Maison >développement back-end >tutoriel php >Explication détaillée d'exemples d'analyse php de fichiers mht et de leur conversion en HTML
L'éditeur ci-dessous vous présentera un exemple d'utilisation de PHP pour analyser des fichiers mht et les convertir en HTML. L'éditeur le trouve plutôt bon, je vais donc le partager avec vous maintenant et le donner comme référence pour tout le monde. Suivons l'éditeur et jetons un œil.
php analyse le fichier mht. Utilisez l' éditeur pour l'ouvrir et vous pourrez voir l'encodage base64. Par conséquent, mht peut être converti en html.
<?php /** * 针对Mht格式的文件进行解析 * 使用例子: * * function mhtmlParseBody($filename) { if (file_exists ( $filename )) { if (is_dir ( $filename )) return false; $filename = strtolower ( $filename ); if (strpos ( $filename, '.mht', 1 ) == FALSE) return false; $o_mhtml = new mhtml (); $o_mhtml->set_file ( $filename ); $o_mhtml->extract (); return $o_mhtml->get_part_to_file(0); } return null; } function mhtmlParseAll($filename) { if (file_exists ( $filename )) { if (is_dir ( $filename )) return false; $filename = strtolower ( $filename ); if (strpos ( $filename, '.mht', 1 ) == FALSE) return false; $o_mhtml = new mhtml (); $o_mhtml->set_file ( $filename ); $o_mhtml->extract (); return $o_mhtml->get_all_part_file(); } return null; } */ class mhtparse { var $file = ''; var $boundary = ''; var $filedata = ''; var $countparts = 1; var $log = ''; function extract() { $this->read_filedata (); $this->file_parts (); return 1; } function set_file($p) { $this->file = $p; } function get_log() { return $this->log; } function file_parts() { $lines = explode ( "\n", substr ( $this->filedata, 0, 8192 ) ); foreach ( $lines as $line ) { $line = trim ( $line ); if (strpos ( $line, '=' ) !== FALSE) { if (strpos ( $line, 'boundary', 0 ) !== FALSE) { $range = $this->getrange ( $line, '"', '"', 0 ); $this->boundary = "--" . $range ['range']; $this->filedata = str_replace ( $line, '', $this->filedata ); break; } } } if ($this->boundary != '') { $this->filedata = explode ( $this->boundary, $this->filedata ); unset ( $this->filedata [0] ); $this->filedata = array_values ( $this->filedata ); $this->countparts = count ( $this->filedata ); } else { $tmp = $this->filedata; $this->filedata = array ( $tmp ); } } function get_all_part_file() { return $this->filedata; } function get_part_to_file($i) { $line_data_start = 0; $encoding = ''; $part_lines = explode ( "\n", ltrim ( $this->filedata [$i] ) ); foreach ( $part_lines as $line_id => $line ) { $line = trim ( $line ); if ($line == '') { if (trim ( $part_lines [0] ) == '--') return 1; $line_data_start = $line_id; break; } if (strpos ( $line, ':' ) !== FALSE) { $pos = strpos ( $line, ':' ); $k = strtolower ( trim ( substr ( $line, 0, $pos ) ) ); $v = trim ( substr ( $line, $pos + 1, strlen ( $line ) ) ); if ($k == 'content-transfer-encoding') { $encoding = $v; } if ($k == 'content-location') { $location = $v; } if ($k == 'content-type') { $contenttype = $v; } } } foreach ( $part_lines as $line_id => $line ) { if ($line_id <= $line_data_start) $part_lines [$line_id] = ''; } $part_lines = implode ( '', $part_lines ); if ($encoding == 'base64') $part_lines = base64_decode ( $part_lines ); elseif ($encoding == 'quoted-printable') $part_lines = imap_qprint ( $part_lines ); return $part_lines; } function read_filedata() { $handle = fopen ( $this->file, 'r' ); $this->filedata = fread ( $handle, filesize ( $this->file ) ); fclose ( $handle ); } function getrange(&$subject, $Beginmark_str = '{', $Endmark_str = '}', $Start_pos = 0) { /* * $str="sssss { x { xx } {xx{xx } x} x} sssss"; $range=string::getRange($str,'{','}',0); echo $range['range']; //tulem: " x { xx } {xx{xx } x} x" echo $range['behin']; //tulem: 6 echo $range['end']; //tulem: 30 (' ') -- l5pumärgist järgnev out: array('range'=>$Range,'begin'=>$Begin_firstOccurence_pos,'end'=>$End_sequel_pos) | false v1.1 2004-2006,Uku-Kaarel J5esaar,,,+3725110693 */ if (empty ( $Beginmark_str )) $Beginmark_str = '{'; $Beginmark_str_len = strlen ( $Beginmark_str ); if (empty ( $Endmark_str )) $Endmark_str = '}'; $Endmark_str_len = strlen ( $Endmark_str ); /* $Start_pos_cache = 0; */ do { /* !algus */ if (! is_int ( $Begin_firstOccurence_pos )) $Start_pos_cache = $Start_pos; /* ?algus-test */ $Start_pos_cache = @strpos ( $subject, $Beginmark_str, $Start_pos_cache ); /* this is possible start for range */ if (is_int ( $Start_pos_cache )) { /* skip */ $Start_pos_cache = ($Start_pos_cache + $Beginmark_str_len); /* test possible range start pos */ if (is_int ( $Begin_firstOccurence_pos )) { if ($Start_pos_cache < $range_end_pos) $rangeClean = 0; elseif ($Start_pos_cache > $range_end_pos) $rangeClean = 1; } /* here it is */ if (! is_int ( $Begin_firstOccurence_pos )) $Begin_firstOccurence_pos = $Start_pos_cache; } /* VIGA NR 0 ALGUST EI OLE */ if (! is_int ( $Start_pos_cache )) { /* !algus */ /* VIGA NR 1 ALGUSMARKI EI LEITUD : VIIMANE VOIMALIK ALGUS */ if (is_int ( $Begin_firstOccurence_pos ) and ($Start_pos_cache < $range_end_pos)) $rangeClean = 1; else return false; } if (is_int ( $Begin_firstOccurence_pos ) and ($rangeClean != 1)) { if (! is_int ( $End_pos_cache )) $End_sequel_pos = $Begin_firstOccurence_pos; $End_pos_cache = strpos ( $subject, $Endmark_str, $End_sequel_pos ); /* ok */ if (is_int ( $End_pos_cache ) and ($rangeClean != 1)) { $range_current_lenght = ($End_pos_cache - $Begin_firstOccurence_pos); $End_sequel_pos = ($End_pos_cache + $Endmark_str_len); $range_end_pos = $End_pos_cache; } /* VIGA NR 2 LOPPU EI LEITUD */ if (! is_int ( $End_pos_cache )) if ($End_pos_cache == false) return false; } } while ( $rangeClean < 1 ); if (is_int ( $Begin_firstOccurence_pos ) and is_int ( $range_current_lenght )) $Range = substr ( $subject, $Begin_firstOccurence_pos, $range_current_lenght ); else return false; return array ( 'range' => $Range, 'begin' => $Begin_firstOccurence_pos, 'end' => $End_sequel_pos ); } // end getrange() } // class ?>
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