Maison >interface Web >js tutoriel >Système solaire avec Three.js
Salut ! Aujourd'hui, je vais construire un système solaire en utilisant Three.js. Mais avant de commencer, sachez que l'inspiration de cet article est venue du représentant d'un client dont je travaille actuellement sur le projet. Oui, c'est vous, celui qui croit que la Terre est plate.
JavaScript/Node possède le plus grand écosystème de bibliothèques qui couvrent une énorme quantité de fonctionnalités qui simplifient votre développement, je peux donc toujours choisir celle qui convient le mieux à vos besoins. Cependant, si nous parlons de graphiques 3D, il n'y a pas beaucoup d'options intéressantes et three.js est probablement le meilleur de tous et possède la plus grande communauté.
Alors plongeons-nous dans Three.js et construisons le système solaire en l'utilisant. Dans cet article, je couvrirai :
Tout d'abord : pour initialiser le projet, j'utilise Vite et j'installe la dépendance Three.js. Maintenant, la question est de savoir comment configurer Three.js. Pour cela, vous aurez besoin de trois choses : une scène, une caméra et un moteur de rendu. J'utilise également le module complémentaire intégré, OrbitControls, qui me permet de naviguer dans la scène. Après avoir démarré l'application, un écran noir devrait apparaître.
import { Scene, WebGLRenderer, PerspectiveCamera } from "three"; import { OrbitControls } from "three/addons/controls/OrbitControls.js"; const w = window.innerWidth; const h = window.innerHeight; const scene = new Scene(); const camera = new PerspectiveCamera(75, w / h, 0.1, 100); const renderer = new WebGLRenderer(); const controls = new OrbitControls(camera, renderer.domElement); controls.minDistance = 10; controls.maxDistance = 60; camera.position.set(30 * Math.cos(Math.PI / 6), 30 * Math.sin(Math.PI / 6), 40); renderer.setSize(w, h); document.body.appendChild(renderer.domElement); renderer.render(scene, camera); window.addEventListener("resize", () => { const w = window.innerWidth; const h = window.innerHeight; renderer.setSize(w, h); camera.aspect = w / h; camera.updateProjectionMatrix(); }); const animate = () => { requestAnimationFrame(animate); controls.update(); renderer.render(scene, camera); }; animate();
Vous remarquerez peut-être que je limite le zoom via les commandes et que je modifie également l'angle par défaut de la caméra. Cela sera utile pour afficher correctement la scène dans les prochaines étapes.
Il est maintenant temps d'ajouter un simple champ d'étoiles puisque notre système solaire devrait être entouré d'étoiles. Pour simplifier l’explication, imaginez que vous avez une sphère et que vous choisissez 1 000 points aléatoires sur cette sphère. Ensuite, vous créez des étoiles à partir de ces points en leur appliquant une texture d'étoile. Enfin, j'ajoute une animation pour faire tourner tous ces points autour de l'axe y. Avec cela, le champ d'étoiles est prêt à être ajouté à la scène.
import { Group, Color, Points, Vector3, TextureLoader, PointsMaterial, BufferGeometry, AdditiveBlending, Float32BufferAttribute, } from "three"; export class Starfield { group; loader; animate; constructor({ numStars = 1000 } = {}) { this.numStars = numStars; = new Group(); this.loader = new TextureLoader(); this.createStarfield(); this.animate = this.createAnimateFunction(); this.animate(); } createStarfield() { let col; const verts = []; const colors = []; const positions = []; for (let i = 0; i < this.numStars; i += 1) { let p = this.getRandomSpherePoint(); const { pos, hue } = p; positions.push(p); col = new Color().setHSL(hue, 0.2, Math.random()); verts.push(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); colors.push(col.r, col.g, col.b); } const geo = new BufferGeometry(); geo.setAttribute("position", new Float32BufferAttribute(verts, 3)); geo.setAttribute("color", new Float32BufferAttribute(colors, 3)); const mat = new PointsMaterial({ size: 0.2, alphaTest: 0.5, transparent: true, vertexColors: true, blending: AdditiveBlending, map: this.loader.load("/solar-system-threejs/assets/circle.png"), }); const points = new Points(geo, mat);; } getRandomSpherePoint() { const radius = Math.random() * 25 + 25; const u = Math.random(); const v = Math.random(); const theta = 2 * Math.PI * u; const phi = Math.acos(2 * v - 1); let x = radius * Math.sin(phi) * Math.cos(theta); let y = radius * Math.sin(phi) * Math.sin(theta); let z = radius * Math.cos(phi); return { pos: new Vector3(x, y, z), hue: 0.6, minDist: radius, }; } createAnimateFunction() { return () => { requestAnimationFrame(this.animate); += 0.00005; }; } getStarfield() { return; } }
L'ajout du champ d'étoiles est simple, simplement en utilisant la méthode add dans la classe de scène
const starfield = new Starfield().getStarfield(); scene.add(starfield);
En ce qui concerne les textures, vous pouvez retrouver toutes les textures utilisées dans ce projet dans le référentiel, dont le lien est lié à la fin de l'article. La plupart des textures ont été tirées de ce site, à l'exception des textures des anneaux d'étoiles et de planètes.
