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Comment empêcher l'avertissement de nouvelle soumission de Firefox pour les soumissions POST ?

Linda Hamilton
Linda Hamiltonoriginal
2024-10-17 19:12:03895parcourir

How to Prevent Firefox Re-submission Warning for POST Submissions?

Ensuring Seamless Back Button Operation for POST Confirmations

When utilizing the POST method to submit data with numerous parameters, the user may encounter a warning in Firefox upon clicking the Back button after a successful submission. Firefox prompts whether to resubmit the form, which can be inconvenient for users, especially when going back is a frequent action.

Solution: Immutable Page After Submission

The solution lies in ensuring that the page becomes immutable after the form submission. This technique, similar to what is employed on the website "", prevents the browser from triggering the re-submission warning.

HTTP Headers for Immutable Response

Technically, this behavior can be achieved by setting the HTTP "Cache-Control" header to "no-cache". This instructs the browser not to cache the POST response, forcing it to perform a GET request when the Back button is clicked, thereby eliminating the warning.

Implementation Using HTTP Headers

In your web application, the code to set the HTTP "Cache-Control" header in response to a POST request may look something like this:

response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");

This will effectively prevent the browser from displaying the re-submission warning and ensure a seamless back button operation after POST submissions. Users will now be able to navigate back without any interruptions, enhancing their overall experience with your application.

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