var associative_array = new Array();
associative_array["one"] = "1";
associative_array["two"] = "2";
associative_array["three"] = "3";
if(associative_array.length > 0)
{ // to do}
会发现 associative_array.length 始终等于 0,当时有点迷惑,后来才知道这就像大家认为 IE 中支持 CSS 属性 display:inline-block 一样,纯属巧合和误解。
实际上(引自《JavaScript “Associative Arrays” Considered Harmful》):
JavaScript arrays (which are meant to be numeric) are often used to hold key/value pairs. This is bad practice. Object should be used instead.
There is no way to specify string keys in an array constructor. //在数组构造函数中无法定义字符串键值
There is no way to specify string keys in an array literal. //在数组字面量中无法定义字符串键值
Array.length does not count them as items. // Array.length 不会计算字符串键值
var ar = [];
ar[2] = 1;
发现这个数组的长度为 3,就像一个经过初始化的数组一样。所有没有赋值的数组对象,都将被定义为 undefined 。
2、可使用 “The Miller Device” 方法来判断是否是数组
function isArray(o) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(o) === '[object Array]';}
“The Miller Device” 的妙用不仅仅在于判断数组:
var is = {
types : ["Array","RegExp","Date","Number","String","Object"]
for(var i=0,c;c=is.types[i++];){
is[c] = (function(type){
return function(obj){
return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) == “[object "+type+"]“;
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