Pour le soleil, j'ai utilisé la géométrie de l'icosaèdre et y ai mappé une texture. En utilisant le bruit amélioré, j'ai obtenu un effet où le soleil pulse, simulant la façon dont une vraie étoile émet des flux d'énergie dans l'espace. Le soleil n'est pas seulement une figure avec une texture cartographiée ; il doit également s'agir d'une source de lumière dans la scène, j'utilise donc PointLight pour simuler cela.
import { Mesh, Group, Color, Vector3, BackSide, PointLight, TextureLoader, ShaderMaterial, AdditiveBlending, DynamicDrawUsage, MeshBasicMaterial, IcosahedronGeometry, } from "three"; import { ImprovedNoise } from "three/addons/math/ImprovedNoise.js"; export class Sun { group; loader; animate; corona; sunRim; glow; constructor() { this.sunTexture = "/solar-system-threejs/assets/sun-map.jpg"; = new Group(); this.loader = new TextureLoader(); this.createCorona(); this.createRim(); this.addLighting(); this.createGlow(); this.createSun(); this.animate = this.createAnimateFunction(); this.animate(); } createSun() { const map = this.loader.load(this.sunTexture); const sunGeometry = new IcosahedronGeometry(5, 12); const sunMaterial = new MeshBasicMaterial({ map, emissive: new Color(0xffff99), emissiveIntensity: 1.5, }); const sunMesh = new Mesh(sunGeometry, sunMaterial);;;;; = (t) => { = -t / 5; this.corona.userData.update(t); }; } createCorona() { const coronaGeometry = new IcosahedronGeometry(4.9, 12); const coronaMaterial = new MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0xff0000, side: BackSide, }); const coronaMesh = new Mesh(coronaGeometry, coronaMaterial); const coronaNoise = new ImprovedNoise(); let v3 = new Vector3(); let p = new Vector3(); let pos = coronaGeometry.attributes.position; pos.usage = DynamicDrawUsage; const len = pos.count; const update = (t) => { for (let i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { p.fromBufferAttribute(pos, i).normalize(); v3.copy(p).multiplyScalar(5); let ns = coronaNoise.noise( v3.x + Math.cos(t), v3.y + Math.sin(t), v3.z + t ); v3.copy(p) .setLength(5) .addScaledVector(p, ns * 0.4); pos.setXYZ(i, v3.x, v3.y, v3.z); } pos.needsUpdate = true; }; coronaMesh.userData.update = update; this.corona = coronaMesh; } createGlow() { const uniforms = { color1: { value: new Color(0x000000) }, color2: { value: new Color(0xff0000) }, fresnelBias: { value: 0.2 }, fresnelScale: { value: 1.5 }, fresnelPower: { value: 4.0 }, }; const vertexShader = ` uniform float fresnelBias; uniform float fresnelScale; uniform float fresnelPower; varying float vReflectionFactor; void main() { vec4 mvPosition = modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 ); vec4 worldPosition = modelMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 ); vec3 worldNormal = normalize( mat3( modelMatrix[0].xyz, modelMatrix[1].xyz, modelMatrix[2].xyz ) * normal ); vec3 I = - cameraPosition; vReflectionFactor = fresnelBias + fresnelScale * pow( 1.0 + dot( normalize( I ), worldNormal ), fresnelPower ); gl_Position = projectionMatrix * mvPosition; } `; const fragmentShader = ` uniform vec3 color1; uniform vec3 color2; varying float vReflectionFactor; void main() { float f = clamp( vReflectionFactor, 0.0, 1.0 ); gl_FragColor = vec4(mix(color2, color1, vec3(f)), f); } `; const sunGlowMaterial = new ShaderMaterial({ uniforms, vertexShader, fragmentShader, transparent: true, blending: AdditiveBlending, }); const sunGlowGeometry = new IcosahedronGeometry(5, 12); const sunGlowMesh = new Mesh(sunGlowGeometry, sunGlowMaterial); sunGlowMesh.scale.setScalar(1.1); this.glow = sunGlowMesh; } createRim() { const uniforms = { color1: { value: new Color(0xffff99) }, color2: { value: new Color(0x000000) }, fresnelBias: { value: 0.2 }, fresnelScale: { value: 1.5 }, fresnelPower: { value: 4.0 }, }; const vertexShader = ` uniform float fresnelBias; uniform float fresnelScale; uniform float fresnelPower; varying float vReflectionFactor; void