Maison >développement back-end >tutoriel php >queryScope 和 setAttribute 用法
app/Http/Controllers/ArticlesController.php public function store(Request $requests){ $input = Request::$requests->all(); $input['publish_at']=Carbon::now(); //原来这里是通过直接硬性写时间进去 Articles::create($input); return redirect('/articles'); }
app/Http/Controllers/ArticlesController.php public function store(Request $requests){ //现在取消掉硬性写时间 Articles::create($requests->all()); return redirect('/articles'); }
resources/views/articles/create.blade.php@extends('')@section('content') <h1>创建文章</h1> {!! Form::open(['url'=>'/articles/store']) !!} <!--- Title Field ---> <div class="form-group"> {!! Form::label('title', 'Title:') !!} {!! Form::text('title', null, ['class' => 'form-control']) !!} </div> <!--- Content Field ---> <div class="form-group"> {!! Form::label('content', 'Content:') !!} {!! Form::textarea('content', null, ['class' => 'form-control']) !!} </div> <!--- Field ---> <div class="form-group"> {!! Form::label('publish_at', 'publish_at:') !!} {!! Form::date('publish_at', date('Y-m-d'), ['class' => 'form-control']) !!} //这里写时间,由用户选择输入 </div> {!! Form::submit('发表文章',['class'=>'btn btn-primary form-control']) !!} {!! Form::close() !!}@stop
id title content publish_at created_at updated_at5 我是一篇新文章 你好 2016-05-21 00:00:00 2016-05-21 07:32:48 2016-05-21 07:32:48 //这里的时间只有日期,而没有时分
这就是setAttribute 用法
在model里面写,写一个自动处理的function setattribute
app/Articles.phpclass Articles extends Model{ protected $fillable=['title','content','publish_at']; public function setPublishAtAttribute($date) //set + 字段名 + attribute 组成的,laravel会自动判断字段名,并且名字要遵循驼峰命名法 { $this->attributes['publish_at'] = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d',$date); //调用model的attributes方法来设置 }}
id title content publish_at created_at updated_at6 我是第二篇文章 爱的飒飒大 2016-05-27 08:17:29 2016-05-21 08:17:29 2016-05-21 08:17:29
in Carbon.php line 425at Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-n-j G:i:s', 'Y-m-d-2016-05-27-21 8:21:00', null) in Carbon.php line 368at Carbon::create('Y-m-d', '2016-05-27', null, null, null, null, null) in Carbon.php line 383at Carbon::createFromDate('Y-m-d', '2016-05-27') in Articles.php line 14 at Articles->setPublishAtAttribute('2016-05-27') in Model.php line 2860 //这里调用setPublishAtAttributeat Model->setAttribute('publish_at', '2016-05-27') in Model.php line 447 //这里就转变成setAttributeat Model->fill(array('_token' => '', 'title' => '我是第二篇文章', 'content' => '爱的飒飒大', 'publish_at' => '2016-05-27')) in Model.php line 281at Model->__construct(array('_token' => '', 'title' => '我是第二篇文章', 'content' => '爱的飒飒大', 'publish_at' => '2016-05-27')) in Model.php line 569at Model::create(array('_token' => '', 'title' => '我是第二篇文章', 'content' => '爱的飒飒大', 'publish_at' => '2016-05-27')) in ArticlesController.php line 31at ArticlesController->store(object(Request))
app/Http/Controllers/ArticlesController.php public function index(){ $articles = Articles::latest()->where('publish_at','>=',Carbon::now())->get(); //这里通过直接写时间处理方法来实现数据处理 return view('articles.index',compact('articles')); }
public function index(){// $articles = Articles::latest()->where('publish_at','< =',Carbon::now())->get(); $articles = Articles::latest()->publish()->get(); //创造一个新的方法,目的是更灵活也让目前的代码更加简洁和容易理解, //例如这里就是从articles里获取大概是最后一条数据然后过滤publish时间然后获取最终数据的大概意思,不用再看where什么的了 return view('articles.index',compact('articles')); }
然后在model articles里面添加scope
app/Articles.php public function scopePublish($query){ //scope语法限制,scope+刚才的publish函数名字(需要驼峰法命名) $query->where('publish_at','< =',Carbon::now()); //固定是传入一个$query,暂时的理解是一个数据查询结果,然后使用where过滤数据 }
因为是使用的是model articles的实例,scope命名会让laravel会执行一些自动数据查询,所以能够将数据查询结果$query传入,并且处理
Builder|Builder latest(string $column = 'created_at')Add an "order by" clause for a timestamp to the query.Parametersstring $column Return ValueBuilder|Builder
static Collection|Model[] all(array|mixed $columns = array('*'))Get all of the models from the database.Parametersarray|mixed $columns Return ValueCollection|Model[]
Collection {#136 ▼ #items: array:6 [▼ 0 => Articles {#137 ▼ #fillable: array:3 [▶] #connection: null #table: null #primaryKey: "id" #perPage: 15 +incrementing: true +timestamps: true #attributes: array:6 [▼ "id" => 6 "title" => "我是第二篇文章" "content" => "爱的飒飒大" "publish_at" => "2016-05-27 08:17:29" "created_at" => "2016-05-21 08:17:29" //collection里面的数据是数组包含对象,所以方便调用。 "updated_at" => "2016-05-21 08:17:29" ] #original: array:6 [▶] #relations: [] #hidden: [] #visible: [] #appends: [] #guarded: array:1 [▶] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #casts: [] #touches: [] #observables: [] #with: [] #morphClass: null +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false } 1 => Articles {#138 ▶} 2 => Articles {#139 ▶} 3 => Articles {#140 ▶} 4 => Articles {#141 ▶} 5 => Articles {#142 ▶} ]}
Builder {#128 ▼ #query: Builder {#127 ▼ #connection: MySqlConnection {#123 ▶} #grammar: MySqlGrammar {#124 ▶} #processor: MySqlProcessor {#125} #bindings: array:6 [▶] +aggregate: null +columns: null +distinct: false +from: "articles" +joins: null +wheres: array:1 [▼ //builder里面包含的数据会存在这里,不过不能直接使用,需要使用像get这样的方法来转换数据。 0 => array:5 [▼ "type" => "Basic" "column" => "publish_at" "operator" => ">=" "value" => Carbon {#129 ▼ +"date": "2016-05-21 09:08:10.000000" +"timezone_type": 3 +"timezone": "UTC" } "boolean" => "and" ] ] +groups: null +havings: null +orders: array:1 [▶] +limit: null +offset: null +unions: null +unionLimit: null +unionOffset: null +unionOrders: null +lock: null #backups: [] #bindingBackups: [] #operators: array:26 [▶] #useWritePdo: false } #model: Articles {#121 ▼ #fillable: array:3 [▶] #connection: null #table: null #primaryKey: "id" #perPage: 15 +incrementing: true +timestamps: true #attributes: [] #original: [] #relations: [] #hidden: [] #visible: [] #appends: [] #guarded: array:1 [▶] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #casts: [] #touches: [] #observables: [] #with: [] #morphClass: null +exists: false +wasRecentlyCreated: false } #eagerLoad: [] #macros: [] #onDelete: null #passthru: array:11 [▶] #scopes: []}