Maison >Applet WeChat >Développement WeChat >Jeu 2048 développé par WeChat
Dans ce didacticiel de développement de mini-programmes WeChat, nous présenterons comment utiliser le mini-programme WeChat pour développer 2048 mini-jeux.
Cet article est principalement divisé en deux parties, la partie principale du mini programme et la partie page du mini jeu
Le. La partie principale d'un mini programme est composée de trois fichiers. La composition doit être placée dans le répertoire racine du projet, comme suit :
1. Logique du mini programme
App({ onLaunch: function() { // Do something initial when launch. }, onShow: function() { // Do something when show. }, onHide: function() { // Do something when hide. }, globalData: 'I am global data'})
2. Paramètres publics du mini-programme
Enregistrez principalement une page, qui est la page d'accueil du jeu 2048
{ "pages":[ "pages/index/index" ], "window":{ "navigationBarBackgroundColor":"#ffffff", "navigationBarTextStyle":"#1AAD16", "navigationBarTitleText":"2048游戏", "backgroundColor":"#eeeeee", "backgroundTextStyle":"light" }, "networkTimeout": { "request": 10000, "downloadFile": 10000 }, "debug": false }
La page du mini-programme du jeu 2048 est principalement composée des fichiers suivants.
1. Structure de la page
Le code de structure de la page est le suivant
<view class="container"> <view class="game-body"> <loading hidden="{{hidden}}"> 加载中... </loading> <view class="heading"> <text class="title">2048</text> <view class="scores-container"> <view class="score-container">{{score}}</view> <view class="best-container">{{highscore}}</view> </view> </view> <view class="above-game"> <text class="game-intro">你能拿到2048吗?</text> <text class="restart-button" bindtap="restart">新游戏</text> </view> <view class="game-container"> <view class="game-message game-{{over ? (win ? 'won' : 'over') : ''}}"> <text class="over-msg">{{overMsg}}</text> <view class="lower"> <!-- <text class="keep-playing-button">继续</text> --> <text class="retry-button" bindtap="restart">再试一次</text> </view> </view> <view class="grid-container" bindtouchstart="touchStart" bindtouchmove="touchMove" bindtouchend="touchEnd"> <view wx:for="{{grids}}" wx:for-index="rowIdx" wx:for-item="row" class="grid-row"> <view wx:for="{{row}}" wx:for-index="colIdx" wx:for-item="cell" class="grid-cell"> <view class="tile tile-{{cell.value}}"> <view wx:if="{{cell}}" class="tile-inner"> {{cell.value}} </view> </view> </view> </view> </view> </view> <!-- <view class="game-explanation"> <view class="important">如何开始:</view> 手指上下左右滑动 </view> --></view></view>
2. Le code de style de la feuille de style
est le suivant
.container { margin: 0; padding: 20px 0; background: #faf8ef; color: #776e65; font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 18px; }.heading:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; }.title { font-size: 80px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; display: block; float: left; }.scores-container { float: right; text-align: right; }.score-container, .best-container { position: relative; display: inline-block; background: #bbada0; padding: 15px 25px; font-size: 25px; height: 25px; line-height: 47px; font-weight: bold; border-radius: 3px; color: white; text-align: center; margin: 8px 0 0 8px; }.score-container:after, .best-container:after { position: absolute; width: 100%; top: 10px; left: 0; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 13px; line-height: 13px; text-align: center; color: #eee4da; }.score-container .score-addition, .best-container .score-addition { position: absolute; right: 30px; color: red; font-size: 25px; line-height: 25px; font-weight: bold; color: rgba(119, 110, 101, 0.9); z-index: 100; }.score-container:after { content: "Score"; }.best-container:after { content: "Best"; }p { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 10px; line-height: 1.65; }a { color: #776e65; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer; }strong.important { text-transform: uppercase; }hr { border: none; border-bottom: 1px solid #d8d4d0; margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 30px; }.game-container { margin-top: 40px; position: relative; padding: 15px; cursor: default; -webkit-touch-callout: none; -ms-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; -ms-touch-action: none; touch-action: none; background: #bbada0; border-radius: 6px; width: 500px; height: 500px; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; }.game-container .game-message { /*display: none;*/ position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; background: rgba(238, 228, 218, 0.5); z-index: 100; text-align: center; }.game-container .game-message p { font-size: 60px; font-weight: bold; height: 60px; line-height: 60px; margin-top: 222px; }.game-container .game-message .lower { display: block; margin-top: 59px; }.game-container .game-message a { display: inline-block; background: #8f7a66; border-radius: 3px; padding: 0 20px; text-decoration: none; color: #f9f6f2; height: 40px; line-height: 42px; margin-left: 9px; }.game-container .game-message .keep-playing-button { display: none; }.game-container { background: rgba(237, 194, 46, 0.5); color: #f9f6f2; }.game-container .keep-playing-button { display: inline-block; }.game-container, .game-container { display: block; }.grid-container { position: absolute; z-index: 1; }.grid-row { margin-bottom: 15px; }.grid-row:last-child { margin-bottom: 0; }.grid-row:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; }.grid-cell { width: 106.25px; height: 106.25px; margin-right: 15px; float: left; border-radius: 3px; background: rgba(238, 228, 218, 0.35); }.grid-cell:last-child { margin-right: 0; }.tile-container { position: absolute; z-index: 2; }.tile, .tile .tile-inner { width: 107px; height: 107px; line-height: 107px; }.tile.tile-position-1-1 { -webkit-transform: translate(0px, 0px); -moz-transform: translate(0px, 0px); -ms-transform: translate(0px, 0px); transform: translate(0px, 0px); }.tile.tile-position-1-2 { -webkit-transform: translate(0px, 121px); -moz-transform: translate(0px, 121px); -ms-transform: translate(0px, 121px); transform: translate(0px, 121px); }.tile.tile-position-1-3 { -webkit-transform: translate(0px, 242px); -moz-transform: translate(0px, 242px); -ms-transform: translate(0px, 242px); transform: translate(0px, 242px); }.tile.tile-position-1-4 { -webkit-transform: translate(0px, 363px); -moz-transform: translate(0px, 363px); -ms-transform: translate(0px, 363px); transform: translate(0px, 363px); }.tile.tile-position-2-1 { -webkit-transform: translate(121px, 0px); -moz-transform: translate(121px, 0px); -ms-transform: translate(121px, 0px); transform: translate(121px, 0px); }.tile.tile-position-2-2 { -webkit-transform: translate(121px, 121px); -moz-transform: translate(121px, 121px); -ms-transform: translate(121px, 121px); transform: translate(121px, 121px); }.tile.tile-position-2-3 { -webkit-transform: translate(121px, 242px); -moz-transform: translate(121px, 242px); -ms-transform: translate(121px, 242px); transform: translate(121px, 242px); }.tile.tile-position-2-4 { -webkit-transform: translate(121px, 363px); -moz-transform: translate(121px, 363px); -ms-transform: translate(121px, 363px); transform: translate(121px, 363px); }.tile.tile-position-3-1 { -webkit-transform: translate(242px, 0px); -moz-transform: translate(242px, 0px); -ms-transform: translate(242px, 0px); transform: translate(242px, 0px); }.tile.tile-position-3-2 { -webkit-transform: translate(242px, 121px); -moz-transform: translate(242px, 121px); -ms-transform: translate(242px, 121px); transform: translate(242px, 121px); }.tile.tile-position-3-3 { -webkit-transform: translate(242px, 242px); -moz-transform: translate(242px, 242px); -ms-transform: translate(242px, 242px); transform: translate(242px, 242px); }.tile.tile-position-3-4 { -webkit-transform: translate(242px, 363px); -moz-transform: translate(242px, 363px); -ms-transform: translate(242px, 363px); transform: translate(242px, 363px); }.tile.tile-position-4-1 { -webkit-transform: translate(363px, 0px); -moz-transform: translate(363px, 0px); -ms-transform: translate(363px, 0px); transform: translate(363px, 0px); }.tile.tile-position-4-2 { -webkit-transform: translate(363px, 121px); -moz-transform: translate(363px, 121px); -ms-transform: translate(363px, 121px); transform: translate(363px, 121px); }.tile.tile-position-4-3 { -webkit-transform: translate(363px, 242px); -moz-transform: translate(363px, 242px); -ms-transform: translate(363px, 242px); transform: translate(363px, 242px); }.tile.tile-position-4-4 { -webkit-transform: translate(363px, 363px); -moz-transform: translate(363px, 363px); -ms-transform: translate(363px, 363px); transform: translate(363px, 363px); }.tile { position: absolute; -webkit-transition: 100ms ease-in-out; -moz-transition: 100ms ease-in-out; transition: 100ms ease-in-out; -webkit-transition-property: -webkit-transform; -moz-transition-property: -moz-transform; transition-property: transform; }.tile .tile-inner { border-radius: 3px; background: #eee4da; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; z-index: 10; font-size: 55px; }.tile.tile-2 .tile-inner { background: #eee4da; box-shadow: 0 0 30px 10px rgba(243, 215, 116, 0), inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); }.tile.tile-4 .tile-inner { background: #ede0c8; box-shadow: 0 0 30px 10px rgba(243, 215, 116, 0), inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); }.tile.tile-8 .tile-inner { color: #f9f6f2; background: #f2b179; }.tile.tile-16 .tile-inner { color: #f9f6f2; background: #f59563; }.tile.tile-32 .tile-inner { color: #f9f6f2; background: #f67c5f; }.tile.tile-64 .tile-inner { color: #f9f6f2; background: #f65e3b; }.tile.tile-128 .tile-inner { color: #f9f6f2; background: #edcf72; box-shadow: 0 0 30px 10px rgba(243, 215, 116, 0.2381), inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.14286); font-size: 45px; }@media screen and (max-width:520px) { .tile.tile-128 .tile-inner { font-size: 25px; }} .tile.tile-256 .tile-inner { color: #f9f6f2; background: #edcc61; box-shadow: 0 0 30px 10px rgba(243, 215, 116, 0.31746), inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.19048); font-size: 45px; }@media screen and (max-width:520px) { .tile.tile-256 .tile-inner { font-size: 25px; }} .tile.tile-512 .tile-inner { color: #f9f6f2; background: #edc850; box-shadow: 0 0 30px 10px rgba(243, 215, 116, 0.39683), inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2381); font-size: 45px; }@media screen and (max-width:520px) { .tile.tile-512 .tile-inner { font-size: 25px; }} .tile.tile-1024 .tile-inner { color: #f9f6f2; background: #edc53f; box-shadow: 0 0 30px 10px rgba(243, 215, 116, 0.47619), inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.28571); font-size: 35px; }@media screen and (max-width:520px) { .tile.tile-1024 .tile-inner { font-size: 15px; }} .tile.tile-2048 .tile-inner { color: #f9f6f2; background: #edc22e; box-shadow: 0 0 30px 10px rgba(243, 215, 116, 0.55556), inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.33333); font-size: 35px; }@media screen and (max-width:520px) { .tile.tile-2048 .tile-inner { font-size: 15px; }} .tile.tile-super .tile-inner { color: #f9f6f2; background: #3c3a32; font-size: 30px; }@media screen and (max-width:520px) { .tile.tile-super .tile-inner { font-size: 10px; }} .tile-merged .tile-inner { z-index: 20; }.above-game:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; }.game-intro { float: left; line-height: 42px; margin-bottom: 0; }.restart-button { display: inline-block; background: #8f7a66; border-radius: 3px; padding: 0 20px; text-decoration: none; color: #f9f6f2; height: 40px; line-height: 42px; display: block; text-align: center; float: right; }.game-explanation { margin-top: 50px; }@media screen and (max-width:520px) { html, body { font-size: 15px; } body { margin: 20px 0; padding: 0 20px; } .title { font-size: 27px; margin-top: 15px; } /*.container { width: 280px; margin: 0 auto; }*/ .score-container, .best-container { margin-top: 0; padding: 15px 10px; min-width: 40px; } .heading { margin-bottom: 10px; } .game-intro { width: 55%; display: block; box-sizing: border-box; line-height: 1.65; } .restart-button { width: 42%; padding: 0; display: block; box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 2px; } .game-container { margin-top: 17px; position: relative; padding: 10px; cursor: default; -webkit-touch-callout: none; -ms-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; -ms-touch-action: none; touch-action: none; background: #bbada0; border-radius: 6px; width: 280px; height: 280px; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; } .game-container .game-message { display: none; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; background: rgba(238, 228, 218, 0.5); z-index: 100; text-align: center; } .game-container .game-message .over-msg { display: block; font-size: 30px; font-weight: bold; height: 30px; line-height: 30px; /*margin-top: 222px;*/ margin-top: 59px; } .game-container .game-message .lower { display: block; margin-top: 59px; } .game-container .game-message .retry-button { display: inline-block; background: #8f7a66; border-radius: 3px; padding: 0 20px; text-decoration: none; color: #f9f6f2; height: 40px; line-height: 42px; margin-left: 9px; } .game-container .game-message .keep-playing-button { display: none; } .game-container { background: rgba(237, 194, 46, 0.5); color: #f9f6f2; } .game-container .keep-playing-button { display: inline-block; } .game-container, .game-container { display: block; } .grid-container { position: absolute; z-index: 1; } .grid-row { margin-bottom: 10px; } .grid-row:last-child { margin-bottom: 0; } .grid-row:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } .grid-cell { width: 57.5px; height: 57.5px; margin-right: 10px; float: left; border-radius: 3px; background: rgba(238, 228, 218, 0.35); } .grid-cell:last-child { margin-right: 0; } .tile, .tile .tile-inner { width: 58px; height: 58px; line-height: 58px; } .tile.tile-position-1-1 { -webkit-transform: translate(0px, 0px); -moz-transform: translate(0px, 0px); -ms-transform: translate(0px, 0px); transform: translate(0px, 0px); } .tile.tile-position-1-2 { -webkit-transform: translate(0px, 67px); -moz-transform: translate(0px, 67px); -ms-transform: translate(0px, 67px); transform: translate(0px, 67px); } .tile.tile-position-1-3 { -webkit-transform: translate(0px, 135px); -moz-transform: translate(0px, 135px); -ms-transform: translate(0px, 135px); transform: translate(0px, 135px); } .tile.tile-position-1-4 { -webkit-transform: translate(0px, 202px); -moz-transform: translate(0px, 202px); -ms-transform: translate(0px, 202px); transform: translate(0px, 202px); } .tile.tile-position-2-1 { -webkit-transform: translate(67px, 0px); -moz-transform: translate(67px, 0px); -ms-transform: translate(67px, 0px); transform: translate(67px, 0px); } .tile.tile-position-2-2 { -webkit-transform: translate(67px, 67px); -moz-transform: translate(67px, 67px); -ms-transform: translate(67px, 67px); transform: translate(67px, 67px); } .tile.tile-position-2-3 { -webkit-transform: translate(67px, 135px); -moz-transform: translate(67px, 135px); -ms-transform: translate(67px, 135px); transform: translate(67px, 135px); } .tile.tile-position-2-4 { -webkit-transform: translate(67px, 202px); -moz-transform: translate(67px, 202px); -ms-transform: translate(67px, 202px); transform: translate(67px, 202px); } .tile.tile-position-3-1 { -webkit-transform: translate(135px, 0px); -moz-transform: translate(135px, 0px); -ms-transform: translate(135px, 0px); transform: translate(135px, 0px); } .tile.tile-position-3-2 { -webkit-transform: translate(135px, 67px); -moz-transform: translate(135px, 67px); -ms-transform: translate(135px, 67px); transform: translate(135px, 