Maison >développement back-end >tutoriel php >一段php加密解密的代码
<?php $key = "This is supposed to be a secret key !!!"; function keyED($txt,$encrypt_key) { $encrypt_key = md5($encrypt_key); $ctr=0; $tmp = ""; for ($i=0;$i<strlen($txt);$i ) { if ($ctr==strlen($encrypt_key)) $ctr=0; $tmp.= substr($txt,$i,1) ^ substr($encrypt_key,$ctr,1); $ctr ; } return $tmp; } function encrypt($txt,$key) { srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $encrypt_key = md5(rand(0,32000)); $ctr=0; $tmp = ""; for ($i=0;$i<strlen($txt);$i ) { if ($ctr==strlen($encrypt_key)) $ctr=0; $tmp.= substr($encrypt_key,$ctr,1) . (substr($txt,$i,1) ^ substr($encrypt_key,$ctr,1)); $ctr ; } return keyED($tmp,$key); } function decrypt($txt,$key) { $txt = keyED($txt,$key); $tmp = ""; for ($i=0;$i<strlen($txt);$i ) { $md5 = substr($txt,$i,1); $i ; $tmp.= (substr($txt,$i,1) ^ $md5); } return $tmp; } $string = "Hello World !!!"; // encrypt $string, and store it in $enc_text $enc_text = encrypt($string,$key); // decrypt the encrypted text $enc_text, and store it in $dec_text $dec_text = decrypt($enc_text,$key); print "Original text : $string <Br>\n"; print "Encrypted text : $enc_text <Br>\n"; print "Decrypted text : $dec_text <Br>\n"; ?>