Maison >développement back-end >Tutoriel Python >ClassiSage : Modèle automatisé de classification des journaux HDFS basé sur AWS SageMaker Terraform IaC
Un modèle d'apprentissage automatique réalisé avec AWS SageMaker et son SDK Python pour la classification des journaux HDFS à l'aide de Terraform pour l'automatisation de la configuration de l'infrastructure.
Lien : GitHub
Langage : HCL (terraform), Python
# Looks for the XGBoost image URI and builds an XGBoost container. Specify the repo_version depending on preference. container = get_image_uri(boto3.Session().region_name, 'xgboost', repo_version='1.0-1')
hyperparameters = { "max_depth":"5", ## Maximum depth of a tree. Higher means more complex models but risk of overfitting. "eta":"0.2", ## Learning rate. Lower values make the learning process slower but more precise. "gamma":"4", ## Minimum loss reduction required to make a further partition on a leaf node. Controls the model’s complexity. "min_child_weight":"6", ## Minimum sum of instance weight (hessian) needed in a child. Higher values prevent overfitting. "subsample":"0.7", ## Fraction of training data used. Reduces overfitting by sampling part of the data. "objective":"binary:logistic", ## Specifies the learning task and corresponding objective. binary:logistic is for binary classification. "num_round":50 ## Number of boosting rounds, essentially how many times the model is trained. } # A SageMaker estimator that calls the xgboost-container estimator = sagemaker.estimator.Estimator(image_uri=container, # Points to the XGBoost container we previously set up. This tells SageMaker which algorithm container to use. hyperparameters=hyperparameters, # Passes the defined hyperparameters to the estimator. These are the settings that guide the training process. role=sagemaker.get_execution_role(), # Specifies the IAM role that SageMaker assumes during the training job. This role allows access to AWS resources like S3. train_instance_count=1, # Sets the number of training instances. Here, it’s using a single instance. train_instance_type='ml.m5.large', # Specifies the type of instance to use for training. ml.m5.2xlarge is a general-purpose instance with a balance of compute, memory, and network resources. train_volume_size=5, # 5GB # Sets the size of the storage volume attached to the training instance, in GB. Here, it’s 5 GB. output_path=output_path, # Defines where the model artifacts and output of the training job will be saved in S3. train_use_spot_instances=True, # Utilizes spot instances for training, which can be significantly cheaper than on-demand instances. Spot instances are spare EC2 capacity offered at a lower price. train_max_run=300, # Specifies the maximum runtime for the training job in seconds. Here, it's 300 seconds (5 minutes). train_max_wait=600) # Sets the maximum time to wait for the job to complete, including the time waiting for spot instances, in seconds. Here, it's 600 seconds (10 minutes).{'train': s3_input_train,'validation': s3_input_test})
xgb_predictor = estimator.deploy(initial_instance_count=1,instance_type='ml.m5.large')
# Looks for the XGBoost image URI and builds an XGBoost container. Specify the repo_version depending on preference. container = get_image_uri(boto3.Session().region_name, 'xgboost', repo_version='1.0-1')
hyperparameters = { "max_depth":"5", ## Maximum depth of a tree. Higher means more complex models but risk of overfitting. "eta":"0.2", ## Learning rate. Lower values make the learning process slower but more precise. "gamma":"4", ## Minimum loss reduction required to make a further partition on a leaf node. Controls the model’s complexity. "min_child_weight":"6", ## Minimum sum of instance weight (hessian) needed in a child. Higher values prevent overfitting. "subsample":"0.7", ## Fraction of training data used. Reduces overfitting by sampling part of the data. "objective":"binary:logistic", ## Specifies the learning task and corresponding objective. binary:logistic is for binary classification. "num_round":50 ## Number of boosting rounds, essentially how many times the model is trained. } # A SageMaker estimator that calls the xgboost-container estimator = sagemaker.estimator.Estimator(image_uri=container, # Points to the XGBoost container we previously set up. This tells SageMaker which algorithm container to use. hyperparameters=hyperparameters, # Passes the defined hyperparameters to the estimator. These are the settings that guide the training process. role=sagemaker.get_execution_role(), # Specifies the IAM role that SageMaker assumes during the training job. This role allows access to AWS resources like S3. train_instance_count=1, # Sets the number of training instances. Here, it’s using a single instance. train_instance_type='ml.m5.large', # Specifies the type of instance to use for training. ml.m5.2xlarge is a general-purpose instance with a balance of compute, memory, and network resources. train_volume_size=5, # 5GB # Sets the size of the storage volume attached to the training instance, in GB. Here, it’s 5 GB. output_path=output_path, # Defines where the model artifacts and output of the training job will be saved in S3. train_use_spot_instances=True, # Utilizes spot instances for training, which can be significantly cheaper than on-demand instances. Spot instances are spare EC2 capacity offered at a lower price. train_max_run=300, # Specifies the maximum runtime for the training job in seconds. Here, it's 300 seconds (5 minutes). train_max_wait=600) # Sets the maximum time to wait for the job to complete, including the time waiting for spot instances, in seconds. Here, it's 600 seconds (10 minutes).
Dans le terminal, tapez/collez terraform init pour initialiser le backend.
Puis tapez/collez terraform Plan pour visualiser le plan ou simplement terraform validez pour vous assurer qu'il n'y a pas d'erreur.
Enfin dans le terminal, tapez/collez terraform apply --auto-approve
Cela affichera deux sorties, l'une sous le nom de bucket_name, l'autre sous le nom de pretrained_ml_instance_name (la 3ème ressource est le nom de variable donné au bucket puisqu'il s'agit de ressources globales).{'train': s3_input_train,'validation': s3_input_test})
et remplacez-le par le chemin où se trouve le répertoire du projet et enregistrez-le.
xgb_predictor = estimator.deploy(initial_instance_count=1,instance_type='ml.m5.large')
pour télécharger l'ensemble de données sur S3 Bucket.
