Maison >base de données >tutoriel mysql >Comment identifier les colonnes incluses dans les index PostgreSQL ?
Dans PostgreSQL, l'obtention des colonnes qui participent à un index peut être réalisée à l'aide de tables système. Suivez ces étapes :
SELECT t.relname AS table_name, -- Name of the indexed table i.relname AS index_name, -- Name of the index a.attname AS column_name -- Indexed column name FROM pg_class t -- Catalog table for tables JOIN pg_class i ON t.oid = i.indrelid -- Catalog table for indexes JOIN pg_index ix ON i.oid = ix.indexrelid -- Index information JOIN pg_attribute a ON t.oid = a.attrelid AND a.attnum = ANY(ix.indkey) -- Join with table attributes WHERE t.relkind = 'r' -- Restrict to regular tables AND t.relname LIKE 'test%'; -- Filter based on pattern (optional) ORDER BY t.relname, -- Sort by table name i.relname; -- Then sort by index name
Exemple de résultat :
table_name | index_name | column_name ------------+------------+------------- test | pk_test | a test | pk_test | b test2 | uk_test2 | b test2 | uk_test2 | c test3 | uk_test3ab | a test3 | uk_test3ab | b test3 | uk_test3b | b test3 | uk_test3c | c
Pour une analyse plus approfondie, vous pouvez regrouper les noms de colonnes et regrouper les résultats :
SELECT t.relname AS table_name, -- Name of the indexed table i.relname AS index_name, -- Name of the index array_to_string(array_agg(a.attname), ', ') AS column_names -- Concatenate column names FROM pg_class t -- Catalog table for tables JOIN pg_class i ON t.oid = i.indrelid -- Catalog table for indexes JOIN pg_index ix ON i.oid = ix.indexrelid -- Index information JOIN pg_attribute a ON t.oid = a.attrelid AND a.attnum = ANY(ix.indkey) -- Join with table attributes WHERE t.relkind = 'r' -- Restrict to regular tables AND t.relname LIKE 'test%'; -- Filter based on pattern (optional) GROUP BY t.relname, -- Group by table name i.relname -- Then group by index name ORDER BY t.relname, -- Sort by table name i.relname; -- Then sort by index name
Exemple de sortie :
table_name | index_name | column_names ------------+------------+-------------- test | pk_test | a, b test2 | uk_test2 | b, c test3 | uk_test3ab | a, b test3 | uk_test3b | b test3 | uk_test3c | c
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