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SQL 分页

2016-06-07 17:44:551051parcourir

分页 select * from ( select *, Row_NUMBER () over ( order by 列名) as num from 表) as t where num between 1 and 5 order by time desc 存储过程 create proc usp_GetPage @pageIndex int , --页码 @pageSize int , --页容量 @pageCo unt int output -


select * from

  (select *, Row_NUMBER() over(order by 列名) as num from 表) as t

where num between 1 and 5

order by time desc


create proc usp_GetPage

  @pageIndex int,      --页码

  @pageSize int,       --页容量 

  @pageCount int output        --共多少页



  select @n=COUNT(*) from 表

  set @pageCount =ceiling(@n*1.0/@pageSize )

select * from 

  (select *, ROW_NUMbER() over(order by 列名)as num from 表) as t

where num between(@pageIndex -1)*@pageCount +1 and @pageIndex *@pageSize 

order by


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