param type $template  模板配置
  public function setTemplate($template) {
    $this->template = $template;
   * 设置选中分页模板
   * @param type $activeTemplate   模板配置
  public function setActiveTemplate($activeTemplate) {
    $this->activeTemplate = $activeTemplate;
   * 设置未选中分页模板
   * @param type $notActiveTemplate  模板配置
  public function setNotActiveTemplate($notActiveTemplate) {
    $this->notActiveTemplate = $notActiveTemplate;
   * 返回分页
   * @return type
  public function show() {
    return str_ireplace(array(
    ), array(
    ), $this->template);
   * 获取limit起始数
   * @return type
  public function getOffset() {
    return ($this->page - 1) * $this->pageSize;
   * 设置LIMIT
   * @return type
  private function setlimit() {
    return "limit " . ($this->page - 1) * $this->pageSize . ",{$this->pageSize}";
   * 获取limit
   * @param type $args
   * @return type
  public function __get($args) {
    if ($args == "limit") {
      return $this->limit;
    } else {
      return null;
   * 初始化当前页
   * @return int
  private function setPage() {
    if (!empty($_GET[$this->pageParam])) {
      if ($_GET[$this->pageParam] > 0) {
        if ($_GET[$this->pageParam] > $this->pageNum)
          return $this->pageNum;
          return $_GET[$this->pageParam];
    return 1;
   * 初始化url
   * @param type $param
   * @return string
  private function geturi($param) {
    $url = $_SERVER[&#39;REQUEST_URI&#39;] . (strpos($_SERVER[&#39;REQUEST_URI&#39;], "?") ? "" : "?") . $param;
    $parse = parse_url($url);
    if (isset($parse["query"])) {
      parse_str($parse["query"], $params);
      $url = $parse["path"] . "?" . http_build_query($params);
      return $url;
    } else {
      return $url;
   * 本页开始条数
   * @return int
  private function star() {
    if ($this->total == 0) {
      return 0;
    } else {
      return ($this->page - 1) * $this->pageSize + 1;
   * 本页结束条数
   * @return type
  private function end() {
    return min($this->page * $this->pageSize, $this->total);
   * 设置当前页大小
   * @return type
  private function setPageSize() {
    return $this->end() - $this->star() + 1;
   * 首页
   * @return type
  private function frist() {
    $html = &#39;&#39;;
    if ($this->page == 1) {
      $html .= $this->replace("{$this->uri}&page=1", $this->config[&#39;frist&#39;], true);
    } else {
      $html .= $this->replace("{$this->uri}&page=1", $this->config[&#39;frist&#39;], false);
    return $html;
   * 上一页
   * @return type
  private function prev() {
    $html = &#39;&#39;;
    if ($this->page > 1) {
      $html .= $this->replace($this->uri.&#39;&page=&#39;.($this->page - 1), $this->config[&#39;pre&#39;], false);
    } else {
      $html .= $this->replace($this->uri.&#39;&page=&#39;.($this->page - 1), $this->config[&#39;pre&#39;], true);
    return $html;
   * 分页数字列表
   * @return type
  private function pagelist() {
    $linkpage = "";
    $lastlist = floor($this->listnum / 2);
    for ($i = $lastlist; $i >= 1; $i--) {
      $page = $this->page - $i;
      if ($page >= 1) {
        $linkpage .= $this->replace("{$this->uri}&page={$page}", $page, false);
      } else {
    $linkpage .= $this->replace("{$this->uri}&page={$this->page}", $this->page, true);
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $lastlist; $i++) {
      $page = $this->page + $i;
      if ($page <= $this->pageNum) {
        $linkpage .= $this->replace("{$this->uri}&page={$page}", $page, false);
      } else {
    return $linkpage;
   * 下一页
   * @return type
  private function next() {
    $html = &#39;&#39;;
    if ($this->page < $this->pageNum) {
      $html .= $this->replace($this->uri.&#39;&page=&#39;.($this->page + 1), $this->config[&#39;next&#39;], false);
    } else {
      $html .= $this->replace($this->uri.&#39;&page=&#39;.($this->page + 1), $this->config[&#39;next&#39;], true);
    return $html;
   * 最后一页
   * @return type
  private function last() {
    $html = &#39;&#39;;
    if ($this->page == $this->pageNum) {
      $html .= $this->replace($this->uri.&#39;&page=&#39;.($this->pageNum), $this->config[&#39;last&#39;], true);
    } else {
      $html .= $this->replace($this->uri.&#39;&page=&#39;.($this->pageNum), $this->config[&#39;last&#39;], false);
    return $html;
   * 跳转按钮
   * @return string
  private function gopage() {
    $html = &#39;&#39;;
    $html.=&#39; <input type="text" value="&#39; . $this->page . &#39;" onkeydown="javascript:if(event.keyCode==13){var page=(this.value>&#39; . $this->pageNum . &#39;)?&#39; . $this->pageNum . &#39;:this.value;location=\&#39;&#39; . $this->uri . &#39;&page=\&#39;+page+\&#39;\&#39;}" style="width:25px;"/><input type="button" onclick="javascript:var page=(this.previousSibling.value>&#39; . $this->pageNum . &#39;)?&#39; . $this->pageNum . &#39;:this.previousSibling.value;location=\&#39;&#39; . $this->uri . &#39;&page=\&#39;+page+\&#39;\&#39;" value="GO"/>&#39;;
    return $html;
   * 模板替换
   * @param type $replace   替换内容
   * @param type $result   条件
   * @return type
  private function replace($url, $text, $result = true) {
    $template = ($result ? $this->activeTemplate : $this->notActiveTemplate);
     $html = str_replace(&#39;{url}&#39;, $url, $template);
     $html = str_replace(&#39;{text}&#39;, $text, $html);
    return $html;

