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Stripping HTML Tags Selectively in PHP
Many programmers encounter scenarios where it's necessary to remove specific HTML tags from a string or keep certain tags while removing the rest. While there are common solutions for removing individual or specific tags, eliminating all tags except for a predefined list can be challenging.
Solution Using the strip_tags Function
PHP's strip_tags function provides a simple yet effective way to strip HTML and PHP tags from a string. It acts as a text-processing tool that can remove all tags by default or selectively remove tags based on provided criteria.
Allowed Tag List Parameter
To retain only specific tags, the strip_tags function accepts an optional second parameter that specifies the tags you want to allow. You can provide a string containing the allowed tags within angle brackets.
The following example demonstrates how to remove all HTML tags except for
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, and
<code class="php">$content = "<p>This is some <b>bold</b> text with <i>italics</i> and <u>underlined</u> words.</p>"; $allowedTags = "<code><p><b><i><u><a><ul><ol><li>"; $strippedContent = strip_tags($content, $allowedTags);</code>
$strippedContent = "This is some bold text with italics and underlined words."
In this example, all HTML tags except the allowed ones are removed, resulting in a string containing only the desired tags and their content. This method allows you to selectively filter tags, making it a versatile solution for various text-processing needs in PHP.
Ce qui précède est le contenu détaillé de. pour plus d'informations, suivez d'autres articles connexes sur le site Web de PHP en chinois!