Maison >développement back-end >tutoriel php >如何处理php服务器端requires ext-gd 报错?
今天在安装Laravel Debugbar 安装包的过程中出现了requires ext-gd * -> the requested PHP extension gd is missing from your system.的错误,谷歌了下,终于找到了解决的方法。
(if you are on a Debian based server (such as Ubuntu) you can run the following command:)
apt-get install php5-gd<br />
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart<br />
sudo service php5-fpm restart // 重启php<br />sudo service nginx restart // 重启nginx<br />
This will restart your server and enable GD in PHP.
通过 phpinfo() 方法就可以查看安装信息: