Maison >développement back-end >tutoriel php >Le remplacement aveugle de mysql_ par mysqli_ est-il une approche prudente ?
Blindly Replacing mysql_ with mysqli_: A Cautious Approach
Despite being deprecated and removed in PHP 5.5 and 7 respectively, mysql_ functions continue to be prevalent in legacy projects. The question arises whether replacing all mysql_ functions with mysqli_ blindly is feasible, considering its equivalent functionality.
The Answer: Not So Fast
While it may seem convenient to automate the replacement process, the answer is a resounding no. The functionalities of mysql_ and mysqli_ are not entirely equivalent. To avoid potential adverse effects, a more meticulous approach is required.
A Conversion Tool to Ease the Transition
While a blind replacement is inadvisable, there's a helpful conversion tool available: the MySQLConverterTool. This tool assists in updating code to support mysqli_ functions, allowing scripts to function immediately after conversion.
Migrating to Object-Oriented Methodology
In addition to updating the syntax, it's recommended to migrate to an object-oriented methodology for database interactions. This approach provides a cleaner and more flexible code base.
Specific Considerations for Update
Remember to apply these principles to other connection and error-handling functions as well. By understanding the subtle differences between mysql_ and mysqli_, and leveraging the available conversion tools, you can successfully update your legacy code without compromising its functionality.
Ce qui précède est le contenu détaillé de. pour plus d'informations, suivez d'autres articles connexes sur le site Web de PHP en chinois!