main() { vec4 mvPosition = modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 ); vec4 worldPosition = modelMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 ); vec3 worldNormal = normalize( mat3( modelMatrix[0].xyz, modelMatrix[1].xyz, modelMatrix[2].xyz ) * normal ); vec3 I = - cameraPosition; vReflectionFactor = fresnelBias + fresnelScale * pow( 1.0 + dot( normalize( I ), worldNormal ), fresnelPower ); gl_Position = projectionMatrix * mvPosition; } `; const fragmentShader = ` uniform vec3 color1; uniform vec3 color2; varying float vReflectionFactor; void main() { float f = clamp( vReflectionFactor, 0.0, 1.0 ); gl_FragColor = vec4(mix(color2, color1, vec3(f)), f); } `; const sunRimMaterial = new ShaderMaterial({ uniforms, vertexShader, fragmentShader, transparent: true, blending: AdditiveBlending, }); const sunRimGeometry = new IcosahedronGeometry(5, 12); const sunRimMesh = new Mesh(sunRimGeometry, sunRimMaterial); sunRimMesh.scale.setScalar(1.01); this.sunRim = sunRimMesh; } addLighting() { const sunLight = new PointLight(0xffff99, 1000); sunLight.position.set(0, 0, 0);; } createAnimateFunction() { return (t = 0) => { const time = t * 0.00051; requestAnimationFrame(this.animate);; }; } getSun() { return; } }
Toutes les planètes sont construites selon une logique similaire : chaque planète a besoin d'une orbite, d'une texture, d'une vitesse d'orbite et d'une vitesse de rotation. Pour les planètes qui en ont besoin, des anneaux doivent également être ajoutés.
import { Mesh, Color, Group, DoubleSide, RingGeometry, TorusGeometry, TextureLoader, ShaderMaterial, SRGBColorSpace, AdditiveBlending, MeshPhongMaterial, MeshBasicMaterial, IcosahedronGeometry, } from "three"; export class Planet { group; loader; animate; planetGroup; planetGeometry; constructor({ orbitSpeed = 1, orbitRadius = 1, orbitRotationDirection = "clockwise", planetSize = 1, planetAngle = 0, planetRotationSpeed = 1, planetRotationDirection = "clockwise", planetTexture = "/solar-system-threejs/assets/mercury-map.jpg", rimHex = 0x0088ff, facingHex = 0x000000, rings = null, } = {}) { this.orbitSpeed = orbitSpeed; this.orbitRadius = orbitRadius; this.orbitRotationDirection = orbitRotationDirection; this.planetSize = planetSize; this.planetAngle = planetAngle; this.planetTexture = planetTexture; this.planetRotationSpeed = planetRotationSpeed; this.planetRotationDirection = planetRotationDirection; this.rings = rings; = new Group(); this.planetGroup = new Group(); this.loader = new TextureLoader(); this.planetGeometry = new IcosahedronGeometry(this.planetSize, 12); this.createOrbit(); this.createRings(); this.createPlanet(); this.createGlow(rimHex, facingHex); this.animate = this.createAnimateFunction(); this.animate(); } createOrbit() { const orbitGeometry = new TorusGeometry(this.orbitRadius, 0.01, 100); const orbitMaterial = new MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0xadd8e6, side: DoubleSide, }); const orbitMesh = new Mesh(orbitGeometry, orbitMaterial); orbitMesh.rotation.x = Math.PI / 2;; } createPlanet() { const map = this.loader.load(this.planetTexture); const planetMaterial = new MeshPhongMaterial({ map }); = SRGBColorSpace; const planetMesh = new Mesh(this.planetGeometry, planetMaterial); this.planetGroup.add(planetMesh); this.planetGroup.position.x = this.orbitRadius - this.planetSize / 9; this.planetGroup.rotation.z = this.planetAngle;; } createGlow(rimHex, facingHex) { const uniforms = { color1: { value: new Color(rimHex) }, color2: { value: new Color(facingHex) }, fresnelBias: { value: 0.2 }, fresnelScale: { value: 1.5 }, fresnelPower: { value: 4.0 }, }; const vertexShader = ` uniform float fresnelBias; uniform float fresnelScale; uniform float fresnelPower; varying float vReflectionFactor; void main() { vec4 mvPosition = modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 ); vec4 worldPosition = modelMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 ); vec3 worldNormal = normalize( mat3( modelMatrix[0].xyz, modelMatrix[1].xyz, modelMatrix[2].xyz ) * normal ); vec3 I = - cameraPosition; vReflectionFactor = fresnelBias + fresnelScale * pow( 1.0 + dot( normalize( I ), worldNormal ), fresnelPower ); gl_Position = projectionMatrix * mvPosition; } `; const fragmentShader = ` uniform vec3 color1; uniform vec3 color2; varying float vReflectionFactor; void main() { float f = clamp( vReflectionFactor, 0.0, 1.0 ); gl_FragColor = vec4(mix(color2, color1, vec3(f)), f); } `; const planetGlowMaterial = new ShaderMaterial({ uniforms, vertexShader, fragmentShader, transparent: true, blending: AdditiveBlending, }); const planetGlowMesh = new Mesh(this.planetGeometry, planetGlowMaterial); planetGlowMesh.scale.setScalar(1.1); this.planetGroup.add(planetGlowMesh); } createRings() { if (!this.rings) return; const innerRadius = this.planetSize + 0.1; const outerRadius = innerRadius + this.rings.ringsSize; const ringsGeometry = new RingGeometry(innerRadius, outerRadius, 32); const ringsMaterial = new MeshBasicMaterial({ side: DoubleSide, transparent: true, map: this.loader.load(this.rings.ringsTexture), }); const ringMeshs = new Mesh(ringsGeometry, ringsMaterial); ringMeshs.rotation.x = Math.PI / 2; this.planetGroup.add(ringMeshs); } createAnimateFunction() { return () => { requestAnimationFrame(this.animate); this.updateOrbitRotation(); this.updatePlanetRotation(); }; } updateOrbitRotation() { if (this.orbitRotationDirection === "clockwise") { -= this.orbitSpeed; } else if (this.orbitRotationDirection === "counterclockwise") { += this.orbitSpeed; } } updatePlanetRotation() { if (this.planetRotationDirection === "clockwise") { this.planetGroup.rotation.y -= this.planetRotationSpeed; } else if (this.planetRotationDirection === "counterclockwise") { this.planetGroup.rotation.y += this.planetRotationSpeed; } } getPlanet() { return; } }
Pour la Terre, j'étends la classe Planet pour ajouter des textures supplémentaires, telles que des nuages et une texture nocturne pour le côté nocturne de la planète.
import { Mesh, AdditiveBlending, MeshBasicMaterial, MeshStandardMaterial, } from "three"; import { Planet } from "./planet"; export class Earth extends Planet { constructor(props) { super(props); this.createPlanetLights(); this.createPlanetClouds(); } createPlanetLights() { const planetLightsMaterial = new MeshBasicMaterial({ map: this.loader.load("/solar-system-threejs/assets/earth-map-2.jpg"), blending: AdditiveBlending, }); const planetLightsMesh = new Mesh( this.planetGeometry, planetLightsMaterial ); this.planetGroup.add(planetLightsMesh);; } createPlanetClouds() { const planetCloudsMaterial = new MeshStandardMaterial({ map: this.loader.load("/solar-system-threejs/assets/earth-map-3.jpg"), transparent: true, opacity: 0.8, blending: AdditiveBlending, alphaMap: this.loader.load( "/solar-system-threejs/assets/earth-map-4.jpg" ), }); const planetCloudsMesh = new Mesh( this.planetGeometry, planetCloudsMaterial ); planetCloudsMesh.scale.setScalar(1.003); this.planetGroup.add(planetCloudsMesh);; } }
En cherchant sur Google pendant environ cinq minutes, vous tomberez sur un tableau avec toutes les valeurs nécessaires pour ajouter des planètes à la scène.
Planet | Size (diameter) | Rotation speed | Rotation direction | Orbit speed |
Mercury | 4,880 km | 10.83 km/h | Counterclockwise | 47.87 km/s |
Venus | 12,104 km | 6.52 km/h | Clockwise | 35.02 km/s |
Earth | 12,742 km | 1674.4 km/h | Counterclockwise | 29.78 km/s |
Mars | 6,779 km | 866.5 km/h | Counterclockwise | 24.07 km/s |
Jupiter | 142,984 km | 45,300 km/h | Counterclockwise | 13.07 km/s |
Saturn | 120,536 km | 35,500 km/h | Counterclockwise | 9.69 km/s |
Uranus | 51,118 km | 9,320 km/h | Clockwise | 6.81 km/s |
Neptune | 49,528 km | 9,720 km/h | Counterclockwise | 5.43 km/s |
Now, all the planets and the sun can be added to the scene.
