Maison >développement back-end >tutoriel php >php 自制基于simple_html_dom的爬虫一只v1.0
一直以来网页解析和爬虫的制作热情丝毫未减 今天用开源的simple_html_dom.php解析框架做了一只爬虫:
<?php /* *.Pho spider v1.0 *.Written by Radish.ghost 2015.1.20 */ //error_reporting(1); //close error report //curl model //I will realize it in later versions include_once("simple_html_dom.php"); $html=file_get_html('');//The url which you want dig $tmp=array();//Save the url in the first dig foreach($html->find('a') as $e) { $f=$e->href; //if($f[10]==':')continue; if($f[0]=='/')$f=''.$f;//Completion the url if($f[4]=='s')continue;//If the url is "https://" continue (the simple_html_dom might can't prase the https:// url) if(stripos($f,"baidu")==FALSE)continue;//If the url not in this website continue echo $f . '<br>'; $tmp[$cun++]=$f; //Save the urls into array } foreach($tmp as $r) //Dig the urls in $tmp[] { $html2=file_get_html($r); //Redo the step foreach($html2->find('a') as $a) { $u=$a->href; if($u[0]=='/')$u=''.$u; if($u[4]=='s')continue; if(stripos($u,"baidu")==FALSE)continue; echo $u.'<br>'; } $html2=null; } ?>
//最后总会出现一个Fatal error: Call to a member function find() on a non-object in D:\xampp\htdocs\html\index.php on line 21 的警告 与学长沟通后改正了很多小错误 不过这个仍然没有解决 希望有大神能够指点一下
= =家里电脑用不了git4win
以上就介绍了 php 自制基于simple_html_dom的爬虫一只v1.0,包括了方面的内容,希望对PHP教程有兴趣的朋友有所帮助。