Maison >développement back-end >tutoriel php >php守候进程-发送队列邮件
在linux系统下运行```./demo.php```注:只能在liunx系统下运行demo.conf```# demo.conf# daemon modedaemon yes# child numberchild_num 5# child user and groupuser nobodygroup nogroup# retry timesretry_times 3# pid filepid_file /tmp/ log filelog_file /tmp/demo.log```demo.php```#!/usr/bin/env php<?phperror_reporting(0);include "SendMail.php";define("EXIT_SUCCESS", 0);define("EXIT_FAILURE", 1);define("DEMO_LOG_DEBUG", 0);define("DEMO_LOG_INFO", 1);define("DEMO_LOG_WARN", 2);define("DEMO_LOG_ERR", 3);// default config$config = array( "daemon" => FALSE, "child_num" => 1, "user" => NULL, "group" => NULL, "retry_times" => 0, "pid_file" => NULL, "log" => STDERR, );// parse config fileparse_config($config);if ($argc > 1) { switch ($argv[1]) { case "help": exit("Usage: ./demo.php {start|restart|reload|quit}\n\n"); case "start": break; case "restart": case "reload": case "quit": $fp = fopen($config["pid_file"], "r"); if (!$fp) { exit("Can't open pid file '{$config["pid_file"]}'.\n"); } $pid = fgets($fp, 6); if ($pid) { $pid = intval($pid); } fclose($fp); if ($argv[1] == "restart" || $argv[1] == "quit") { posix_kill($pid, SIGINT); if ($argv[1] == "restart") { unlink($config["pid_file"]); } else { exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } } else { posix_kill($pid, SIGHUP); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } break; }}if (file_exists($config["pid_file"])) { exit("pid file '{$config["pid_file"]}' already exits.\n");}if ($config["daemon"]) { if (pcntl_fork() > 0) { // parent exit exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } // set session id posix_setsid(); // write pid file if ($config["pid_file"]) { $fp = fopen($config["pid_file"], "w"); if (!$fp) { exit("Can't open pid file '{$config["pid_file"]}'.\n"); } if (!fputs($fp, posix_getpid())) { exit("Can't write pid to file '{$config["pid_file"]}'.\n"); } fclose($fp); }}write_log(DEMO_LOG_INFO, "main process started");declare(ticks = 1);pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN);pcntl_signal(SIGHUP, "reload");pcntl_signal(SIGINT, "quit");pcntl_signal(SIGCHLD, "handle_child");$childs = array();$reparse_config = FALSE;$run = TRUE;while ($run) { if ($reparse_config) { write_log(DEMO_LOG_INFO, "reparse config file"); parse_config($config); posix_kill(0, SIGTERM); $reparse_config = FALSE; } for ($i = count($childs); $i < $config["child_num"]; ++$i) { if (($child_pid = pcntl_fork()) == 0) { do_child($config); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } write_log(DEMO_LOG_INFO, "start child process: %d", $child_pid); $childs[$child_pid] = 1; } sleep(1);}// kill childposix_kill(0, SIGTERM);// remove pid file@unlink($config["pid_file"]);write_log(DEMO_LOG_INFO, "main process exit");exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);function reload() { $GLOBALS["reparse_config"] = TRUE;}function quit() { $GLOBALS["run"] = FALSE;}function handle_child() { while (($child_pid = pcntl_waitpid(-1, $status, WNOHANG)) > 0) { write_log(DEMO_LOG_INFO, "exit child process: %d", $child_pid); unset($GLOBALS["childs"][$child_pid]); }}function parse_config(Array &$config) { $fp = fopen("demo.conf", "r"); if (!$fp) { exit("Can't open config file.\n"); } $lineno = 0; while (($line = fgets($fp, 1024)) !== FALSE) { ++$lineno; $line = trim($line); if (!