Maison >développement back-end >tutoriel php >5个开发人员不应该错过的最好跨平台PHP编辑器,不应该php编辑器_PHP教程
NetBeans was principally written for Java, but later code can be written in PHP, HTML5, C++, and many more. The package for PHP includes symfony framework support, zend framework support, code fixing, PHP unit testing, and code analysis.
With Aptana, you can construct web apps effortlessly and speedily. It employs the litheness of Eclipse and completely functions as a commanding web development engine.
Bluefish is a very influential code editor intended to web developers and coders, with supple selections to build websites, scripts and programming codes. It supports many languages like XML, PHP, Perl, Ada,, SQL, Python, MediaWiki, C/C++, and many more.
Eclipse is one of the best multi-language editors for lettering code. It supports languages like Scala PHP, Fortran, Ruby on Rails, Ruby, COBOL, Python, Erland, and many more.
Emacs is a great extensible and customizable code editor. Preliminary form of Emacs was created by Richard Stallman in 1976. It also has the capability to print and setup forms such as word processor
推荐使用phpDesigner,经本人试验多款php编辑器,感觉这款软件不错,比Zend Eclipse 两者体积要小多了,安装包也就24M左右。语法提示、跟踪调试、代码自动完成等都有。从耗费资源、效率上比较,感觉这个软件介于最简单的editplus 到 大而全的Zend Studio 之间,比简单的功能强大,比复杂的速度要快。