Maison >développement back-end >Tutoriel Python >Gestion des erreurs et journalisation en Python
L'écriture de logiciels est une activité loin d'être parfaite. De l’idéation à la production, des erreurs peuvent apparaître et, dans certains cas, des échecs peuvent survenir délibérément. C'est pourquoi comprendre la gestion des erreurs et la journalisation dans votre langage de programmation principal est une compétence essentielle à maîtriser.
Des erreurs peuvent survenir et des situations peuvent survenir, mais la façon dont vous réagissez, avec une préparation et des informations sur l'erreur, vous sortira de la situation le plus rapidement possible.
Dans cet article, nous découvrirons la gestion des erreurs et la journalisation en Python. Nous explorerons principalement les exceptions et comment utiliser le package de journalisation de Python pour écrire différents types de journaux.
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Comme dans de nombreux autres langages de programmation, Python a la capacité de déclencher des exceptions lorsque des erreurs se produisent. En programmation, une exception est un événement qui se produit lors de l'exécution d'un programme, perturbant le flux normal des instructions.
En Python, les exceptions sont des erreurs détectées lors de l'exécution. Lorsqu'une exception se produit, Python arrête d'exécuter le code et recherche un bloc de code spécial (un bloc try/sauf) pour gérer l'erreur.
Voici quelques exceptions courantes qui peuvent survenir dans un programme Python :
ZeroDivisionError : se produit lorsque vous tentez de diviser un nombre par zéro.
FileNotFoundError : se produit lorsque vous essayez d'ouvrir un fichier qui n'existe pas.
ValueError : se produit lors de la tentative de conversion d'une chaîne en entier lorsque la chaîne ne représente pas un nombre.
IndexError : Se produit lors de la tentative de récupération d'un élément d'une liste avec un index inexistant.
Il existe de nombreuses autres exceptions, et Python vous donne la possibilité de créer vos propres exceptions si vous avez besoin d'un comportement personnalisé. C'est une fonctionnalité que nous explorerons plus loin dans l'article.
Pour gérer les exceptions Python, vous devez les intercepter. La capture des exceptions nécessite une syntaxe simple appelée try/sauf. Explorons cela.
Le bloc try/sauf est utilisé pour gérer les exceptions. Le code susceptible de déclencher une exception est placé dans le bloc try, et si une exception se produit, le bloc except est exécuté. Voici la syntaxe de try/sauf dans un bloc de code :
try: # Code that might raise an exception pass except ExceptionType as e: # Code to handle the exception pass
Le code qui pourrait potentiellement échouer est placé dans le bloc try. Si un problème survient, l’exécution du programme entrera dans le bloc except.
Voici un organigramme qui illustre le fonctionnement de try/sauf :
Voyons comment nous pouvons gérer une division par zéro avec cette approche :
# Handling division by zero try: result = 10 / 0 except ZeroDivisionError: print("Error: Cannot divide by zero.") # The code will continue its execution
Il existe également des blocs supplémentaires dans la syntaxe try/sauf, comme else et enfin :
try: # Code that might raise an exception pass except ExceptionType as e: # Code to handle the exception pass else: # Code to run if no exception is raised pass finally: # Code that always runs, regardless of whether an exception was raised or not pass
Ces blocs sont facultatifs mais servent à des fins spécifiques :
else Block (Facultatif) : contient du code qui s'exécute si aucune exception n'est générée dans le bloc try. C'est utile pour le code qui ne doit s'exécuter que lorsque le bloc try réussit.
finally Block (Facultatif) : contient du code qui s'exécute toujours, qu'une exception ait été déclenchée ou non. Ceci est généralement utilisé pour des actions de nettoyage, telles que la fermeture de fichiers ou la libération de ressources.
Voici un exemple où l'on gère la fermeture d'un fichier en final en cas d'erreur :
try: # Open the file file = open('example.txt', 'r') # Read from the file content = # Print file content (this will only execute if no exceptions are raised) print(content) except FileNotFoundError as e: # Handle the specific exception print(f"Error: {e}") except Exception as e: # Handle any other exceptions print(f"An unexpected error occurred: {e}") else: # Code that runs if no exception was raised in the try block print("File read successfully.") finally: # Ensure the file is closed, regardless of whether an exception was raised try: file.close() print("File closed.") except: # Handle the case where file was never opened (e.g., if open() failed) print("File was not opened or already closed.")
