Maison >développement back-end >C++ >Comment pouvons-nous identifier et délimiter les trous dans un ensemble de points 2D représentant les emplacements des échantillons de sol ?
Recherche de trous dans des ensembles de points 2D
La tâche consiste à trouver les trous dans un ensemble de points 2D dans un système de grille cartésienne. Les points représentent les emplacements des échantillons de sol et les trous peuvent inclure des roches géantes, des endroits marécageux ou des lacs/étangs. L'objectif est de trouver le polygone concave qui définit grossièrement ces zones, en ajustant la sensibilité de l'algorithme pour contrôler la rugosité ou la douceur du polygone.
Approche de la solution
Étapes :
Exemple de mise en œuvre (C#) :
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; public class Holes { // Density map (2D array) private int[][] map; // List of hole segments (lines) private List<Line> segments; // Polygonized holes (concave polygons) private List<Polygon> holes; // Polygonization tolerance (higher value = smoother polygons) private double tolerance; // Initializes the hole detection algorithm. public Holes(int[][] points, int mapSize, double tolerance) { if (points == null || mapSize <= 0 || tolerance <= 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid arguments"); } // Initialize the variables = new int[mapSize][mapSize]; this.tolerance = tolerance; this.segments = new List<Line>(); this.holes = new List<Polygon>(); // Create density map CreateDensityMap(points, mapSize); } // Identifies holes in the density map. public void FindHoles() { if (map == null || map.Length == 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Density map not initialized."); } // Find hole cells List<Cell> holeCells = FindCells(0); // Group hole cells into segments List<List<Line>> lineGroups = GroupLines(holeCells); // Polygonize segments PolygonizeSegments(lineGroups); } // Helper functions for hole detection. private void CreateDensityMap(int[][] points, int mapSize) { // Scale and project points onto a grid for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++) { double scaledX = points[i][0] / points[0][0] * mapSize; double scaledY = points[i][1] / points[0][1] * mapSize; int x = (int)scaledX; int y = (int)scaledY; // Increment count in density map map[x][y]++; } } private List<Cell> FindCells(int threshold) { List<Cell> holeCells = new List<Cell>(); for (int i = 0; i < map.Length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < map[i].Length; j++) { if (map[i][j] == 0 || map[i][j] <= threshold) { holeCells.Add(new Cell(i, j)); } } } return holeCells; } private List<List<Line>> GroupLines(List<Cell> holeCells) { // Group lines by proximity List<List<Line>> lineGroups = new List<List<Line>>(); foreach (Cell holeCell in holeCells) { List<Line> group = null; // Find existing group or create a new one for (int i = 0; i < lineGroups.Count; i++) { if (lineGroups[i].Find(line => line.Proximity(holeCell) <= tolerance) != null) { group = lineGroups[i]; break; } } if (group == null) { group = new List<Line>(); lineGroups.Add(group); } // Add horizontal/vertical lines group.Add(new Line(holeCell.x, holeCell.y, true)); group.Add(new Line(holeCell.x, holeCell.y, false)); } return lineGroups; } private void PolygonizeSegments(List<List<Line>> lineGroups) { foreach (List<Line> lineGroup in lineGroups) { Polygon polygon = PolygonizeSegment(lineGroup); if (polygon != null) { holes.Add(polygon); } } } private Polygon PolygonizeSegment(List<Line> lineSegment) { // Sort lines by angle (convex hull algorithm) lineSegment.Sort((a, b) => a.Angle.CompareTo(b.Angle)); // Remove duplicate lines List<Line> uniqueLines = new List<Line>(); foreach (Line line in lineSegment) { if (uniqueLines.Count == 0 || uniqueLines[uniqueLines.Count - 1].Angle != line.Angle) { uniqueLines.Add(line); } } // Polygonize lines List<Point> points = new List<Point>(); for (int i = 0; i < uniqueLines.Count; i++) { Point point = null; Line currentLine = uniqueLines[i]; if (uniqueLines[(i + 1) % uniqueLines.Count].Angle - currentLine.Angle > Math.PI) { point = currentLine.GetIntersection(uniqueLines[(i + 1) % uniqueLines.Count], true); } else { point = currentLine.GetIntersection(uniqueLines[(i + 1) % uniqueLines.Count], false); } if (point != null) { points.Add(point); } } return new Polygon(points); } // Helper classes for line/polygon representation. private class Line { public int x1, y1, x2, y2; public double angle; public bool isHorizontal; public Line(int x, int y, bool isHorizontal) { if (isHorizontal) { x1 = 0; y1 = y; x2 = map.GetLength(0) - 1; y2 = y; } else { x1 = x; y1 = 0; x2 = x; y2 = map[0].GetLength(0) - 1; } this.angle = Math.Atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1); this.isHorizontal = isHorizontal; } public double Angle { get { return angle; } } public double Proximity(Cell cell) { double distX, distY; if (isHorizontal) { distX = cell.x - x1; distY = cell.y - y1; } else { distX = cell.x - x2; distY = cell.y - y2; } return Math.Sqrt(distX * distX + distY * distY); } public Point GetIntersection(Line other, bool isConvex) { double denominator, numerator, tx, ty; if (isHorizontal) { denominator = (other.y2 - other.y1) - (y2 - y1); numerator = ((other.x2 - other.x1) * (y1 - other.y1)) - ((x2 - x1) * (other.y2 - other.y1)); tx = numerator / denominator; ty = other.y1 + ((tx - other.x1) * (other.y2 - other.y1)) / (other.x2 - other.x1); } else { denominator = (other.x2 - other.x1) - (x2 - x1);
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