67px); } .tile.tile-position-3-3 { -webkit-transform: translate(135px, 135px); -moz-transform: translate(135px, 135px); -ms-transform: translate(135px, 135px); transform: translate(135px, 135px); } .tile.tile-position-3-4 { -webkit-transform: translate(135px, 202px); -moz-transform: translate(135px, 202px); -ms-transform: translate(135px, 202px); transform: translate(135px, 202px); } .tile.tile-position-4-1 { -webkit-transform: translate(202px, 0px); -moz-transform: translate(202px, 0px); -ms-transform: translate(202px, 0px); transform: translate(202px, 0px); } .tile.tile-position-4-2 { -webkit-transform: translate(202px, 67px); -moz-transform: translate(202px, 67px); -ms-transform: translate(202px, 67px); transform: translate(202px, 67px); } .tile.tile-position-4-3 { -webkit-transform: translate(202px, 135px); -moz-transform: translate(202px, 135px); -ms-transform: translate(202px, 135px); transform: translate(202px, 135px); } .tile.tile-position-4-4 { -webkit-transform: translate(202px, 202px); -moz-transform: translate(202px, 202px); -ms-transform: translate(202px, 202px); transform: translate(202px, 202px); } .tile .tile-inner { font-size: 35px; } .game-message p { font-size: 30px !important; height: 30px !important; line-height: 30px !important; margin-top: 90px !important; } .game-message .lower { margin-top: 30px !important; }}
3. Traitement logique de la page
var app = getApp();var Grid = require('./grid.js');var Tile = require('./tile.js');var GameManager = require('./game_manager.js');var config = { data: { hidden: false, // 游戏数据可以通过参数控制 grids: [], over: false, win: false, score: 0, highscore: 0, overMsg: '游戏结束' }, onLoad: function() { this.GameManager = new GameManager(4); this.setData({ grids: this.GameManager.setup(), highscore: wx.getStorageSync('highscore') || 0 }); }, onReady: function() { var that = this; // 页面渲染完毕隐藏loading that.setData({ hidden: true }); }, onShow: function() { // 页面展示 }, onHide: function() { // 页面隐藏 }, onUnload: function() { // 页面关闭 }, // 更新视图数据 updateView: function(data) { // 游戏结束 if(data.over){ data.overMsg = '游戏结束'; } // 获胜 if({ data.overMsg = '恭喜'; } this.setData(data); }, // 重新开始 restart: function() { this.updateView({ grids: this.GameManager.restart(), over: false, won: false, score: 0 }); }, touchStartClienX: 0, touchStartClientY: 0, touchEndClientX: 0, touchEndClientY: 0, isMultiple: false, // 多手指操作 touchStart: function(events) { // 多指操作 this.isMultiple = events.touches.length > 1; if (this.isMultiple) { return; } var touch = events.touches[0]; this.touchStartClientX = touch.clientX; this.touchStartClientY = touch.clientY; }, touchMove: function(events) { var touch = events.touches[0]; this.touchEndClientX = touch.clientX; this.touchEndClientY = touch.clientY; }, touchEnd: function(events) { if (this.isMultiple) { return; } var dx = this.touchEndClientX - this.touchStartClientX; var absDx = Math.abs(dx); var dy = this.touchEndClientY - this.touchStartClientY; var absDy = Math.abs(dy); if (Math.max(absDx, absDy) > 10) { var direction = absDx > absDy ? (dx > 0 ? 1 : 3) : (dy > 0 ? 2 : 0); var data = this.GameManager.move(direction) || { grids:, over:, won:, score: }; var highscore = wx.getStorageSync('highscore') || 0; if(data.score > highscore){ wx.setStorageSync('highscore', data.score); } this.updateView({ grids: data.grids, over: data.over, won: data.won, score: data.score, highscore: Math.max(highscore, data.score) }); } } }; Page(config);
En plus , Il cite certains fichiers js de la version web originale du jeu 2048.
Gestion du jeu game_manager.js
Gestion de la grille grid.js
Gestion du stockage local local_storage_manager.js
Tuile de gestion des tuiles .js
[Recommandations associées]
1.Source de la plateforme du compte public WeChat téléchargement du code
2.Code source du système de commande Alizi
Ce qui précède est le contenu détaillé de. pour plus d'informations, suivez d'autres articles connexes sur le site Web de PHP en chinois!