Maison >développement back-end >Tutoriel Python >Introduction à gen_data

Introduction à gen_data

Susan Sarandon
Susan Sarandonoriginal
2024-09-20 06:50:36659parcourir

Introduction to gen_data


gen_data est un outil pratique qui prend en charge la génération d'un fichier de données de test CSV.
Il peut être utilisé pour générer un très gros fichier de données à des fins de test.

usage: gen_data [-h] -r ROWS [-c COLUMNS] [-t TITLES] csvfile

Generate CSV file with specfied number of rows, and column types.

positional arguments:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -r ROWS, --rows ROWS  number of rows
  -c COLUMNS, --columns COLUMNS
                        List of colume type, in this format: "t t t:n ..." Where t is type (number), n is column length.
  -t TITLES, --titles TITLES
                        List of column titles

List of supported types: BOOL=1 INT=2 STRING=3 FLOAT=4 DATE=5 DATETIME=6

Comment configurer ?

# Clone the repo
git clone

# Move to the tool source folder. Then enter below command to setup the tool.
# After this, gen_data will become a script command that you can execute directly.
$ pip install -e .

# Show info of installed script
$ pip show gen_data
Name: gen-data
Version: 0.0.1
Summary: A convinient tool for generating big test data.
Author: Le Vuong Nguyen
License: UNKNOWN
Location: ~/myrepos/gen_data


# Show Help for the command
$ gen_data --help

# Run sample command to generate csv with 5 rows
# and columns of (int, string, string with length of 20, int) and column titles
$ gen_data f1.csv -r 5 -c"1,3,3:20,2" -t"is_active,name,job_desc,score"

# Sample output of above command is f1.csv with below content
$ cat f1.csv 
1,False,Louis Martinez,Really tonight we.,559
2,True,Larry Williams,Moment word camera.,845
3,True,Brandon Williams,Wear your consumer.,677
4,False,Chelsea Zamora,Identify itself let.,384
5,True,Jonathan Collier MD,Offer popular.,502

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