Maison >interface Web >js tutoriel >Angular LAB : créons une directive de visibilité
In this article I'm going to illustrate how to create a very simple Angular Directive that keeps track of an element's visibility state, or in other words, when it goes in and out of the viewport. I hope this will be a nice and perhaps useful exercise!
In order to do this, we're going to use the IntersectionObserver JavaScript API which is available in modern browsers.
We want to use the Directive like this:
<p visibility [visibilityMonitor]="true" (visibilityChange)="onVisibilityChange($event)" > I'm being observed! Can you see me yet? </p>
The output will be of this shape:
type VisibilityChange = | { isVisible: true; target: HTMLElement; } | { isVisible: false; target: HTMLElement | undefined; };
Having an undefined target will mean that the element has been removed from the DOM (for example, by an @if).
Our directive will simply monitor an element, it will not change the DOM structure: it will be an Attribute Directive.
@Directive({ selector: "[visibility]", standalone: true }) export class VisibilityDirective implements OnInit, OnChanges, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy { private element = inject(ElementRef); /** * Emits after the view is initialized. */ private afterViewInit$ = new Subject<void>(); /** * The IntersectionObserver for this element. */ private observer: IntersectionObserver | undefined; /** * Last known visibility for this element. * Initially, we don't know. */ private isVisible: boolean = undefined; /** * If false, once the element becomes visible there will be one emission and then nothing. * If true, the directive continuously listens to the element and emits whenever it becomes visible or not visible. */ visibilityMonitor = input(false); /** * Notifies the listener when the element has become visible. * If "visibilityMonitor" is true, it continuously notifies the listener when the element goes in/out of view. */ visibilityChange = output<VisibilityChange>(); }
In the code above you see:
And naturally, we inject the ElementRef in order to grab the DOM element on which we apply our directive.
Before writing the main method, let's take care of the lifecycle of the directive.
ngOnInit(): void { this.reconnectObserver(); } ngOnChanges(): void { this.reconnectObserver(); } ngAfterViewInit(): void { this.afterViewInit$.next(); } ngOnDestroy(): void { // Disconnect and if visibilityMonitor is true, notify the listener this.disconnectObserver(); if (this.visibilityMonitor) { this.visibilityChange.emit({ isVisible: false, target: undefined }); } } private reconnectObserver(): void {} private disconnectObserver(): void {}
Now here's what happens:
This is the heart of our directive. Our reconnectObserver method will be the one to start observing! It'll be something like this:
private reconnectObserver(): void { // Disconnect an existing observer this.disconnectObserver(); // Sets up a new observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) => { entries.forEach(entry => { const { isIntersecting: isVisible, target } = entry; const hasChangedVisibility = isVisible !== this.isVisible; const shouldEmit = isVisible || (!isVisible && this.visibilityMonitor); if (hasChangedVisibility && shouldEmit) { this.visibilityChange.emit({ isVisible, target: target as HTMLElement }); this.isVisible = isVisible; } // If visilibilyMonitor is false, once the element is visible we stop. if (isVisible && !this.visibilityMonitor) { observer.disconnect(); } }); }); // Start observing once the view is initialized this.afterViewInit$.subscribe(() => {; }); }
Trust me, it's not as complicated as it seems! Here's the mechanism:
Lastly, let's implement the method which disconnects the observer, easy peasy:
private disconnectObserver(): void { if ( {; = undefined; } }
Here's the full directive. This was just an exercise, so be free to change it to whatever you like!
type VisibilityChange = | { isVisible: true; target: HTMLElement; } | { isVisible: false; target: HTMLElement | undefined; }; @Directive({ selector: "[visibility]", standalone: true }) export class VisibilityDirective implements OnChanges, OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy { private element = inject(ElementRef); /** * Emits after the view is initialized. */ private afterViewInit$ = new Subject(); /** * The IntersectionObserver for this element. */ private observer: IntersectionObserver | undefined; /** * Last known visibility for this element. * Initially, we don't know. */ private isVisible: boolean = undefined; /** * If false, once the element becomes visible there will be one emission and then nothing. * If true, the directive continuously listens to the element and emits whenever it becomes visible or not visible. */ visibilityMonitor = input(false); /** * Notifies the listener when the element has become visible. * If "visibilityMonitor" is true, it continuously notifies the listener when the element goes in/out of view. */ visibilityChange = output (); ngOnInit(): void { this.reconnectObserver(); } ngOnChanges(): void { this.reconnectObserver(); } ngAfterViewInit(): void { this.afterViewInit$.next(true); } ngOnDestroy(): void { // Disconnect and if visibilityMonitor is true, notify the listener this.disconnectObserver(); if (this.visibilityMonitor) { this.visibilityChange.emit({ isVisible: false, target: undefined }); } } private reconnectObserver(): void { // Disconnect an existing observer this.disconnectObserver(); // Sets up a new observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) => { entries.forEach(entry => { const { isIntersecting: isVisible, target } = entry; const hasChangedVisibility = isVisible !== this.isVisible; const shouldEmit = isVisible || (!isVisible && this.visibilityMonitor); if (hasChangedVisibility && shouldEmit) { this.visibilityChange.emit({ isVisible, target: target as HTMLElement }); this.isVisible = isVisible; } // If visilibilyMonitor is false, once the element is visible we stop. if (isVisible && !this.visibilityMonitor) { observer.disconnect(); } }); }); // Start observing once the view is initialized this.afterViewInit$.subscribe(() => {; }); } private disconnectObserver(): void { if ( {; = undefined; } } }
Ce qui précède est le contenu détaillé de. pour plus d'informations, suivez d'autres articles connexes sur le site Web de PHP en chinois!