$line || $line[0] == "#") { continue; } $params = preg_split("/\s+/", $line); switch (strtolower($params[0])) { case "daemon": if ($params[1] == "yes") { $config["daemon"] = TRUE; } else if ($params[1] == "no") { $config["daemon"] = FALSE; } else { $err = "daemon value must be 'yes' or 'no'"; goto parse_failed; } break; case "child_num": $child_num = intval($params[1]); if ($child_num < 0 || $child_num > 1024) { $err = "invalid child_num value '{$params[1]}'"; goto parse_failed; } $config["child_num"] = $child_num; break; case "retry_times": $retry_times = intval($params[1]); if ($retry_times < 1 || $retry_times > 100) { $err = "invalid retry_times value '{$params[1]}'"; goto parse_failed; } $config["retry_times"] = $retry_times; break; case "user": $user = posix_getpwnam($params[1]); if (!$user) { $err = "invalid user value '{$params[1]}'"; goto parse_failed; } $config["user"] = $user["uid"]; break; case "group": $group = posix_getgrnam($params[1]); if (!$group) { $err = "invalid group value '{$params[1]}'"; goto parse_failed; } $config["group"] = $group["gid"]; break; case "pid_file": $config["pid_file"] = $params[1]; break; case "log_file": $log = fopen($params[1], "a"); if (!$log) { $err = "Can't open log file '{$params[1]}'"; goto parse_failed; } $config["log"] = $log; break; } continue; parse_failed: fprintf(STDERR, "\n*** FATAL CONFIG FILE ERROR ***\n"); fprintf(STDERR, "Reading the configuration file, at line %d\n", $lineno); fprintf(STDERR, ">>> '%s'\n", $line); fprintf(STDERR, "%s\n", $err); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } fclose($fp);}function write_log($level, $fmt) { $chars = ".-*#"; if (func_num_args() > 2) { $args = func_get_args(); $err = vsprintf($args[1], array_slice($args, 2)); } else { $err = $fmt; } fprintf($GLOBALS["config"]["log"], "[%d] [%s] %s %s\n", posix_getpid(), date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $chars[$level], $err);}function do_child() { global $run; $user = $GLOBALS["config"]["user"]; $group = $GLOBALS["config"]["group"]; $retry_times = $GLOBALS["config"]["retry_times"]; if ($user) { posix_setuid($user); } if ($group) { posix_setuid($group); } pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, "quit"); $redis = new Redis; $redis->pconnect("", 6379); while ($run) { try { $email = $redis->lpop("email_queue"); if ($email) { for ($i = 0; $i < $retry_times; ++$i) { if (do_sendmail($email)) { write_log(DEMO_LOG_INFO, "send mail to '%s' success", $email); break; } write_log(DEMO_LOG_ERR, "send mail to '%s' failed, try again", $email); } if ($i == $retry_times) { write_log(DEMO_LOG_ERR, "send mail to '%s' failed", $email); } } } catch (RedisException $e) { write_log(LOG_ERR, "receive message failed: %s", $e->getMessage()); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } sleep(1); } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);}function do_sendmail($email) { $mail = new SendMail(); $mail->setServer("", "", "", 465, 1); $mail->setFrom(""); $mail->setReceiver(""); $mail->setMail("test", "**hello world!**"); return $mail->sendMail();}```SendMail.php```<?php/*** 邮件发送类* 支持发送纯文本邮件和HTML格式的邮件,可以多收件人,多抄送,多秘密抄送,带附件(单个或多个附件),支持到服务器的ssl连接* 需要的php扩展:sockets、Fileinfo和openssl。* 编码格式是UTF-8,传输编码格式是base64* @example* $mail = new SendMail();* $mail->setServer("", "", "XXXXX"); //设置smtp服务器,普通连接方式* $mail->setServer("", "", "XXXXX", 465, true); //设置smtp服务器,到服务器的SSL连接* $mail->setFrom("XXXXX"); //设置发件人* $mail->setReceiver("XXXXX"); //设置收件人,多个收件人,调用多次* $mail->setCc("XXXX"); //设置抄送,多个抄送,调用多次* $mail->setBcc("XXXXX"); //设置秘密抄送,多个秘密抄送,调用多次* $mail->addAttachment("XXXX"); //添加附件,多个附件,调用多次* $mail->setMail("test", "**test**"); //设置邮件主题、内容* $mail->sendMail(); //发送*/class SendMail { /** * @var string 邮件传输代理用户名 * @access protected */ protected $_userName; /** * @var string 邮件传输代理密码 * @access protected */ protected $_password; /** * @var string 邮件传输代理服务器地址 * @access protected */ protected $_sendServer; /** * @var int 邮件传输代理服务器端口 * @access protected */ protected $_port; /** * @var string 发件人 * @access protected */ protected $_from; /** * @var array 收件人 * @access protected */ protected $_to = array(); /** * @var array 抄送 * @access protected */ protected $_cc = array(); /** * @var array 秘密抄送 * @access protected */ protected $_bcc = array(); /** * @var string 主题 * @access protected */ protected $_subject; /** * @var string 邮件正文 * @access protected */ protected $_body; /** * @var array 附件 * @access protected */ protected $_attachment = array(); /** * @var reource socket资源 * @access protected */ protected $_socket; /** * @var reource 是否是安全连接 * @access protected */ protected $_isSecurity; /** * @var string 错误信息 * @access protected */ protected $_errorMessage; /** * 设置邮件传输代理,如果是可以匿名发送有邮件的服务器,只需传递代理服务器地址就行 * @access public * @param string $server 代理服务器的ip或者域名 * @param string $username 认证账号 * @param string $password 认证密码 * @param int $port 代理服务器的端口,smtp默认25号端口 * @param boolean $isSecurity 到服务器的连接是否为安全连接,默认false * @return boolean */ public function setServer($server, $username="", $password="", $port=25, $isSecurity=false) { $this->_sendServer = $server; $this->_port = $port; $this->_isSecurity = $isSecurity; $this->_userName = empty($username) ? "" : base64_encode($username); $this->_password = empty($password) ? "" : base64_encode($password); return true; } /** * 设置发件人 * @access public * @param string $from 发件人地址 * @return boolean */ public function setFrom($from) { $this->_from = $from; return true; } /** * 设置收件人,多个收件人,调用多次. * @access public * @param string $to 收件人地址 * @return boolean */ public function setReceiver($to) { $this->_to[] = $to; return true; } /** * 设置抄送,多个抄送,调用多次. * @access public * @param string $cc 抄送地址 * @return boolean */ public function setCc($cc) { $this->_cc[] = $cc; return true; } /** * 设置秘密抄送,多个秘密抄送,调用多次 * @access public * @param string $bcc 秘密抄送地址 * @return boolean */ public function setBcc($bcc) { $this->_bcc[] = $bcc; return true; } /** * 设置邮件附件,多个附件,调用多次 * @access public * @param string $file 文件地址 * @return boolean */ public function addAttachment($file) { if(!file_exists($file)) { $this->_errorMessage = "file " . $file . " does not exist."; return false; } $this->_attachment[] = $file; return true; } /** * 设置邮件信息 * @access public * @param string $body 邮件主题 * @param string $subject 邮件主体内容,可以是纯文本,也可是是HTML文本 * @return boolean */ public function setMail($subject, $body) { $this->_subject = base64_encode($subject); $this->_body = base64_encode($body); return true; } /** * 发送邮件 * @access public * @return boolean */ public function sendMail() { $command = $this->getCommand(); $this->_isSecurity ? $this->socketSecurity() : $this->socket(); foreach ($command as $value) { $result = $this->_isSecurity ? $this->sendCommandSecurity($value[0], $value[1]) : $this->sendCommand($value[0], $value[1]); if($result) { continue; } else{ return false; } } //其实这里也没必要关闭,smtp命令:QUIT发出之后,服务器就关闭了连接,本地的socket资源会自动释放 $this->_isSecurity ? $this->closeSecutity() : $this->close(); return true; } /** * 返回错误信息 * @return string */ public function error(){ if(!isset($this->_errorMessage)) { $this->_errorMessage = ""; } return $this->_errorMessage; } /** * 返回mail命令 * @access protected * @return array */ protected function getCommand() { $separator = "----=_Part_" . md5($this->_from . time()) . uniqid(); //分隔符 $command = array( array("HELO sendmail\r\n", 250) ); if(!empty($this->_userName)){ $command[] = array("AUTH LOGIN\r\n", 334); $command[] = array($this->_userName . "\r\n", 334); $command[] = array($this->_password . "\r\n", 235); } //设置发件人 $command[] = array("MAIL FROM: <" . $this->_from . ">\r\n", 250); $header = "FROM: <" . $this->_from . ">\r\n"; //设置收件人 if(!empty($this->_to)) { $count = count($this->_to); if($count == 1){ $command[] = array("RCPT TO: <" . $this->_to[0] . ">\r\n", 250); $header .= "TO: <" . $this->_to[0] .">\r\n"; } else{ for($i=0; $i<$count; $i++){ $command[] = array("RCPT TO: <" . $this->_to[$i] . ">\r\n", 250); if($i == 0){ $header .= "TO: <" . $this->_to[$i] .">"; } elseif($i + 1 == $count){ $header .= ",<" . $this->_to[$i] .">\r\n"; } else{ $header .= ",<" . $this->_to[$i] .">"; } } } } //设置抄送 if(!empty($this->_cc)) { $count = count($this->_cc); if($count == 1){ $command[] = array("RCPT TO: <" . $this->_cc[0] . ">\r\n", 250); $header .= "CC: <" . $this->_cc[0] .">\r\n"; } else{ for($i=0; $i<$count; $i++){ $command[] = array("RCPT TO: <" . $this->_cc[$i] . ">\r\n", 250); if($i == 0){ $header .= "CC: <" . $this->_cc[$i] .">"; } elseif($i + 1 == $count){ $header .= ",<" . $this->_cc[$i] .">\r\n"; } else{ $header .= ",<" . $this->_cc[$i] .">"; } } } } //设置秘密抄送 if(!empty($this->_bcc)) { $count = count($this->_bcc); if($count == 1) { $command[] = array("RCPT TO: <" . $this->_bcc[0] . ">\r\n", 250); $header .= "BCC: <" . $this->_bcc[0] .">\r\n"; } else{ for($i=0; $i<$count; $i++){ $command[] = array("RCPT TO: <" . $this->_bcc[$i] . ">\r\n", 250); if($i == 0){ $header .= "BCC: <" . $this->_bcc[$i] .">"; } elseif($i + 1 == $count){ $header .= ",<" . $this->_bcc[$i] .">\r\n"; } else{ $header .= ",<" . $this->_bcc[$i] .">"; } } } } //主题 $header .= "Subject: =?UTF-8?B?" . $this->_subject ."?=\r\n"; if(isset($this->_attachment)) { //含有附件的邮件头需要声明成这个 $header .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;\r\n"; } elseif(false){ //邮件体含有图片资源的,且包含的图片在邮件内部时声明成这个,如果是引用的远程图片,就不需要了 $header .= "Content-Type: multipart/related;\r\n"; } else{ //html或者纯文本的邮件声明成这个 $header .= "Content-Type: multipart/alternative;\r\n"; } //邮件头分隔符 $header .= "\t" . 'boundary="' . $separator . '"'; $header .= "\r\nMIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; //这里开始是邮件的body部分,body部分分成几段发送 $header .= "\r\n--" . $separator . "\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n\r\n"; $header .= $this->_body . "\r\n"; $header .= "--" . $separator . "\r\n"; //加入附件 if(!empty($this->_attachment)){ $count = count($this->_attachment); for($i=0; $i<$count; $i++){ $header .= "\r\n--" . $separator . "\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Type: " . $this->getMIMEType($this->_attachment[$i]) . '; name="=?UTF-8?B?' . base64_encode( basename($this->_attachment[$i]) ) . '?="' . "\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n"; $header .= 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="=?UTF-8?B?' . base64_encode( basename($this->_attachment[$i]) ) . '?="' . "\r\n"; $header .= "\r\n"; $header .= $this->readFile($this->_attachment[$i]); $header .= "\r\n--" . $separator . "\r\n"; } } //结束邮件数据发送 $header .= "\r\n.\r\n"; $command[] = array("DATA\r\n", 354); $command[] = array($header, 250); $command[] = array("QUIT\r\n", 221); return $command; } /** * 发送命令 * @access protected * @param string $command 发送到服务器的smtp命令 * @param int $code 期望服务器返回的响应吗 * @return boolean */ protected function sendCommand($command, $code) { //发送命令给服务器 try{ if(@socket_write($this->_socket, $command, strlen($command))){ //当邮件内容分多次发送时,没有$code,服务器没有返回 if(empty($code)) { return true; } //读取服务器返回 $data = trim(socket_read($this->_socket, 1024)); if($data) { $pattern = "/^".