# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
from optparse import OptionParser
仅仅是一个关于日志文件的测试,统计处access.log 的ip数目
f = open('/data/proclog/log/squid/access.log')
except IOError,e:
print "can't open the file:%s" %(e)
def log_report(field):
return the field of the access log
if field == "ip":
return [line.split()[2] for line in f]
if field == "url":
return [line.split()[6] for line in f]
def log_count(field):
return a dict of like {field:number}
fields2 = {}
fields = log_report(field)
for field_tmp in fields:
if field_tmp in fields2:
fields2[field_tmp] += 1
fields2[field_tmp] = 1
return fields2
def log_sort(field,number = 10 ,reverse = True):
print the sorted fields to output
for v in sorted(log_count(field).iteritems(),key = lambda x:x[1] , reverse = reverse )[0:int(number)]:
print v[1],v[0]
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser =OptionParser(usage="%prog [-i|-u] [-n num | -r]" ,version = "1.0")
parser.add_option('-n','--number',dest="number",type=int,default=10,help=" print top line of the ouput")
parser.add_option('-i','--ip',dest="ip",action = "store_true",help="print ip information of access log")
parser.add_option('-u','--url',dest="url",action = "store_true",help="print url information of access log")
parser.add_option('-r','--reverse',action = "store_true",dest="reverse",help="reverse output ")
(options,args) = parser.parse_args()
if len(sys.argv)
if options.ip and options.url:
parser.error(' -i and -u can not be execute at the same time ')
if options.ip :
log_sort("ip", options.number , True and options.reverse or False)
if options.url:
log_sort("url", options.number , True and options.reverse or False)