Maison >Opération et maintenance >exploitation et maintenance Linux >Implémenter un exemple de système de sélection de cours Python
import sys,os #程序主目录 BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) print(BASE_DIR) #添加环境变量 sys.path.append(BASE_DIR) from core import main if __name__ == '__main__': a =main.Run() a.interactive()
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
sys.path.append(BASE_DIR) 括号里面是模块引用的地址,我们可以理解把这个模块得知设置成环境变量。 from core import main 导入core包中的main文件 这里是core包中udi.py文件
import hashlib import time def create_md(): m = hashlib.md5() m.update(bytes(str(time.time()),encoding="utf-8")) return m.hexdigest()
import sys,os import json #这里说一下json这个模块,java之中也有应用,所以一些数据也可以给java去用。 import pickle from bin import course from core import uid #数据库文件路径 db_DIR = course.BASE_DIR + r"\db" db_school = db_DIR + r"\school" db_teacher = db_DIR + r"\teacher" db_student = db_DIR + r"\student" db_classes = db_DIR + r"\classes" db_course = db_DIR + r"\course" db_admin = db_DIR + r"\admin" db_class_record = db_DIR + r"\class_record" db_class_grade = db_DIR + r"\class_grade" #基础类,主要包括文件的读写操作 class Baseclass(object): #在python3中全部是新式类,但是建议还是这样写。在python2中存在经典类和新式类;例如:class Baseclass: 这种在python中是经典类,而class Baseclass(object):这样是新式类。有关它们的区别,我会在下一篇博客中具体说明。 def __init__(self): pass def save(self,type,dict): filename = uid.create_md() dict['uid'] = filename file_path = "%s\%s" %(db_DIR,type) ab_file = "%s\%s" %(file_path,filename) if os.path.isdir(file_path): with open(ab_file,"wb") as f: f.write(pickle.dumps(dict)) if True: print( "-------",type,"创建成功","-------") for key in dict: print(key,":\t",dict[key]) def seek_list(self,type,list): filename = uid.create_md() file_path = "%s\%s" %(db_DIR,type) ab_file = "%s\%s" %(file_path,filename) if os.path.isdir(file_path): with open(ab_file,"wb") as f: f.write(pickle.dumps(list)) if True: print( "-------",type,"创建成功","-------") for i in list: for key in i: print(key,i[key]) print("\n") return True def open(self,type): all_data = [] db_path = "%s\%s" %(db_DIR,type) for i in os.listdir(db_path): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(db_path,i)): db_file = os.path.join(db_path,i) with open(db_file,"rb") as f: file_dict = pickle.load(f) all_data.append(file_dict) return all_data #admin类 class Admin(Baseclass): def __init__(self): Baseclass.__init__(self) def create_school(self): school_dict = {} school_name = input("校名:") school_address = input("地址:") s1 = School(school_name, school_address) school_dict["校名"] = s1.school_name school_dict["地址"] = s1.school_address, "school", school_dict) def create_teacher(self): teacher_dict = {} teacher_name = input("讲师姓名:") teacher_salary = input("讲师工资:") teacher_school = input("所属学校:") t1 = Teacher(teacher_name, teacher_salary, teacher_school) teacher_dict["姓名"] = t1.teacher_name teacher_dict["工资"] = t1.teacher_salary teacher_dict["所属学校"] = t1.teacher_school print(teacher_dict), "teacher", teacher_dict) def create_student(self): student_dict = {} student_name = input("学员姓名:") student_sex = input("学员性别:") student_school = input("所属学校:") student_classes = input("学员班级:") st1 = Student(student_name, student_sex, student_school, student_classes) student_dict["姓名"] = st1.student_name student_dict["性别"] = st1.student_sex student_dict["学校"] = st1.student_school student_dict["班级"] = st1.student_classes, "student", student_dict) def create_course(self): course_dict = {} course_name = input("课程名:") course_period = input("周期:") course_prices = input("价格:") c1 = Course(course_name, course_period, course_prices) course_dict["课程名"] = c1.course_name course_dict["周期"] = c1.course_period course_dict["价格"] = course_prices, "course", course_dict) def create_classes(self): classes_dict = {} classes_name = input("班级名:") classes_teachter = input("负责讲师:") classes_course = input("所学课程:") cs1 = Classes(classes_name, classes_teachter, classes_course) classes_dict["班级名"] = cs1.classes_name classes_dict["负责讲师"] = cs1.classes_teacher classes_dict["课程"] = cs1.classes_course, "classes", classes_dict) #School类 class School(Baseclass): def __init__(self,school_name,school_address): Baseclass.