La deuxième classe de pagination php


class Page_Link
  var $page_max = 10; //一组页码的最大数

  var $page_num = 10; //总页数
  var $length = 20; //一页的数据条数

  var $isNextPage = true;
  var $isFirstPage = false;

  function Calculation_Page_Num( $total )
    $this->page_num = ceil( $total / $this->length );
    return $this->page_num;

  function Calculation_Min_Max( $act_page = 1 )
    // 定义左右偏移量
    $py_left = 0;
    $py_right = 0;
    // 定义左右边界
    $bj_left = 0;
    $bj_right = 0;
    // 定义滚动区间边界
    $gd_left = 0;
    $gd_right = 0;
    // 判断是否需要分组
    if ( ( $this->page_num - $this->page_max ) <= 0 )
      // 不需要分组
      $bj_left = 1;
      $bj_right = $this->page_num;
      // 要进行分组
      // 判断容量的奇偶
      $tmp = $this->page_max % 2;
      if ( $tmp === 1 )
        // 奇数
        $py_left = $py_right = ( $this->page_max - 1 ) / 2;
        // 偶数
        $py_left = $this->page_max / 2 - 1;
        $py_right = $this->page_max / 2;
      // 计算滚动区间
      $gd_left = 1 + $py_left;
      $gd_right = $this->page_num - $py_right;
      // 判断当前页是否落入了滚动区间
      if ( $act_page >= $gd_left && $act_page <= $gd_right )
        // 区间内
        $bj_left = $act_page - $py_left;
        $bj_right = $act_page + $py_right;
        // 区间外
        if ( ( $act_page - $py_left ) <= 1 )
          // 左侧固定区间
          $bj_left = 1;
          $bj_right = $this->page_max;
          $bj_left = $this->page_num - $this->page_max + 1;
          $bj_right = $this->page_num;

    $res = array();
    $res[&#39;min&#39;] = $bj_left;
    $res[&#39;max&#39;] = $bj_right;

    return $res;
  // 主方法
  function make_page( $total, $act_page, $url, $param )
    $page_num = $this->Calculation_Page_Num( $total );
    $arr_min_max = $this->Calculation_Min_Max( $act_page );
    if (!eregi("([?|&]$param=)", $url)) {
      $url = strpos($url,"?")===false?$url."?":$url."&";
      $url = $url."$param=0";

    if ( $act_page > $page_num )
      $act_page = $page_num;
    // 用正则把url改成正规的
    $url = eregi_replace( $param . &#39;=[0-9]+&#39;, $param . &#39;=0&#39;, $url );

    $res = array();
    $d = 0;
    for( $i = $arr_min_max[&#39;min&#39;];$i <= $arr_min_max[&#39;max&#39;];$i++ )
      if ( $i == $act_page )
        $res[$d][&#39;url&#39;] = &#39;&#39;;
        $res[$d][&#39;name&#39;] = $i;
        $res[$d][&#39;no&#39;] = $i;
        $res[$d][&#39;url&#39;] = str_replace( $param . &#39;=0&#39;, $param . &#39;=&#39; . $i, $url );
        $res[$d][&#39;name&#39;] = $i;
        $res[$d][&#39;no&#39;] = $i;

    if ( $this->isNextPage )
      $res = $this->make_before_next_link( $res, $act_page, $url, $param );
    if ( $this->isFirstPage )
      $res = $this->make_first_end_link( $res, $act_page, $url, $param );
    return $res;
  //// 带总页数
  function make_page_with_total( $total, $act_page, $url, $param )
    $page_num = $this->Calculation_Page_Num( $total );
    $arr_min_max = $this->Calculation_Min_Max( $act_page );
    if (!eregi("([?|&]$param=)", $url)) {
      $url = strpos($url,"?")===false?$url."?":$url."&";
      $url = $url."$param=0";

    if ( $act_page > $page_num )
      $act_page = $page_num;
    // 用正则把url改成正规的
    $url = eregi_replace( $param . &#39;=[0-9]+&#39;, $param . &#39;=0&#39;, $url );