const planets = [ { orbitSpeed: 0.00048, orbitRadius: 10, orbitRotationDirection: "clockwise", planetSize: 0.2, planetRotationSpeed: 0.005, planetRotationDirection: "counterclockwise", planetTexture: "/solar-system-threejs/assets/mercury-map.jpg", rimHex: 0xf9cf9f, }, { orbitSpeed: 0.00035, orbitRadius: 13, orbitRotationDirection: "clockwise", planetSize: 0.5, planetRotationSpeed: 0.0005, planetRotationDirection: "clockwise", planetTexture: "/solar-system-threejs/assets/venus-map.jpg", rimHex: 0xb66f1f, }, { orbitSpeed: 0.00024, orbitRadius: 19, orbitRotationDirection: "clockwise", planetSize: 0.3, planetRotationSpeed: 0.01, planetRotationDirection: "counterclockwise", planetTexture: "/solar-system-threejs/assets/mars-map.jpg", rimHex: 0xbc6434, }, { orbitSpeed: 0.00013, orbitRadius: 22, orbitRotationDirection: "clockwise", planetSize: 1, planetRotationSpeed: 0.06, planetRotationDirection: "counterclockwise", planetTexture: "/solar-system-threejs/assets/jupiter-map.jpg", rimHex: 0xf3d6b6, }, { orbitSpeed: 0.0001, orbitRadius: 25, orbitRotationDirection: "clockwise", planetSize: 0.8, planetRotationSpeed: 0.05, planetRotationDirection: "counterclockwise", planetTexture: "/solar-system-threejs/assets/saturn-map.jpg", rimHex: 0xd6b892, rings: { ringsSize: 0.5, ringsTexture: "/solar-system-threejs/assets/saturn-rings.jpg", }, }, { orbitSpeed: 0.00007, orbitRadius: 28, orbitRotationDirection: "clockwise", planetSize: 0.5, planetRotationSpeed: 0.02, planetRotationDirection: "clockwise", planetTexture: "/solar-system-threejs/assets/uranus-map.jpg", rimHex: 0x9ab6c2, rings: { ringsSize: 0.4, ringsTexture: "/solar-system-threejs/assets/uranus-rings.jpg", }, }, { orbitSpeed: 0.000054, orbitRadius: 31, orbitRotationDirection: "clockwise", planetSize: 0.5, planetRotationSpeed: 0.02, planetRotationDirection: "counterclockwise", planetTexture: "/solar-system-threejs/assets/neptune-map.jpg", rimHex: 0x5c7ed7, }, ]; planets.forEach((item) => { const planet = new Planet(item).getPlanet(); scene.add(planet); }); const earth = new Earth({ orbitSpeed: 0.00029, orbitRadius: 16, orbitRotationDirection: "clockwise", planetSize: 0.5, planetAngle: (-23.4 * Math.PI) / 180, planetRotationSpeed: 0.01, planetRotationDirection: "counterclockwise", planetTexture: "/solar-system-threejs/assets/earth-map-1.jpg", }).getPlanet(); scene.add(earth);
In result all solar system will look sth like:
For deploying to set the correct base in vite.config.js.
If you are deploying to https://
If you are deploying to https://
Go to your GitHub Pages configuration in the repository settings page and choose the source of deployment as "GitHub Actions", this will lead you to create a workflow that builds and deploys your project, a sample workflow that installs dependencies and builds using npm is provided:
# Simple workflow for deploying static content to GitHub Pages name: Deploy static content to Pages on: # Runs on pushes targeting the default branch push: branches: ['main'] # Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab workflow_dispatch: # Sets the GITHUB_TOKEN permissions to allow deployment to GitHub Pages permissions: contents: read pages: write id-token: write # Allow one concurrent deployment concurrency: group: 'pages' cancel-in-progress: true jobs: # Single deploy job since we're just deploying deploy: environment: name: github-pages url: ${{ steps.deployment.outputs.page_url }} runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Set up Node uses: actions/setup-node@v4 with: node-version: 20 cache: 'npm' - name: Install dependencies run: npm ci - name: Build run: npm run build - name: Setup Pages uses: actions/configure-pages@v4 - name: Upload artifact uses: actions/upload-pages-artifact@v3 with: # Upload dist folder path: './dist' - name: Deploy to GitHub Pages id: deployment uses: actions/deploy-pages@v4
That is it. If your deployment has not started automatically you can always start it manually in Actions tab in your repo. Link with deployed project can be found below.
That’s it for today! You can find the link to the entire project below. I hope you found this entertaining and don’t still believe the Earth is flat.
See ya!
Repository link
Deployment link
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