__init__(self) self.school_name = school_name self.school_address = school_address #teacher类 class Teacher(Baseclass): def __init__(self,teacher_name,teacher_salary,teacher_school): Baseclass.__init__(self) self.teacher_name = teacher_name self.teacher_salary = teacher_salary self.teacher_school = teacher_school def create_class_record(self): class_record = [] student_school = input("选择学校:") student_classes = input("选择班级:") student_times = input("课次:") student_list =,"student") for i in student_list: if i["学校"] == student_school and i["班级"] == student_classes: student_name = i["姓名"] student_status = input("%s 上课情况:" % student_name) i["上课情况"] = student_status i["课次"] = student_times class_record.append(i) Baseclass.seek_list(self,"class_record",class_record) def create_class_grade(self): class_grade = [] student_school = input("选择学校:") student_classes = input("选择班级:") student_times = input("课次:") student_list =,"student") for i in student_list: if i["学校"] == student_school and i["班级"] == student_classes: student_name = i["姓名"] student_grade = input("%s 成绩:" % student_name) i["成绩"] = student_grade i["课次"] = student_times class_grade.append(i) Baseclass.seek_list(self,"class_grade",class_grade) def teacher_view_grade(self): grade_list = [] student_school = input("校名:") student_class = input("班级:") student_times = input("课次:") class_grade_list =, "class_grade") for i in class_grade_list: for j in i: if j["学校"] == student_school and j["班级"] == student_class and j["课次"] == student_times: grade_list.append(j) for i in grade_list: for key in i: print(key,i[key]) print("\n") def tacher_view_record(self): record_list = [] student_school = input("校名:") student_class = input("班级:") student_times = input("课次:") class_record_list =, "class_record") for i in class_record_list: for j in i: if j["学校"] == student_school and j["班级"] == student_class and j["课次"] == student_times: record_list.append(j) for i in record_list: for key in i: print(key,i[key]) print("\n") #classes类 class Course(Baseclass): def __init__(self,course_name,course_period,course_prices): Baseclass.__init__(self) self.course_name = course_name self.course_period = course_period self.course_prices = course_prices #student类 class Student(Baseclass): def __init__(self,student_name,student_sex,student_school,student_classes): Baseclass.__init__(self) self.student_name = student_name self.student_sex = student_sex self.student_school = student_school self.student_classes = student_classes def student_registered(self): student_dict = {} print("欢迎进入学生注册系统") student_name = input("注册姓名:") student_sex = input("性别:") student_school = input("学校:") student_class = input("班级:") st1 = Student(student_name,student_sex,student_school,student_class) student_dict["姓名"] = st1.student_name student_dict["性别"] = st1.student_sex student_dict["学校"] = st1.student_school student_dict["班级"] = st1.student_classes, "student", student_dict) def student_pay_fees(self): pass def student_view_grade(self): student_school = input("校名:") student_class = input("班级:") student_times = input("课次:") student_name = input("姓名:") class_grade_list =,"class_grade") for i in class_grade_list: for j in i: if j["学校"] == student_school and j["班级"] == student_class and j["课次"] == student_times \ and j["姓名"] == student_name: for key in j: print(key,j[key]) print("\n") def student_view_record(self): student_school = input("校名:") student_class = input("班级:") student_times = input("课次:") student_name = input("姓名:") class_record_list =,"class_record") for i in class_record_list: for j in i: if j["学校"] == student_school and j["班级"] == student_class and j["课次"] == student_times \ and j["姓名"] == student_name: for key in j: print(key,j[key]) print("\n") #课程类 class Classes(Baseclass): def __init__(self,classes_name,classes_teachter,classes_course): Baseclass.__init__(self) self.classes_name = classes_name self.classes_teacher = classes_teachter self.classes_course = classes_course #管理员视图,继承Admin类 class Admin_view(Admin): def __init__(self): Admin.