Avertissement : L'exemple ci-dessus montre la gestion des fichiers à l'aide de try/sauf/finally pour garantir que le fichier est correctement fermé même si une erreur se produit. Cependant, cette approche n’est pas idéale pour les opérations quotidiennes sur les fichiers. En pratique, il est recommandé d'utiliser l'instruction with pour la gestion des fichiers en Python. L'instruction with gère automatiquement l'ouverture et la fermeture du fichier, garantissant que le fichier est correctement fermé une fois sa suite terminée, même si une exception se produit.
C'est ainsi que fonctionne le try/sauf. Maintenant, il pourrait y avoir une certaine confusion avec if/else. Quand devez-vous utiliser try/sauf et quand devez-vous utiliser if/else ?
Quelle est la différence entre try/sauf et if/else ? Utilisez if/else lorsque vous souhaitez vérifier les conditions que vous pouvez prédire et gérer avant qu'elles ne provoquent des erreurs, et utilisez try/sauf pour détecter et gérer les exceptions qui se produisent lors de l'exécution du code, en particulier pour les erreurs que vous ne pouvez pas facilement anticiper.
Dans le cas ci-dessous, if/else ne fonctionnera pas correctement :
filename = 'non_existent_file.txt' if filename: # This only checks if filename is not empty, not if the file exists # The following line will raise an exception if the file doesn't exist content = open(filename, 'r').read() # This will crash if the file does not exist if content: print("File content exists:") print(content) else: print("File is empty.") else: print("Filename is invalid.")
Voici une meilleure solution avec try/sauf :
filename = 'non_existent_file.txt' try: content = open(filename, 'r').read() if content: print("File content exists:") print(content) else: print("File is empty.") except FileNotFoundError: print("Error: File not found.")
In the solution above, the code attempts to open and read a file, checking if its content exists and printing it if present. If the file does not exist, it catches the FileNotFoundError and prints an error message, preventing the program from crashing.
As mentioned earlier in the article, Python allows for custom exceptions. Let’s learn more about it.
In Python, you can define your own exceptions to handle specific error conditions in a more granular way. Custom exceptions are particularly useful in complex applications, such as fintech, where you may need to enforce business rules or handle specific error cases uniquely.
For example, in a fintech application, you might have a scenario where a wallet’s balance is checked against certain criteria. You may want to raise an exception if a wallet’s balance is not sufficient or does not conform to specific rules. Here’s how you can create and use a custom exception for this purpose:
# Define a custom exception class WalletBalanceError(Exception): def __init__(self, message): self.message = message super().__init__(self.message) # Function that checks wallet balance def check_wallet_balance(wallet_balance, required_balance): if wallet_balance < required_balance: # Raise the custom exception with a specific message raise WalletBalanceError(f"Insufficient balance: Wallet balance of {wallet_balance} is less than the required {required_balance}.") # Example usage try: # Example wallet balance and required balance wallet_balance = 50 required_balance = 100 # Check if the wallet balance is sufficient check_wallet_balance(wallet_balance, required_balance) except WalletBalanceError as e: # Handle the custom exception print(f"Error: {e}")
In this example, we define a custom exception WalletBalanceError to handle cases where a wallet’s balance does not meet the required criteria. The check_wallet_balance function raises this exception if the wallet’s balance is insufficient, providing a clear and specific error message.
Custom exceptions in Python help make the code more readable and maintainable by clearly defining specific error conditions and handling them in a structured manner.
Now that we know how to handle errors in Python, it’s time to understand what to do when these errors occur. There are many strategies, but keeping a log of these errors can help identify issues later and correct them. In the next section of this article, we will explore logging.
Logging helps developers track errors, events, or any runtime information in an application or program. Logging is an important and crucial aspect of software engineering as it has the ability to record everything that goes right or wrong in a post-development application. Logging is one of the most important pillars of monitoring.
