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Interface de collecte en Java

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L'interface de collection est l'interface racine de base du Collection Framework et définit les méthodes de base que tous les membres de l'interface de collection doivent utiliser ; le Collection Framework, qui comprend diverses manières de traiter, de manipuler et d'accéder aux données, est basé sur cette interface de collection.

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Interface de collection en Java

L'interface de collection en Java est disponible dans le package java.util.Collection et définit les méthodes de base que tous les membres de la famille de collection doivent implémenter.

Les méthodes suivantes sont définies dans l'interface de collection et doivent être implémentées par tous les frameworks de collection.

Method Name Method Description
boolean add(Object object) This method adds the specified object to the collection calling this method. It returns true if the object was added to the collection otherwise returns false if the object is already a part of the collection or if the collection does not allow duplicates elements.
boolean addAll(Collection collection) This method adds all the elements of the specified collection to the collection calling this method. It returns true if the addition is successful, otherwise, it returns false.
boolean contains(Object object) This method returns true if the specified object is a part of the collection calling this method; otherwise, it returns false.
void clear( ) This method removes all elements from the collection calling this method.
boolean containsAll(Collection collection) This method returns true if the collection calling this method contains all specified collection elements; otherwise, it returns false.
boolean equals(Object object) This method returns true if the collection calling this method and the specified object are equal; otherwise, it returns false.
int hashCode( ) This method returns the hash code for the collection calling this method.
boolean isEmpty( ) This method returns true if the collection calling this method contains no elements; otherwise, it returns false.
Iterator iterator( ) This method returns an iterator for the collection calling this method.
boolean remove(Object object) This method removes the specified object from the collection calling this method. Returns true if the specified object was removed, otherwise returns false.
boolean removeAll(Collection collection) This method removes all elements available in a specified collection from the collection calling this method. Returns true if there is a change in collection calling this method; otherwise, it returns false.
boolean retainAll(Collection collection) This method removes all elements from the collection calling this method except those available in the specified collection. This method returns true if there is a change in collection calling this method; otherwise, it returns false.
int size( ) This method returns the number of elements available in the collection calling this method.
Object[ ] toArray( ) This method returns an array that contains all the elements stored in the collection calling this method. The array elements are, in fact, copies of the elements available in the calling collection.
Object[ ] toArray(Object array[ ]) This method returns an array containing only those collection elements of the calling collection whose type matches the type of elements in the specified array.

Exemples d'interface de collection en Java

Vous trouverez ci-dessous des exemples d'interface de collection en Java :

Exemple n°1

Dans cet exemple, nous montrerons les méthodes d'interface de collection en Java. Nous verrons comment utiliser les méthodes add, addAll et size.

Code :

package com.edubca.nonprimitivedemo;
// import collections
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class DataTypeDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List arraylist1 = new ArrayList();
// Adding elements to arraylist
System.out.println(" ArrayList1 Elements are :");
System.out.println("\t" + arraylist1);
//printing size of arraylist1
System.out.println("Size of ArrayList1 is " +arraylist1.size() );
List arraylist2 = new ArrayList();
// Adding elements to arraylist
System.out.println(" ArrayList2 Elements are :");
System.out.println("\t" + arraylist2);
//printing size of arraylist2
System.out.println("Size of ArrayList1 is " +arraylist2.size() );
// Adding elements of both lists to list1
// Now Printing modified list
System.out.println(" ArrayList1 Elements after merging with ArrayList2 are : ");
System.out.println("\t" + arraylist1);
//printing size of arraylist1
System.out.println("Size of ArrayList1 is " +arraylist1.size() );

Sortie :

Interface de collecte en Java

Exemple n°2

Dans cet exemple, nous verrons quelques méthodes supplémentaires d'interface de collecte.

Code :

package com.edubca.nonprimitivedemo;
// import collections
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
// importing iterator
import java.util.Iterator;
public class DataTypeDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// creating array list of type string
ArrayList<String> arraylist1 = new ArrayList<String>();
System.out.println("Elements of list1 are : " + arraylist1);
ArrayList<String> arraylist2 = new ArrayList<String>();
boolean isequal=arraylist1.equals(arraylist2); // check if both lists are equal
System.out.println("Elements of list2 are : " + arraylist2);
System.out.println ("Are Both Lists equal? " + isequal);
arraylist1.addAll(arraylist2); // merging both lists
// iterating arraylist
Iterator it=arraylist1.iterator();
System.out.println("Iterating Elements of Arraylist:");

Sortie :

Interface de collecte en Java


L'article ci-dessus fournit une compréhension claire de l'interface de collection en Java et des différentes méthodes disponibles dans l'interface de collection. Les exemples de code Java décrits ci-dessus montrent comment les membres de la famille de collections utilisent les méthodes de l'interface de collection.

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