__init__(self) def auth(self,username,password): admin_file = "%s/%s.json" %(db_admin,username) if os.path.isfile(admin_file): with open(admin_file, 'r') as f: admin_data = json.load(f) if admin_data["name"] == username and admin_data["password"] == password: return True else: print("用户名或密码错误") def login(self): menu = u''' ------- 欢迎进入管理视图 --------- \033[32;1m 1. 校区管理 2. 讲师管理 3. 学员管理 4. 课程管理 5. 返回 \033[0m''' menu_dic = { '1': Admin_view.school_manager, '2': Admin_view.teacher_manager, '3': Admin_view.student_manager, '4': Admin_view.course_manager, '5': "logout", } username = input("输入用户名:").strip() password = input("输入密码:").strip() auth = Admin_view.auth(self,username,password) if auth: exit_flag = False while not exit_flag: print(menu) option = input("请选择:").strip() if option in menu_dic: if int(option) == 5: exit_flag = True else: print(menu_dic[option]) menu_dic[option](self) else: print("\033[31;1m输入错误,重新输入\033[0m") def school_manager(self): exit_flag = False while not exit_flag: print(""" ------- 欢迎进入校区管理 --------- \033[32;1m1. 创建校区 2. 创建班级 3. 返回 \033[0m """) option = input("请选择:").strip() if int(option) == 1: Admin.create_school(self) elif int(option) == 2: Admin.create_classes(self) else: exit_flag = True def teacher_manager(self): exit_flag = False while not exit_flag: print(""" ------- 欢迎进入讲师管理 --------- \033[32;1m 1. 创建讲师 2. ... 3. 返回 \033[0m """) option = input("请选择:").strip() if int(option) == 1: Admin.create_teacher(self) elif int(option) == 2: print("扩展中") else: exit_flag = True def student_manager(self): exit_flag = False while not exit_flag: print(""" ------- 欢迎进入学员管理 --------- \033[32;1m 1. 创建学员 2. ... 3. 返回 \033[0m """) option = input("请选择:").strip() if int(option) == 1: Admin.create_student(self) elif int(option) == 2: print("扩展中") else: exit_flag = True def course_manager(self): exit_flag = False while not exit_flag: print(""" ------- 欢迎进入课程管理 --------- \033[32;1m 1. 创建课程 2. ... 3. 返回 \033[0m """) option = input("请选择:").strip() if int(option) == 1: Admin.create_course(self) elif int(option) == 2: print("扩展中") else: exit_flag = True #讲师视图类,继承Teacher类 class Teacher_view(Teacher,): def __init__(self,teacher_name,teacher_salary,teacher_school): Teacher.__init__(self,teacher_name,teacher_salary,teacher_school) def login(self): menu = u''' ------- 欢迎进入讲师视图 --------- \033[32;1m 1. 创建上课记录 2. 创建学员成绩 3. 查看学员上课记录 4. 查看学员成绩 5. 返回 \033[0m''' menu_dic = { '1': Teacher.create_class_record, '2': Teacher.create_class_grade, '3': Teacher.tacher_view_record, '4': Teacher.teacher_view_grade, '5': "logout", } if True: exit_flag = False while not exit_flag: print(menu) option = input("请选择:").strip() if option in menu_dic: if int(option) == 5: exit_flag = True else: print(menu_dic[option]) menu_dic[option](self) else: print("\033[31;1m输入错误,重新输入\033[0m") #学员视图类,继承Student类 class Student_view(Student): def __init__(self,student_name,student_sex,student_school,student_classes): Student.__init__(self,student_name,student_sex,student_school,student_classes) def login(self): menu = u''' ------- 欢迎进入学生管理视图 --------- \033[32;1m 1. 注册 2. 交学费 3. 查看上课记录 4. 查看作业成绩 5. 返回 \033[0m''' menu_dic = { '1': Student.student_registered, '2': Student.student_pay_fees, '3': Student.student_view_record, '4': Student.student_view_grade, '5': "logout", } if True: exit_flag = False while not exit_flag: print(menu) option = input("请选择:").strip() if option in menu_dic: if int(option) == 5: exit_flag = True else: menu_dic[option](self) else: print("\033[31;1m输入错误,重新输入\033[0m") #程序交互类 class Run(object): def __init__(self): pass def interactive(self): menu = u''' ------- 欢迎进入选课系统 --------- \033[32;1m 1. 学生视图 2. 讲师视图 3. 管理视图 4. 退出 \033[0m''' menu_dic = { '1': Student_view, '2': Teacher_view, '3': Admin_view, # '4': logout, } exit_flag = False while not exit_flag: print(menu) option_view = input("请选择视图:").strip() if option_view in menu_dic: if int(option_view) == 4: exit_flag = True else: menu_dic[option_view].login(self) else: print("\033[31;1m输入错误,重新输入\033[0m")
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