Maison >interface Web >tutoriel CSS >Partagez un code d'effet spécial CSS3 pour l'explosion des clics et la localisation

Partagez un code d'effet spécial CSS3 pour l'explosion des clics et la localisation

2017-04-26 17:39:143272parcourir

Un effet spécial jquery+css3 avec un code simple et un effet évident Lorsque vous cliquez sur le bloc div, il se déclenche automatiquement. casser et disperser en bas de la page Web


Partagez un code d'effet spécial CSS3 pour l'explosion des clics et la localisation


$(document).ready(function() {
	// Generate the clips. In this case I'm using 5 (or 25 pieces)
	(genClips = function() {
		// For easy use
		$t = $('.clipped-box');
		// Like I said, we're using 5!
		var amount = 5;
		// Get the width of each clipped rectangle.
		var width = $t.width() / amount;
		var height = $t.height() / amount;
		// The total is the square of the amount
		var totalSquares = Math.pow(amount, 2);
		// The HTML of the content
		var html = $t.find('.content').html();
		var y = 0;
		for(var z = 0; z <= (amount*width); z = z+width) { 
			$(&#39;<p class="clipped" style="clip: rect(&#39;+y+&#39;px, &#39;+(z+width)+&#39;px, &#39;+(y+height)+&#39;px, &#39;+z+&#39;px)">&#39;+html+&#39;</p>&#39;).appendTo($t);
			if(z === (amount*width)-width) {
				y = y + height;
				z = -width;
			if(y === (amount*height)) {
				z = 9999999;
	// A quick random function for selecting random numbers
	function rand(min, max) {
		return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
	// A variable check for when the animation is mostly over
	var first = false,
		clicked = false;
	// On click
	$(&#39;.clipped-box p&#39;).on(&#39;click&#39;, function() {
		if(clicked === false) {
			clicked = true;
			$(&#39;.clipped-box .content&#39;).css({&#39;display&#39; : &#39;none&#39;});	
			// Apply to each clipped-box p.
			$(&#39;.clipped-box p:not(.content)&#39;).each(function() {
				// So the speed is a random speed between 90m/s and 120m/s. I know that seems like a lot
				// But otherwise it seems too slow. That&#39;s due to how I handled the timeout.
				var v = rand(120, 90),
					angle = rand(80, 89), // The angle (the angle of projection) is a random number between 80 and 89 degrees.
					theta = (angle * Math.PI) / 180, // Theta is the angle in radians
					g = -9.8; // And gravity is -9.8. If you live on another planet feel free to change
				// $(this) as self
				var self = $(this);
				// time is initially zero, also set some random variables. It&#39;s higher than the total time for the projectile motion
				// because we want the squares to go off screen. 
				var t = 0,
					z, r, nx, ny,
					totalt =  15;
				// The direction can either be left (1), right (-1) or center (0). This is the horizontal direction.
				var negate = [1, -1, 0],
					direction = negate[ Math.floor(Math.random() * negate.length) ];
				// Some random numbers for altering the shapes position
				var randDeg = rand(-5, 10), 
					randScale = rand(0.9, 1.1),
					randDeg2 = rand(30, 5);
				// Because box shadows are a bit laggy (by a bit I mean &#39;box shadows will not work on inpidual clipped ps at all&#39;) 
				// we&#39;re altering the background colour slightly manually, in order to give the ps differentiation when they are
				// hovering around in the air.
				var color = $(this).css(&#39;backgroundColor&#39;).split(&#39;rgb(&#39;)[1].split(&#39;)&#39;)[0].split(&#39;, &#39;),
					colorR = rand(-20, 20),  // You might want to alter these manually if you change the color
					colorGB = rand(-20, 20),  // To get the right consistency.
					newColor = &#39;rgb(&#39;+(parseFloat(color[0])+colorR)+&#39;, &#39;+(parseFloat(color[1])+colorGB)+&#39;, &#39;+(parseFloat(color[2])+colorGB)+&#39;)&#39;;
				// And apply those
					&#39;transform&#39; : &#39;scale(&#39;+randScale+&#39;) skew(&#39;+randDeg+&#39;deg) rotateZ(&#39;+randDeg2+&#39;deg)&#39;, 
					&#39;background&#39; : newColor
				// Set an interval
				z = setInterval(function() { 	
					// Horizontal speed is constant (no wind resistance on the internet)
					var ux = ( Math.cos(theta) * v ) * direction;
					// Vertical speed decreases as time increases before reaching 0 at its peak
					var uy = ( Math.sin(theta) * v ) - ( (-g) * t);
					// The horizontal position
					nx = (ux * t);
					// s = ut + 0.5at^2
					ny = (uy * t) + (0.5 * (g) * Math.pow(t, 2));
					// Apply the positions	
					$(self).css({&#39;bottom&#39; : (ny)+&#39;px&#39;, &#39;left&#39; : (nx)+&#39;px&#39;});
					// Increase the time by 0.10
					t = t + 0.10;
					// If the time is greater than the total time clear the interval
					if(t > totalt) {
						clicked = false;
						first = true;
						$(&#39;.clipped-box&#39;).css({&#39;top&#39; : &#39;-1000px&#39;, &#39;transition&#39; : &#39;none&#39;});
						$(self).css({&#39;left&#39; : &#39;0&#39;, &#39;bottom&#39; : &#39;0&#39;, &#39;opacity&#39; : &#39;1&#39;, &#39;transition&#39; : &#39;none&#39;, &#39;transform&#39; : &#39;none&#39;});
						// Finally clear the interval
				}, 10); // Run this interval every 10ms. Changing this will change the pace of the animation
	r = setInterval(function() {
		// This is a bit rough but it does the job
		if(first === true) {
			// I&#39;ve just put this in so the deleted box will come down again after its been clicked.
			// That way you can keep pressing delete.			
			$(&#39;.clipped-box&#39;).css({&#39;top&#39; : &#39;0&#39;, &#39;transition&#39; : &#39;&#39;});
			$(&#39;.clipped-box p&#39;).css({&#39;opacity&#39; : &#39;1&#39;, &#39;transition&#39; : &#39;&#39;, &#39;background-color&#39; : &#39;&#39;});
			$(&#39;.content&#39;).css({&#39;display&#39; : &#39;block&#39;});
			first = false;
	}, 300);

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