Python provides a built-in module that can be used for logging
purposes. To use this module, the first thing to do is to import it.
import logging
Then, configure the logger using the basicConfig method. You need to pass parameters to it, such as the log level, the format of the message, and the output file to save the log.
import logging # Set up the basic configuration for logging logging.basicConfig(filename='app.log', level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') # Log messages of various severity levels logging.debug('This is a debug message')'This is an info message') logging.warning('This is a warning message') logging.error('This is an error message') logging.critical('This is a critical message')
In the example above, logs will be written to a file called app.log. The log message format includes the timestamp, logger name, log level, and the actual message.
Python logging has different log levels that indicate the severity of an event or message. These log levels allow you to categorize and filter messages based on their importance. Here’s a breakdown of the common log levels in Python:
DEBUG: Detailed information, typically of interest only when diagnosing problems. Used for debugging purposes during development.
INFO: Confirmation that things are working as expected. This is the level you would use for normal operations and informational messages.
WARNING: An indication that something unexpected happened, or indicative of some problem in the near future (e.g., "disk space low"). The software is still working as expected.
ERROR: Due to a more serious problem, the software has not been able to perform some function. An error indicates a significant issue that needs attention.
CRITICAL: A very serious error, indicating that the program itself may be unable to continue running. Critical errors often represent severe problems that require immediate action.
The logging module allows you to control which messages are recorded by setting the logging level. Only messages that are equal to or more severe than the set level will be logged. The default level is WARNING, meaning only WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL messages are logged unless you change the logging configuration.
In the code example above, we set the logging level to DEBUG, which means all log messages (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL) will be recorded in the app.log file.
You can also create custom loggers, which give you more control over how messages are logged. Custom loggers allow you to set up multiple loggers with different configurations, such as different log levels, formats, or output destinations. This is particularly useful in larger applications where you need to separate logs for different modules or components.
Here’s how you can create and use a custom logger:
import logging # Create a custom logger logger = logging.getLogger('my_custom_logger') # Set the log level for the custom logger logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Create a file handler to write logs to a file file_handler = logging.FileHandler('custom.log') # Create a console handler to output logs to the console console_handler = logging.StreamHandler() # Set log levels for the handlers file_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Create a formatter for log messages formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') # Add the formatter to the handlers file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) console_handler.setFormatter(formatter) # Add the handlers to the logger logger.addHandler(file_handler) logger.addHandler(console_handler) # Log messages using the custom logger logger.debug('This is a debug message')'This is an info message') logger.warning('This is a warning message') logger.error('This is an error message') logger.critical('This is a critical message')
In this example, we create a custom logger named my_custom_logger. This logger writes ERROR and more severe messages to a file called custom.log, while DEBUG and more severe messages are output to the console. By customizing the loggers, you can tailor the logging behavior to fit the specific needs of your application.
In a web application, logging plays a critical role in monitoring and maintaining the system’s health. For example, in a Flask web application, you might use logging to track incoming requests, errors, and performance metrics.
Here’s a basic example of how you can use logging in a Flask application:
from flask import Flask, request import logging app = Flask(__name__) # Set up the basic configuration for logging logging.basicConfig(filename='webapp.log', level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') @app.route('/') def index():'Index page accessed') return 'Welcome to the Flask Web Application!' @app.route('/error') def error(): app.logger.error('Error page accessed') raise ValueError('This is a simulated error') if __name__ == '__main__':
In this Flask application, we configure logging to write logs to a file named webapp.log. Each time the index page is accessed, an informational log message is recorded. If the error page is accessed, an error log message is recorded, and a simulated error is raised.
By implementing logging in your web application, you can gain insights into user activity, system errors, and performance issues. This information is invaluable for debugging, troubleshooting, and optimizing the application.
Error handling and logging are essential aspects of software development, ensuring that applications run smoothly and that any issues are quickly identified and resolved.
In this article, we explored exceptions in Python, including how to handle them using try/except, and the importance of logging for tracking errors and events. We also discussed how to create custom exceptions and custom loggers to suit specific application needs.
By mastering error handling and logging, you’ll be better equipped to build robust and maintainable software that can gracefully handle unexpected situations and provide valuable insights into its operation.
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