$code."+?/"; if(preg_match($pattern, $data)) { return true; } else{ $this->_errorMessage = "Error:" . $data . "|**| command:"; return false; } } else{ $this->_errorMessage = "Error:" . socket_strerror(socket_last_error()); return false; } } else{ $this->_errorMessage = "Error:" . socket_strerror(socket_last_error()); return false; } }catch(Exception $e) { $this->_errorMessage = "Error:" . $e->getMessage(); } } /** * 安全连接发送命令 * @access protected * @param string $command 发送到服务器的smtp命令 * @param int $code 期望服务器返回的响应吗 * @return boolean */ protected function sendCommandSecurity($command, $code) { try { if(fwrite($this->_socket, $command)){ //当邮件内容分多次发送时,没有$code,服务器没有返回 if(empty($code)) { return true; } //读取服务器返回 $data = trim(fread($this->_socket, 1024)); if($data) { $pattern = "/^".$code."+?/"; if(preg_match($pattern, $data)) { return true; } else{ $this->_errorMessage = "Error:" . $data . "|**| command:"; return false; } } else{ return false; } } else{ $this->_errorMessage = "Error: " . $command . " send failed"; return false; } }catch(Exception $e) { $this->_errorMessage = "Error:" . $e->getMessage(); } } /** * 读取附件文件内容,返回base64编码后的文件内容 * @access protected * @param string $file 文件 * @return mixed */ protected function readFile($file) { if(file_exists($file)) { $file_obj = file_get_contents($file); return base64_encode($file_obj); } else { $this->_errorMessage = "file " . $file . " dose not exist"; return false; } } /** * 获取附件MIME类型 * @access protected * @param string $file 文件 * @return mixed */ protected function getMIMEType($file) { if(file_exists($file)) { $mime = mime_content_type($file); /*if(! preg_match("/gif|jpg|png|jpeg/", $mime)){ $mime = "application/octet-stream"; }*/ return $mime; } else { return false; } } /** * 建立到服务器的网络连接 * @access protected * @return boolean */ protected function socket() { //创建socket资源 $this->_socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp')); if(!$this->_socket) { $this->_errorMessage = socket_strerror(socket_last_error()); return false; } socket_set_block($this->_socket);//设置阻塞模式 //连接服务器 if(!@socket_connect($this->_socket, $this->_sendServer, $this->_port)) { $this->_errorMessage = socket_strerror(socket_last_error()); return false; } $str = socket_read($this->_socket, 1024); if(!preg_match("/220+?/", $str)){ $this->_errorMessage = $str; return false; } return true; } /** * 建立到服务器的SSL网络连接 * @access protected * @return boolean */ protected function socketSecurity() { $remoteAddr = "tcp://" . $this->_sendServer . ":" . $this->_port; $this->_socket = stream_socket_client($remoteAddr, $errno, $errstr, 30); if(!$this->_socket){ $this->_errorMessage = $errstr; return false; } //设置加密连接,默认是ssl,如果需要tls连接,可以查看php手册stream_socket_enable_crypto函数的解释 @stream_socket_enable_crypto($this->_socket, true, STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_SSLv23_CLIENT); stream_set_blocking($this->_socket, 1); //设置阻塞模式 $str = fread($this->_socket, 1024); if(!preg_match("/220+?/", $str)){ $this->_errorMessage = $str; return false; } return true; } /** * 关闭socket * @access protected * @return boolean */ protected function close() { if(isset($this->_socket) && is_object($this->_socket)) { $this->_socket->close(); return true; } $this->_errorMessage = "No resource can to be close"; return false; } /** * 关闭安全socket * @access protected * @return boolean */ protected function closeSecutity() { if(isset($this->_socket) && is_object($this->_socket)) { stream_socket_shutdown($this->_socket, STREAM_SHUT_WR); return true; } $this->_errorMessage = "No resource can to be close"; return false; }}```