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JavaScipt中的Math.ceil() 、Math.floor() 、Math.round() 三个函数的理解_基础知识

2016-05-16 18:28:111360parcourir

首先还是看看JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition中对三个函数的定义。

Math.ceil(): round a number up

Arguments: Any numeric value or expression

Returns: The closest integer greater than or equal to x.


Math.floor(): round a number down

Arguments: Any numeric value or expression

Returns: The closest integer less than or equal to x.


Math.round(): round to the nearest integer

Arguments: Any number.

Returns: The integer closest to x.




1. Math.ceil()用作向上取整。

2. Math.floor()用作向下取整。

3. Math.round() 我们数学中常用到的四舍五入取整。

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