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2016-08-08 09:30:061107parcourir

  ## PhpDebugHelper
  ## Why?
  This plugin help you when you are debugging your script. It frees you from writing so much function call such as `var_dump($var)` or `print_r($var)`. And you also can quickly clear all the debugging function calls.
  ## Where?
  ## How?
  + Place cursor to a variable or index or property. If there are not variable be selected, it will still show the debugging function call.
  + Press **F1** or **F2**
  + Press **shift+f3** to navigate between debugging function calls
  + Press **F3** to clear
  ## Custom?
  Save your our setting in `Preferences > Package Settings > PHP Debug Helper > Key Bindings-User` refer to the following:
      { "keys": ["f1"], "command": "php_debug_helper", "args": {"cmd": "prepend", "function": "var_dump"} },
      { "keys": ["f2"], "command": "php_debug_helper", "args": {"cmd": "append", "function": "var_dump"} },
      { "keys": ["f3"], "command": "php_debug_helper", "args": {"cmd": "clear", "function": ["var_dump"]} },
      { "keys": ["shift+f3"], "command": "php_debug_helper", "args": {"cmd": "show", "function": ["var_dump"]} }
  You can change the function name that you use to debug and keymap. And you also can add more function here, for example(add `print_r`):
      { "keys": ["f1"], "command": "php_debug_helper", "args": {"cmd": "prepend", "function": "var_dump"} },
      { "keys": ["f2"], "command": "php_debug_helper", "args": {"cmd": "append", "function": "var_dump"} },
      { "keys": ["f4"], "command": "php_debug_helper", "args": {"cmd": "append", "function": "print_r"} },
      { "keys": ["f3"], "command": "php_debug_helper", "args": {"cmd": "clear", "function": ["var_dump", "print_r"]} },
      { "keys": ["shift+f3"], "command": "php_debug_helper", "args": {"cmd": "show", "function": ["var_dump", "print_r"]} }
  ## Improve
  If you have any suggestion for this plugin, please make a issue.
  ## OK, Let's debug
Package Control Messages


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