    $res = array();
    $d = 0;
    for( $i = $arr_min_max[&#39;min&#39;];$i <= $arr_min_max[&#39;max&#39;];$i++ )
      if ( $i == $act_page )
        $res[$d][&#39;url&#39;] = &#39;&#39;;
        $res[$d][&#39;name&#39;] = $i;
        $res[$d][&#39;no&#39;] = $i;
        $res[$d][&#39;url&#39;] = str_replace( $param . &#39;=0&#39;, $param . &#39;=&#39; . $i, $url );
        $res[$d][&#39;name&#39;] = $i;
        $res[$d][&#39;no&#39;] = $i;

    if ( $this->isNextPage )
      $res = $this->make_before_next_link( $res, $act_page, $url, $param );
    if ( $this->isFirstPage )
      $res = $this->make_first_end_link( $res, $act_page, $url, $param );
    $total_num= ceil($total/$this->length);
    return $result;
  // 附加上一页和下一页
  function make_before_next_link( $arr, $act, $url, $param )
    $tmp = array();

    $before = $act - 1;
    $next = $act + 1;

    if ( $before < 1 )
      $before = 1;
      $tmp[0][&#39;url&#39;] = &#39;&#39;;
      $tmp[0][&#39;name&#39;] = "上一页";
      $tmp[0][&#39;no&#39;] = $before;
      $tmp[0][&#39;url&#39;] = str_replace( $param . &#39;=0&#39;, $param . &#39;=&#39; . $before, $url );
      $tmp[0][&#39;name&#39;] = "上一页";
      $tmp[0][&#39;no&#39;] = $before;

    $counts = sizeof( $arr );
    $tmp_count = sizeof( $tmp );
    for( $i = 0;$i < $counts;$i++ )
      $tmp[$tmp_count][&#39;url&#39;] = $arr[$i][&#39;url&#39;];
      $tmp[$tmp_count][&#39;name&#39;] = $arr[$i][&#39;name&#39;];
      $tmp[$tmp_count][&#39;no&#39;] = $arr[$i][&#39;no&#39;];

    if ( $next > $this->page_num )
      $next = $this->page_num;
      $tmp[$tmp_count][&#39;url&#39;] = &#39;&#39;;
      $tmp[$tmp_count][&#39;name&#39;] = "下一页";
      $tmp[$tmp_count][&#39;no&#39;] = $next;
      $tmp[$tmp_count][&#39;url&#39;] = str_replace( $param . &#39;=0&#39;, $param . &#39;=&#39; . $next, $url );
      $tmp[$tmp_count][&#39;name&#39;] = "下一页";
      $tmp[$tmp_count][&#39;no&#39;] = $next;

    return $tmp;
  // 附加首页和尾页
  function make_first_end_link( $arr, $act, $url, $param )
    $tmp = array();

    $before = 1;
    $next = $this->page_num;

    if ( $act == 1 )
      $before = 1;
      $tmp[0][&#39;url&#39;] = &#39;&#39;;
      $tmp[0][&#39;name&#39;] = "首页";
      $tmp[0][&#39;no&#39;] = $before;
      $tmp[0][&#39;url&#39;] = str_replace( $param . &#39;=0&#39;, $param . &#39;=&#39; . $before, $url );
      $tmp[0][&#39;name&#39;] = "首页";
      $tmp[0][&#39;no&#39;] = $before;

    $counts = sizeof( $arr );
    $tmp_count = sizeof( $tmp );
    for( $i = 0;$i < $counts;$i++ )
      $tmp[$tmp_count][&#39;url&#39;] = $arr[$i][&#39;url&#39;];
      $tmp[$tmp_count][&#39;name&#39;] = $arr[$i][&#39;name&#39;];
      $tmp[$tmp_count][&#39;no&#39;] = $arr[$i][&#39;no&#39;];

    if ( $act == $this->page_num )
      $tmp[$tmp_count][&#39;url&#39;] = &#39;&#39;;
      $tmp[$tmp_count][&#39;name&#39;] = "尾页";
      $tmp[$tmp_count][&#39;no&#39;] = $next;
      $tmp[$tmp_count][&#39;url&#39;] = str_replace( $param . &#39;=0&#39;, $param . &#39;=&#39; . $next, $url );
      $tmp[$tmp_count][&#39;name&#39;] = "尾页";
      $tmp[$tmp_count][&#39;no&#39;] = $next;

    return $tmp;

Ce qui précède est le contenu détaillé de. pour plus d'informations, suivez d'autres articles connexes sur le site Web de PHP en chinois!

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