Maison >développement back-end >tutoriel php >yii 验证码的使用和验证过程,yii验证码验证过程_PHP教程
public function actions(){ return array( // captcha action renders the CAPTCHA image displayed on the contact page 'captcha'=>array( 'class'=>'CCaptchaAction', 'backColor'=>0xFFFFFF, 'maxLength'=>'8', // 最多生成几个字符 'minLength'=>'7', // 最少生成几个字符 'height'=>'40', 'width'=>'230', ), ); } public function accessRules(){ return array( array('allow', 'actions'=>array('captcha'), 'users'=>array('*'), ), ); }
<div class="control-group"> <?php $this->widget('CCaptcha',array( 'showRefreshButton'=>true, 'clickableImage'=>false, 'buttonLabel'=>'刷新验证码', 'imageOptions'=>array( 'alt'=>'点击换图', 'title'=>'点击换图', 'style'=>'cursor:pointer', 'padding'=>'10') )); ?> </div>
<?php /** * LoginForm class. * LoginForm is the data structure for keeping * user login form data. It is used by the 'login' action of 'SiteController'. */ class LoginForm extends CFormModel { public $username; public $password; public $rememberMe; public $verifyCode; private $_identity; /** * Declares the validation rules. * The rules state that username and password are required, * and password needs to be authenticated. */ public function rules(){ return array( // username and password are required // array('username, password', 'required'), array('username','required','message'=>'登录帐号不能为空'), array('password','required','message'=>'密码不能为空'), array('verifyCode','required','message'=>'验证码不能为空'), array('verifyCode','captcha', 'on'=>'login','allowEmpty'=>!Yii::app()->admin->isGuest), // rememberMe needs to be a boolean array('rememberMe', 'boolean'), // password needs to be authenticated array('password', 'authenticate'), ); } /** * Declares attribute labels. */ public function attributeLabels() { return array( 'rememberMe'=>'下次记住我', 'verifyCode' =>'验证码' ); } /** * Authenticates the password. * This is the 'authenticate' validator as declared in rules(). */ public function authenticate($attribute,$params) { if(!$this->hasErrors()) { $this->_identity=new UserIdentity($this->username,$this->password); if(!$this->_identity->authenticate()) $this->addError('password','帐号或密码错误.'); } } public function validateVerifyCode($verifyCode){ if(strtolower($this->verifyCode) === strtolower($verifyCode)){ return true; }else{ $this->addError('verifyCode','验证码错误.'); } } /** * Logs in the user using the given username and password in the model. * @return boolean whether login is successful */ public function login(){ if($this->_identity===null){ $this->_identity=new UserIdentity($this->username,$this->password); $this->_identity->authenticate(); } if($this->_identity->errorCode===UserIdentity::ERROR_NONE){ $duration=$this->rememberMe ? 3600*24*30 : 0; // 30 days Yii::app()->user->login($this->_identity,$duration); return true; }else{ return false; } } }
public function actionLogin(){ $model=new LoginForm; if(isset($_POST['ajax']) && $_POST['ajax']==='login-form'){ echo CActiveForm::validate($model); Yii::app()->end(); } if(isset($_POST['LoginForm'])){ $model->attributes=$_POST['LoginForm']; // validate user input and redirect to the previous page if valid if($model->validate() && $model->validateVerifyCode($this->createAction('captcha')->getVerifyCode()) && $model->login()){ $this->redirect(CController::createUrl('default/index')); } } $this->render('login',array('model'=>$model)); }