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Comment supprimer toutes les balises HTML, sauf certaines spécifiques en PHP ?

Susan Sarandon
Susan Sarandonoriginal
2024-10-17 17:34:02477parcourir

How to Strip All HTML Tags Except Specific Ones in PHP?

Removing All HTML Tags Except Permitted Ones in PHP

Users frequently encounter the need to remove specific or all HTML tags from a string. However, a unique scenario arises when only certain tags are to be retained while all others are stripped. In PHP, the built-in strip_tags function provides a solution for this requirement.


The strip_tags function allows you to select specific tags that should be exempted from removal. By passing a string of the permitted tags as the second argument, you can strip all tags except those specified:

<code class="php">$allowed_tags = '&lt;code&gt;&lt;p&gt;';
$content = strip_tags($input, $allowed_tags);</code>

In this code:

  • $input is the original HTML string.
  • $allowed_tags is a string containing the tags that should be kept (e.g., and


  • $content is the resulting string with all tags stripped except for the allowed ones.

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