Seau S3 nommé 'data-bucket-' avec 2 objets téléchargés, un ensemble de données et le fichier pretrained_sm.ipynb contenant le code du modèle.
# Looks for the XGBoost image URI and builds an XGBoost container. Specify the repo_version depending on preference. container = get_image_uri(boto3.Session().region_name, 'xgboost', repo_version='1.0-1')
Commande de terminal pour télécharger le pretrained_sm.ipynb de S3 vers l'environnement Jupyter de Notebook
hyperparameters = { "max_depth":"5", ## Maximum depth of a tree. Higher means more complex models but risk of overfitting. "eta":"0.2", ## Learning rate. Lower values make the learning process slower but more precise. "gamma":"4", ## Minimum loss reduction required to make a further partition on a leaf node. Controls the model’s complexity. "min_child_weight":"6", ## Minimum sum of instance weight (hessian) needed in a child. Higher values prevent overfitting. "subsample":"0.7", ## Fraction of training data used. Reduces overfitting by sampling part of the data. "objective":"binary:logistic", ## Specifies the learning task and corresponding objective. binary:logistic is for binary classification. "num_round":50 ## Number of boosting rounds, essentially how many times the model is trained. } # A SageMaker estimator that calls the xgboost-container estimator = sagemaker.estimator.Estimator(image_uri=container, # Points to the XGBoost container we previously set up. This tells SageMaker which algorithm container to use. hyperparameters=hyperparameters, # Passes the defined hyperparameters to the estimator. These are the settings that guide the training process. role=sagemaker.get_execution_role(), # Specifies the IAM role that SageMaker assumes during the training job. This role allows access to AWS resources like S3. train_instance_count=1, # Sets the number of training instances. Here, it’s using a single instance. train_instance_type='ml.m5.large', # Specifies the type of instance to use for training. ml.m5.2xlarge is a general-purpose instance with a balance of compute, memory, and network resources. train_volume_size=5, # 5GB # Sets the size of the storage volume attached to the training instance, in GB. Here, it’s 5 GB. output_path=output_path, # Defines where the model artifacts and output of the training job will be saved in S3. train_use_spot_instances=True, # Utilizes spot instances for training, which can be significantly cheaper than on-demand instances. Spot instances are spare EC2 capacity offered at a lower price. train_max_run=300, # Specifies the maximum runtime for the training job in seconds. Here, it's 300 seconds (5 minutes). train_max_wait=600) # Sets the maximum time to wait for the job to complete, including the time waiting for spot instances, in seconds. Here, it's 600 seconds (10 minutes).
Sortie de l'exécution de la cellule de code{'train': s3_input_train,'validation': s3_input_test})
Exécution de la 8ème cellule
xgb_predictor = estimator.deploy(initial_instance_count=1,instance_type='ml.m5.large')
Exécution de la 23ème cellule
# Looks for the XGBoost image URI and builds an XGBoost container. Specify the repo_version depending on preference. container = get_image_uri(boto3.Session().region_name, 'xgboost', repo_version='1.0-1')
Exécution de la 24ème cellule de code
hyperparameters = { "max_depth":"5", ## Maximum depth of a tree. Higher means more complex models but risk of overfitting. "eta":"0.2", ## Learning rate. Lower values make the learning process slower but more precise. "gamma":"4", ## Minimum loss reduction required to make a further partition on a leaf node. Controls the model’s complexity. "min_child_weight":"6", ## Minimum sum of instance weight (hessian) needed in a child. Higher values prevent overfitting. "subsample":"0.7", ## Fraction of training data used. Reduces overfitting by sampling part of the data. "objective":"binary:logistic", ## Specifies the learning task and corresponding objective. binary:logistic is for binary classification. "num_round":50 ## Number of boosting rounds, essentially how many times the model is trained. } # A SageMaker estimator that calls the xgboost-container estimator = sagemaker.estimator.Estimator(image_uri=container, # Points to the XGBoost container we previously set up. This tells SageMaker which algorithm container to use. hyperparameters=hyperparameters, # Passes the defined hyperparameters to the estimator. These are the settings that guide the training process. role=sagemaker.get_execution_role(), # Specifies the IAM role that SageMaker assumes during the training job. This role allows access to AWS resources like S3. train_instance_count=1, # Sets the number of training instances. Here, it’s using a single instance. train_instance_type='ml.m5.large', # Specifies the type of instance to use for training. ml.m5.2xlarge is a general-purpose instance with a balance of compute, memory, and network resources. train_volume_size=5, # 5GB # Sets the size of the storage volume attached to the training instance, in GB. Here, it’s 5 GB. output_path=output_path, # Defines where the model artifacts and output of the training job will be saved in S3. train_use_spot_instances=True, # Utilizes spot instances for training, which can be significantly cheaper than on-demand instances. Spot instances are spare EC2 capacity offered at a lower price. train_max_run=300, # Specifies the maximum runtime for the training job in seconds. Here, it's 300 seconds (5 minutes). train_max_wait=600) # Sets the maximum time to wait for the job to complete, including the time waiting for spot instances, in seconds. Here, it's 600 seconds (10 minutes).
Observation supplémentaire sur la console :{'train': s3_input_train,'validation': s3_input_test})
# Looks for the XGBoost image URI and builds an XGBoost container. Specify the repo_version depending on preference. container = get_image_uri(boto3.Session().region_name, 'xgboost', repo_version='1.0-1')
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