Maison >interface Web >js tutoriel >Comment Tailwind CSS détecte la dépendance circulaire.
Dans cet article, nous analysons l'erreur générée dans substitutAtApply. Cette erreur concerne la dépendance circulaire détectée.
walk(rule.nodes, (child) => { if (child !== node) return throw new Error( `You cannot \`@apply\` the \`${candidate}\` utility here because it creates a circular dependency.`, ) })
Ceci est un aperçu de haut niveau du code autour de cette erreur.
Commençons par la marche :
export function walk( ast: AstNode[], visit: ( node: AstNode, utils: { parent: AstNode | null replaceWith(newNode: AstNode | AstNode[]): void context: Record<string, string> }, ) => void | WalkAction, parent: AstNode | null = null, context: Record<string, string> = {}, ) { for (let i = 0; i < ast.length; i++) { let node = ast[i] // We want context nodes to be transparent in walks. This means that // whenever we encounter one, we immediately walk through its children and // furthermore we also don't update the parent. if (node.kind === 'context') { walk(node.nodes, visit, parent, { …context, …node.context }) continue } let status = visit(node, { parent, replaceWith(newNode) { ast.splice(i, 1, …(Array.isArray(newNode) ? newNode : [newNode])) // We want to visit the newly replaced node(s), which start at the // current index (i). By decrementing the index here, the next loop // will process this position (containing the replaced node) again. i - }, context, }) ?? WalkAction.Continue // Stop the walk entirely if (status === WalkAction.Stop) return // Skip visiting the children of this node if (status === WalkAction.Skip) continue if (node.kind === 'rule') { walk(node.nodes, visit, node, context) } } }
walk est une fonction récursive située dans ast.ts.
Il s'appelle récursivement lorsque node.kind === 'context' ou lorsque node.kind === 'rule', la condition de rupture est basée sur le statut
// Stop the walk entirely if (status === WalkAction.Stop) return // Skip visiting the children of this node if (status === WalkAction.Skip) continue
Maintenant, faisons un zoom arrière et étudions le code à proximité de la fonction walk dans apply.ts
// Verify that we don't have any circular dependencies by verifying that // the current node does not appear in the new nodes. walk(newNodes, (child) => { if (child !== node) return // At this point we already know that we have a circular dependency. // // Figure out which candidate caused the circular dependency. This will // help to create a useful error message for the end user. for (let candidate of candidates) { let selector = `.${escape(candidate)}` for (let rule of candidateAst) { if (rule.kind !== 'rule') continue if (rule.selector !== selector) continue walk(rule.nodes, (child) => { if (child !== node) return throw new Error( `You cannot \`@apply\` the \`${candidate}\` utility here because it creates a circular dependency.`, ) }) } } })
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