1. 定义类型
function UserObject(parameter) {
parameter 可省略,相当于C#中构造函数参数。
2. 实例化自定义类型
3. 添加属性
function userobject(parameter){
this.secondproperty="This is the second property"
<script> <BR>var myobject=new userobject("hi there.") <BR>//alerts "hi there." <BR>alert(myobject.firstproperty) <BR>//writes "This is the second property" <BR>document.write(myobject.secondproperty) <BR></script>
4.添加方法 (circle类)
//first method function
function computearea(){
var area=this.radius*this.radius*3.14
return area
//second method function
function computediameter(){
var diameter=this.radius*2
return diameter
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