Maison >développement back-end >tutoriel php >php 数组问题
array(9) { [0] => array(6) { ["que_content"] => string(11) "11111111111" ["que_id"] => string(1) "1" ["ops_qid"] => string(1) "1" ["ops_contentoid"] => string(1) "A" ["ops_content"] => string(14) "aaaaaaa1111111" ["ops_count"] => string(1) "3" } [1] => array(6) { ["que_content"] => string(11) "11111111111" ["que_id"] => string(1) "1" ["ops_qid"] => string(1) "1" ["ops_contentoid"] => string(1) "B" ["ops_content"] => string(10) "bbbbbbbbbb" ["ops_count"] => string(1) "1" } [2] => array(6) { ["que_content"] => string(11) "11111111111" ["que_id"] => string(1) "1" ["ops_qid"] => string(1) "1" ["ops_contentoid"] => string(1) "C" ["ops_content"] => string(8) "cccccccc" ["ops_count"] => string(1) "1" } [3] => array(6) { ["que_content"] => string(9) "222222222" ["que_id"] => string(1) "2" ["ops_qid"] => string(1) "2" ["ops_contentoid"] => string(1) "D" ["ops_content"] => string(9) "ddddddddd" ["ops_count"] => string(1) "3" } [4] => array(6) { ["que_content"] => string(9) "222222222" ["que_id"] => string(1) "2" ["ops_qid"] => string(1) "2" ["ops_contentoid"] => string(2) "EF" ["ops_content"] => string(12) "efe2efef2fef" ["ops_count"] => string(1) "1" } [5] => array(6) { ["que_content"] => string(9) "222222222" ["que_id"] => string(1) "2" ["ops_qid"] => string(1) "2" ["ops_contentoid"] => string(1) "F" ["ops_content"] => string(14) "fff32fffffffff" ["ops_count"] => string(1) "1" } [6] => array(6) { ["que_content"] => string(9) "333333333" ["que_id"] => string(1) "3" ["ops_qid"] => string(1) "3" ["ops_contentoid"] => string(2) "GG" ["ops_content"] => string(13) "ggg323ggggggg" ["ops_count"] => string(1) "1" } [7] => array(6) { ["que_content"] => string(9) "333333333" ["que_id"] => string(1) "3" ["ops_qid"] => string(1) "3" ["ops_contentoid"] => string(1) "H" ["ops_content"] => string(10) "hhh5h5h5h5" ["ops_count"] => string(1) "2" } [8] => array(6) { ["que_content"] => string(9) "333333333" ["que_id"] => string(1) "3" ["ops_qid"] => string(1) "3" ["ops_contentoid"] => string(1) "J" ["ops_content"] => string(8) "j8j8j8j8" ["ops_count"] => string(1) "2" }}
问题:11111111111选项:A 内容:aaaaaaa1111111选项:B 内容:bbbbbbbbbb选项:C 内容:cccccccc问题:222222222选项:D 内容:ddddddddd选项:EF 内容:efe2efef2fef选项:F 内容:fff32fffffffff问题:333333333选项:GG 内容:ggg323ggggggg选项:H 内容:hhh5h5h5h5选项:J 内容:j8j8j8j8
foreach($a as $v){ if($qid!=$v['ops_qid']){ echo '问题:'.$v['que_content']."<br>"; $qid=$v['ops_qid']; }else{ echo '选项:'.$v['ops_contentoid'].' 内容'.$v['ops_content']."<br>"; }}
foreach($a as $v){ if($qid!=$v['ops_qid']){ echo '问题:'.$v['que_content']."<br>"; echo '选项:'.$v['ops_contentoid'].' 内容'.$v['ops_content']."<br>"; $qid=$v['ops_qid']; }else{ echo '选项:'.$v['ops_contentoid'].' 内容'.$v['ops_content']."<br>"; }}
$qid 是一个临时变量,用于存放上一轮的 ops_qid。这样就可以检查到是否是新问题了
to nowphp
为什么要改成 #2 的样子,将 #1 的 else 删掉不就可以了吗?
$qid 是一个临时变量,用于存放上一轮的 ops_qid。这样就可以检查到是否是新问题了
to nowphp
为什么要改成 #2 的样子,将 #1 的 else 删掉不就可以了吗? 是的,是的,版主仔细,我粗心了。