Maison >Tutoriel de jeu mobile >Guide du jeu mobile >Les 12 emplacements de bibelots dans Le casting de Frank Stone
There are 12 trinkets to be found in The Casting of Frank Stone. This guide breaks down how to find all trinkets from each of the fourteen chapters in the game.
Trinkets are collectibles in The Casting of Frank Stone that are generally off the beaten path and well hidden. I recommend taking your time and reading through this guide as you complete each chapter, so you don’t accidentally miss one. Without further ado, here’s how to find all trinkets in The Casting of Frank Stone.
Players can find two trinkets in Chapter 1 of The Casting of Frank Stone. Luckily, they’re not very well hidden. Here’s how to find both.
The first trinket can be found at the start of the game, right when you first gain control of the policeman. Head forward past the truck, and make your way towards the red barrels. On the left, you will find a gap in the wall that you can squeeze through.
In the corner of the room, you will find a small container. Open the container to snag the trinket.
The second trinket in Chapter 1 can be found immediately upon dropping into the grate and reaching the sewers. Once you enter the sewers, turn around and go straight down the hallway. Take the first left, where you’ll find an open brown door on the right-hand side.
Go through this door to find a container at the end of the hallway. Open the container to grab the trinket.
There are no trinkets in Chapter 2 of The Casting of Frank Stone. In other words, no need to waste much time exploring every nook and cranny.
There is one trinket to be found in Chapter 3, when everyone goes into town to get the camera fixed.
The only trinket in Chapter 3 can be found upon entering the Drugstore. From the door, head over to the last aisle on the right to find a container on the bottom shelf about halfway down the aisle next to a stack of toilet paper. Inside the container, you’ll find a trinket.
There are no trinkets in Chapter 4 of The Casting of Frank Stone.
Five trinkets can be found in Chapter 5 of The Casting of Frank Stone. They become available once everyone leaves the garage and parks at the Mill. Unfortunately, two trinkets have to be acquired in different playthroughs as each requires a different choice/action.
The fourth trinket, The Iridescent Head, takes a while to get. There’s a step you need to take early in Chapter 5 in order actually to acquire the trinket later on in the same Chapter. First, you need to get the Casting Shed Key, which can be obtained in the sewers on the way to the Mill when playing as Chris.
When first entering the sewer, continue forward until you find a small opening in the wall that you can climb over.
Continue straight and go through the door to reach a large open room. In the corner of the room, you will find a box with a key inside. This is the Casting Shed Key.
The next step in acquiring the Iridescent trinket occurs after playing as Linda for the first time in the Mill.
Right when you gain control of Chris again, you’ll encounter a large brown door with the words “Casting Shed” above it. Use the Casting Shed Key you found earlier to enter.
Head to the edge of this room to find large shelves that you can interact with and move.
Move these shelves outward until they lock in place. Make sure to move both of them. Now head to the center of the room to find a red dresser that you can interact with.
Move this red dresser and place it under the yellow towel that’s hanging down from the upper floor.
Now climb on top of the red dresser and climb to the top floor. Continue straight, looping around and going through the crevice, until you reach the large shelves you moved earlier. Jump over the large shelves to find the fourth trinket in a container lying on the ground.
After parking at the Mill and watching the short cutscene of the group of friends making it to the creek, Robert will ask which way they should go to reach their location. Make sure you pick “Cross” to get the next trinket.
After crossing the creek, continue forward on the main path until you reach the first building and cross over the plank. You’ll notice a stone platform to your left, which has another plank leading to a standalone platform. The red arrow below shows the location of the trinket.
Cross the second plank to reach the trinket. Make sure not to fall when crossing the plank.
Another trinket can be found by choosing the choice “Climb” when Robert asks which way everyone should go from the creek. Immediately after climbing the fence, you can find the trinket under a tarp on the left-hand side. To reach it, go through a crevice in the rocks.
The next trinket can be found when you first gain control of Linda in Chapter 5. It is located in a locked shed, where you’ll need to use a crowbar in order to open. To find the crowbar head to the southeastern corner, where you’ll find a grate next to the building of a wall. Next to the grate is the crowbar.
After picking up the crowbar, head to the northwestern section of the area to find a shed. The image below shows which shed you should be looking for (the door is open since I already used the crowbar on it).
Use the crowbar on the shed and you’ll find a container with a trinket in the back.
Trinket #8 can be found once the player enters the Mill for the first time as Linda. After entering, follow your friends over the steel pathway until you reach the ground floor. To your right, you will find a small staircase.
Climb these stairs to find a crevice you can squeeze through. On the other side of the crevice you will find a handle that you’ll need in a minute.
Backtrack to where you came from (where you entered the mill) to find a contraption you can interact with and attach the handle you just found.
Rotate the handle to bring a platform closer to you. On the platform is a container containing the Blighted Rat trinket.
There is only one trinket available in Chapter 6 of The Casting of Frank Stone. The good news is that it’s pretty hard to miss.
The ninth trinket, Victor’s Soldier, can be found once the player unlocks the metal door and reaches Augustine’s reliquary. After the short cutscene, head towards the fire pit and pass it to find a trinket container lying on the ground next to a statue.
There is one trinket in Chapter 7 of The Casting of Frank Stone. It becomes available when you gain control of Linda.
The Diamond Cufflinks trinket can be found after completing the battle sequence with Frank Stone and using the forklift. The forklift is on the main path and is impossible to miss.
After riding the forklift to the top, proceed out of the garage and walk across the steel narrow walkway to your right.
On the other side, you’ll find the Diamond Cufflinks next to the small light.
There are no trinkets available in Chapter 8 of The Casting of Frank Stone.
There are no trinkets available in Chapter 9 of The Casting of Frank Stone.
There are no trinkets available in Chapter 10 of The Casting of Frank Stone.
There are no trinkets available in Chapter 11 of The Casting of Frank Stone.
There is one trinket in Chapter 12 and can be easily found at the start of the chapter. Make sure you don’t go through any rooms that tell you to hold the open button, or else you’ll lock yourself out of getting this trinket.
The Sacrificial Knife trinket can be found at the start of Chapter 12 when you gain control of Madison. Go through the hallway and enter the door on the left to enter a bedroom. On the table in front of a bed is a book, open it and turn the page to gain a key.
Next, walk over to the table on the opposite side of the room that has a small container on it, located right next to a statue of a head.
Interact with it use the key on it and turn the key to open a secret doorway. The secret doorway is right next to where you originally found the key in the book.
Continue through the secret door and when you reach the bottom take a left. Do not go through the door on the right or you’ll lock yourself out of this section.
Follow the hallway to find the Sacrificial Knife trinket in a container on a small table.
There are no trinkets available in Chapter 13 of The Casting of Frank Stone.
There is one trinket in the final chapter of The Casting of Frank Stone. It’s easily found at the start of the chapter.
The final trinket, Blacksmith’s Hammer, can be found right when you gain control of Linda in Chapter 14 and after Frank Stone comes out of the projector. After the cutscene, go down the hallway and take the first turn to find the container for the Blacksmith’s Hammer trinket on the small table. It’s a really dark room, so it may be hard to see.
We hope this guide has helped you find all 12 trinkets in The Casting of Frank Stone. Next, take the time to read our Casting of Frank Stone multiplayer guide.
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