Maison >développement back-end >tutoriel php >predis set方法很慢很慢,这是什么原因?
<code><?php /** * User: mh * Date: 2016/9/9 * Time: 19:12 */ namespace Session; use SessionHandlerInterface; class RedisSession implements SessionHandlerInterface { private $redis; // 连接Redis private function connect() { if(!$this->redis) { $cfg = [ 'scheme' => env('REDIS_SCHEME', 'tcp'), 'host' => env('REDIS_HOST', ''), 'port' => env('REDIS_PORT', 6379) ]; $this->redis = new \Predis\Client($cfg); } } /** * Close the session * @since 5.4.0 */ public function close() { return true; } /** * Destroy a session * @return boolean * @since 5.4.0 */ public function destroy($session_id) { $this->connect(); $this->redis->del($session_id); return true; } /** * Cleanup old sessions * @return boolean * @since 5.4.0 */ public function gc($maxlifetime) { return true; } /** * Initialize session * @since 5.4.0 */ public function open($save_path, $sessionName) { return true; } /** * Read session data * @return string * @since 5.4.0 */ public function read($session_id) { $this->connect(); if($this->redis->exists($session_id)) { $value = $this->redis->get($session_id); return $value ? ($value) : ''; } else { $expire = configure('Ymf.Account.expire'); $this->redis->setex($session_id, $expire, ''); return ''; } return ''; } /** * Write session data * @return boolean * @since 5.4.0 */ public function write($session_id, $sessionData) { $this->connect(); file_put_contents(__DIR__ . '/../../write.log', "写入{$sessionData}\r\n", FILE_APPEND); if($this->redis->set("flf", "hfl")) { return true; } else { return false; } } }</code>
<code><?php /** * User: mh * Date: 2016/9/9 * Time: 19:12 */ namespace Session; use SessionHandlerInterface; class RedisSession implements SessionHandlerInterface { private $redis; // 连接Redis private function connect() { if(!$this->redis) { $cfg = [ 'scheme' => env('REDIS_SCHEME', 'tcp'), 'host' => env('REDIS_HOST', ''), 'port' => env('REDIS_PORT', 6379) ]; $this->redis = new \Predis\Client($cfg); } } /** * Close the session * @since 5.4.0 */ public function close() { return true; } /** * Destroy a session * @return boolean * @since 5.4.0 */ public function destroy($session_id) { $this->connect(); $this->redis->del($session_id); return true; } /** * Cleanup old sessions * @return boolean * @since 5.4.0 */ public function gc($maxlifetime) { return true; } /** * Initialize session * @since 5.4.0 */ public function open($save_path, $sessionName) { return true; } /** * Read session data * @return string * @since 5.4.0 */ public function read($session_id) { $this->connect(); if($this->redis->exists($session_id)) { $value = $this->redis->get($session_id); return $value ? ($value) : ''; } else { $expire = configure('Ymf.Account.expire'); $this->redis->setex($session_id, $expire, ''); return ''; } return ''; } /** * Write session data * @return boolean * @since 5.4.0 */ public function write($session_id, $sessionData) { $this->connect(); file_put_contents(__DIR__ . '/../../write.log', "写入{$sessionData}\r\n", FILE_APPEND); if($this->redis->set("flf", "hfl")) { return true; } else { return false; } } }</code>